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Chig's picture
Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

I had seen these forums before, but I'm a little reticient about joining fandoms, since I am very low-tension. However, I love Mirage a lot and I have no one to share this love with... Seems like there hasn't been a lot of recent posts but I would be happy if I could make any friends who also love Mirage!

I watched the anime around 2013 and thought "oh I really love all the elements in this story - master/retainer romance, ghosts and monsters, and history!" So I thought I would try to read the novels. I am reading them verrry slowly in Japanese and am currently around the end of volume 10. My favourite story so far was Hasha no Makyou (vol 6-8).

I don't have a lot of free time, but I do speak/read Japanese very well (N1 level) and would be very happy to help translate small things if people wanted - doujinshis or side stories?

Anyway if there is anyone around I would love to talk Mirage! (' v')/

I'm also on tumblr (though I don't post a lot). It's a lot of mixed stuff, but I do have some pictures from my mirage tours and some fanart I drew, if anyone is interested. (Link:


Also, I saw some discussion in another thread but I am very interested in making a discord channel for fan discussion and linking to/posting fanart, fic, anything. Is anyone interested? I could try to start one.


Hello and welcome! Mirage fans are often fans for life, so certainly we're glad to see you here! It's just, as stated, whether there's something for us to Stan over. ^_^ thankfully there's very little drama in this fandom, and I can't remember there ever being much even when there was more going on, so you're in the right place if you're low tension and low drama.

If you want to talk Mirage, I'd love it too. I'd love to hear new opinions on the stories. <3

Welcome again!

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Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Chig's picture
Thank you for replying and

Thank you for replying and being so friendly! Is there a good thread to engage with people generally about mirage? Like favourite stories or what it's like being in so tiny a fandom etc, maybe a free chat area? I see a lot of interesting threads but they're all very specific.


Hi Chig! Welcome to this very quiet but very friendly Mirage forum. I envy you that you can read it in Japanese. I want to get enough Japanese to do so but never have the time! I've only taken one year and am now very rusty. Mirage fandom is, indeed, very friendly; it's just a bit dead--or at least as far as I've been able to find it. I think Mirage fans are currently scattered all over and do their own blogs, a bit of Tumblr, some chat stuff, no real LiveJournal or Dreamwidth anymore (which is where I am fan blog-wise). This forum has had moments of amazing community, but it needs to be sparked by something. A couple of years ago, it was the stage plays, which I heartily recommend if you haven't seen them. They're on DVD. I believe Imperfekti does Discord and might be interested in chat there.

I totally hear you about having no one to share the Mirage love with. Since the LJ community died, there hasn't been a centralized Mirage fandom place. For what it's worth, I recently broadened out the community guidelines on Mirage-Trans (on Dreamwidth) to allow for general fan discussion, not just translations and summaries, but no one has stopped by to avail themselves of that.

I wonder a little if maybe an old-fashioned mailing list might be a good thing. That was my first experience of online fandom, and it might be a good way to collect scattered fans again. Just a thought. I know Petronia, who used to be huge in Mirage fandom but has left, has recently started a mini-newsletter for fandom and life updates that looks quite nice.

Well, that's what I've got for now. I'd love to discuss Mirage with you! I'm technically on Tumblr but don't like it or use it. I'm here, though, and Dreamwidth/LiveJournal, would be glad to share my email. Thanks for introducing yourself!

Chig's picture
I can't tell you how thrilled

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to get two replies in only a day!! I jumped up and down a little.

I have considered buying the stage plays from amazon jp, and I may cave soon. I just wish they sent sturdier boxes! When I was buying the Mirage Shouwa-hen books they would always get put on the top of my order (because the smallest book goes on top) and DHS would bash the box until it opened up, revealing all my secret hobbies to the postman.

I am not sure how mailing lists work, but I would be interested in that if you think it might get people together.

I hope it's okay to reply in introductions. It's been a long time since I used forums so I may have reverted to newbie status...

