Afterwords: your opinion

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Afterwords: your opinion

After posting summaries of Kuwabara-sensei's afterwords for several volumes, I wanted to get your opinion:

- First of all, are they interesting? Should I keep doing them?

- I've been leaving out promotional sections, like "I'm so excited to announce the release of the second image album...", etc. I figure that 1) these all happened long ago, 2) most people overseas will never be able to get them anyway and 3) if you want a list of promotional items, a reference page like Wikipedia would be more useful. Is anyone interested in these announcements? If so, I'm curious to know why? Note that these don't contain any deeper information, just "happy/excited/XYZ (voice actors, illustrators) are the best, etc.".

- I've also been leaving out most of the shout-outs, like "Thank you to XYZ for hosting me during the Yonezawa Festival" because they're so narrowly focused (i.e. not interesting to me). Would they be interesting to you? I'm also curious to know why?

- And finally, is there anything that you find especially interesting/fun/worthwhile about these, that you'd like me to summarize in greater detail (if available)?

My late reply

Late reply here: honestly, I don't recall reading a lot of Kuwabara-sensei's afterwords, but my general sense of the genre is that I enjoy them but could, indeed, do without the promo and shout-outs. I think you are taking a good approach.

Given the apparent lack of

Given the apparent lack of interest, I don't think I'll continue with the afterwords.

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