Notifications have been updated to allow subscription to new and updated content.
To receive notifications of new and updated content (e.g. translations), subscribe to a content type:
- Make sure you're logged in. (If you don't have an account on this site, register for an account to use this feature!)
- Click on "My Account" in the top-right corner of the page.
- On your account page, click on the "Subscriptions" tab.
- On the Subscriptions page, click on "Content types".
The "Content types" page allows you to select the type of content you wish to subscribe to.
For example, to be notified of new translation content check both "Translation" and "Book page. (The "Translation" content type is used for stand-alone translations, such as doujinshi scanlations, while the "Book page" content type is used for multi-page translations, such as novels.)
A second method allows you to subscribe to a single content type or to any given page:
- Make sure you're logged in. (If you don't have an account on this site, register for an account to use this feature!)
- Go to the page you want to subscribe to.
- Find the "Subscribe" link at the bottom of the page and click on it.
- You should now see two subscription options. If you want to receive notifications about that page only (for example, if someone leaves a comment), check the "Subscribe to this page" option. If you want to receive notifications for all new and updated content for that content type, check the "To [this type] content" option.
Remember that you can pause subscriptions or cancel subscriptions at any time from the My Account > Subscriptions screen.