Sankia's picture
Hi !

Welcome Chig!

I will be happy to discuss Mirage of blaze with you! :)I am currently not very active on the forum but I keep watching from time to time if there is new message posted and I still read (and reread) the fanfics on MOB.

 I'm looking forward to sharing with you in the future!  (≧ ∇ ≦) /

Chig's picture
Yay!! Thank you for the warm

Yay!! Thank you for the warm welcome ( ; v ;)/

Maybe we could set up a chat?

Maybe we could set up a chat? You and me and Sankia and labingi and anyone else who would like to join? There's always apps too, like Messenger or What'sAp. 

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Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Chig's picture
I would definitely be in!! I

I would definitely be in!! I kept meaning to post that my DVDs came in on Monday, but I was so busy not only did I not do that but I've only managed to watch the first one.... But I would love to join the chat anyway! I am planning to watch the rest as soon as I can... I only have discord and line installed, but I would install a new app to chat if necessary. How should we set it up?

Line isn't a bad idea--does

Line isn't a bad idea--does anyone else have Line? 

EDIT: I understand, labingi. I'll have to look into chatrooms too...

* * *

Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Mailing List?

Would anyone, in fact, be interested in an old-fashioned mailing list, the kind anyone of the list can contribute to? This being Mirage, I don't imagine it would be very high traffic, but it would push out new contributions to fans without our having to already be subscribed to a particular thread. Or I wonder if there's an option on this forum for getting an email alert whenever there's a new post, since there are so few...?

Chig, as to the stage plays, I think they're worth getting, and I like to support the effort by buying them (even though they're over now). I got them through CD Japan; they're not cheap, but I'm willing to put some money down on Mirage. :-) I keep meaning to post about the 5th one but haven't had a chance. Also, if you're not aware, Quaint-Twilight has been subbing them in her spare minutes.

Chig's picture
Thank you for suggesting the

Thank you for suggesting the plays! I had been holding out for a while because of the expense. However when I looked just now I saw that they are getting more difficult to obtain, so I went ahead and took the plunge. The scary thing is that I think they are cheap for stage play DVDs, even though they still seem so expensive! I ended up ordering through a proxy service from Trifle Entertainment, which is the only place I could find that had them all. Can't wait to give them a watch! :>

Hi Chig! 

Hi Chig! 

I look forward to hearing what you thought of the DVDs. Can I ask which proxy service you used, and if it was a good experience? I still don't have all of them and like you said, I need to get them if I want to get them at all, I think.

* * *

Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Chig's picture
Yes, no problem! I used White

Yes, no problem! I used White Rabbit Express as the proxy service. I have used them once before and my items got to me very quickly and were well packaged. It's meant for people who also can't navigate the site in Japanese so they ask you to describe the item, and charge a service fee. You have to okay a certain amount of money for the transaction and to account for shipping before they will purchase, and sometimes they overestimate a litte bit. The only time I ordered they did overestimate the fee but they refunded me quickly. They also respond to questions very quickly, usually within a day.

This time around, they purchased the items the same day I put in my request and I am just waiting for the DVDs to get to them.

I just got the final play! Oh

I just got the final play! Oh my word! I'm an hour in and taking a break from the excitement! I would love to be able to chat about it.

* * *

Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Forum Notifications

By the way, Asphodel pointed me to the "Notifications how to" in the top right corner of the site. The whole site is enabled to send notifications when any content is posted: forums, translations, etc. I just now changed my settings and checked pretty much everything since traffic on this site is so low.


(I belatedly realized there's a forum topic about introductions. I went straight to the other topics when I first registered here haha. Sorry about that.)

Hello, you can call me Natsu. I'm from a small country in the S.E.A and I'm in my 30s. I discovered MoB back in 2007 when I was watching any BL anime I could find online then. I was active at Livejournal (my username was erah_haruna205) before I moved on to a new series in 2010 and migrated to Tumblr. Now that I looked back at my young self, I'm quite ashamed t0 realize how immature I was to appreciate the complex yet fascinating relationship between Naoe and Kagetora/Takaya. I admit I fell for anime!Naoe and when I read up how Naoe really behaved in the novel (and how hollow they made anime!Takaya), I became more curious to learn more!

