takaya sleeps very comfortably in his bed, while the eyes of his faithful servant "fuuma kotaro" are alert to any danger.Oh! but Kotaro also wants to sleep well with his lord and lies next to his bed.But danger stalks Kotaro!
Naoe suddenly appears and looks at Kotaro!
At the noise, Takaya wakes up and looks confused at both servants. His anger rises and he throws them both out into the street.No good interrupting a warlord's sleep!
Kotaro is still looking after his lord's house, while Naoe throws apples at him screaming her sorrows.
But it's not good to have an umbrella in the middle of Tromenta, Naoe !!-
------------------------------Hope you like it, now I'm trying to distract myself with everything MoB related !!

This is so adorable T_____T
Agreed. Thanks for posting this. It is both a cute story and very well drawn.