Back then when I saw the MoB anime (with its pirated poor translation from Chinese subs so I was quite confused at what was going on), I thought Takaya and Yuzuru would end up together haha and I legitly thought Naoe was just a side character! The pier scene in the last episode totally caught my attention about pair because the longing and yearning and tension and angsting was just so.... *cluthces chest* and I wanted to find out more about this series! I saw the OVA from youtube and got super interested to learn more! Thankfully I discovered the MoB Lj Community and the MoB translation community to enjoy reading various translations, summaries and fanworks that was posted.

I'm embarassed to admit that I haven't contributed much to the fandom other than writing about two fics for this series. Whenever friends asked me what MoB is about I mostly go *flail hands* and *random hand motions* and *gross sobbing over NaoTaka* and *more hand motions* before finally I say, "go check it out ^_^"

I recently re-discover MoB thanks to a new friend and fan of MoB. She really likes Kotaro and amazingly enough she found me at Twitter. Thanks to her I recall all the great memories as well as heartaches over how amazing Mirage of Blaze world is. I'm re-reading the translations now and I'm pleased to learn so many new stuffs happened the past 12+ years (stage play, new translations/summaries, forum discussions and new friends!) What's more, there's even a manga reboot starting from book 2 (and I can't stop staring at light haired/blond Naoe from the manga preview haha)

I told Asphodel-san in an email awhile ago that when I re-discovered MoB and this site, it felt like coming home. I'm glad to come back to this series and fandom.

I'm amazed at Kuwabara-sensei for creating Mirage of Blaze and as an amateur writer I have a lot to learn from her in terms of character design, plot development, relationships between the casts and how to treat the readers with whip and candy! I love NaoTaka although some days I want to fly kick Naoe out the window anjsdaksvjkasvjkasnjv sorry I feel so emotional all of a sudden but thank you for being around and although MoB is a small community now and not as popular as other BL novels but I hope we'll get new fans and friends in the future! TwT//

Thank you!

I love your comment. I have

I love your comment. I have learned many things from MoB and hold it dear to my heart. Thanks for reminding me again. 


Thank you for your reply! After being away from Mirage for so many years, I kinda feel like Kotaro in book 13+ where he's learning the ABC of NaoTaka relationship. Now I'm wondering if I missed it when I read the translations like when was it that Kagetora too fell in love or interested with Naoe? At twitter I'm dying to talk and gush about Mirage but most of my mutuals hardly know much about this series or not interested in feudal Japan so I mostly just ramble with a fellow fan at our DMs haha. It's great that I discovered the forums and I'm glad some of the old time fans are still here. ^w^Thank you!

Chig's picture
Nice to meet you!! I enjoyed

Nice to meet you!! I enjoyed reading your introduction and it is always wonderful to find another Mirage fan ('v')/

Nice to meet you too! I'm

Nice to meet you too! I'm glad my silly rambling of an introduction entertained you haha. I'm also embarassed that I belatedly realized the many typos I wrote above as well Orz. 


I hope we can talk more in the future! Thank you for all the translators and fans who share their summary and opinions about MoB in this forum! Thank you! ❤

Hello and welcome! MoB does

Hello and welcome! MoB does seem to be a life-long fandom. It wanes and waxes, but people keep coming back to it.

On her Twitter Kuwabara-sensei says there's actually going to be a Blu-Ray release and a manga version of the books (I think it might just be the old manga re-published, but let me look into that)! They keep re-releasing and giving new events/bonuses because we're still here in our 30s and beyond. ^_^

* * *

Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Indeed! Part of me cant

Indeed! Part of me cant believe Im older than Naoe's host body now from the main story ahaha!

And yes! I really look forward to the reboot manga! I wonder if the chapters will be available online or only readable for those who buy the magazine. I'm really intrigued to see Naoe with light hair color by Hamada-sensei XD Im used to seeing him with the trademark anime of ash/grey/brown shade.


The other day I marathon watch the anime and Im having feels over NaoTaka. I know their anime version is very watered down compared to the novels but I still like to see them moving and speaking XD


HELLO EVERYONE!! My name is Toni (he/they) and I'm a gay man who loves BL so much it's my main interest! Mirage of Blaze is actually the series my silly ADHD brain has decided to specifically latch onto. I first watched this anime in 2017 on some sketchy English dub pirate website, and now I am 20! I love MoB with all my heart and desperately try to get my friends into it with me but they just don't understand it the way I do ;^; I've known about this website for a while and contemplated making an intro at all but, here I am finally doing it!

I genuinely love this series and it makes me so happy to see Asphodel still translating it. Honestly, if I hadn't discovered the translations, I probably wouldn't be into Mirage of Blaze at all! It would just be another BL anime lost to my memories of middle school. Gaahhh just thinking about that makes me sad!!! I've spent hours talking to my friends about it and all my thoughts on the characters and just the series as a whole. I've watched the anime countless times, and have now added the stageplay to that as well. So much of my time (and money) has gone into this series that it is truly dear to my gay little heart.I'm collecting merch btw!! It's expensive but anything for MoB.......... If anyone wants to reach out and chat or something, I can be reached at @hyp3rfixati0n on twitter! 

Toni :)


Hello Toni, and welcome to the tiny Mirage fandom! It's fans like you that make the translation effort feel worthwhile for me. <3

I have to admit, I'm happily out of my merch-collecting phase. My wallet certainly thanks me for it, lol.

We're always happy to talk about Mirage around here, so please free to jump in on a discussion or start one!


Hi Toni, let me echo Asphodel's welcome. This forum (I guess discussion forums in general) is pretty quiet these days, but it's always great to see another fan come by.

I've also found it can be hard to get others on board with MoB. Well, the learning curve is steep, for one thing, with all the Japanese history and whatnot. And I think for some young adult BL fans (as I'm assuming many of your friends may be?), it's hard to relate to some of MoB's '90s tropes, especially around dubcon (or full-on noncon). In any case, happy to see you here. Asphodel has been doing a whirlwind of translating recently, so there's a lot to check out.


Hi, Toni! Welcome! Glad to have you.

I also learned about MoB at about your age (20 years ago now, LOL). The better my Japanese got, the more I loved it; there's so much to explore and read and watch! Asphodel's wonderful translations with all the notes helped me with all the obscure references too, so I hope you find them as interesting as I do.

Let us know what you think as you go through it!

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Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Blue soap

Hello everyone! I joined the site a little while ago and just now realised that there's an introductions thread, so I thought I'd say hi. I don't usually make posts in general, but unfortunately my friends aren't into the same stuff as me, and Mirage is too good of a series not to discuss/share with someone else!

Like many other fans, I first stumbled across the Mirage of Blaze anime a year or two ago, while obsessively searching for more yaoi to watch. I had honestly not expected to enjoy it as much as I did, and I found that even after I finished the main anime and OVAs, I couldn't stop coming back to it. I learned that there was a novel series for Mirage where the plot goes way beyond the ending of the anime, so of course I had to scour the internet to see what I could find. I ended up stumbling across this site. Due to life being busy, I've only started to read through the translations for the first time recently, and I must say that I've been enjoying myself quite a lot.

I was amazed at the complexity of the characters, and the magnitude of depth the novels go into versus the anime. Apart from my fondness (and at times frustrations) with Kagetora/Takaya and Naoe, and my love for the antics of the other yasha-shuu, while reading the novel I've found myself also really enjoying learning about Japanese history, which is not something I knew much about before.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Asphodel for keeping up with the translations after all this time, so newer fans like me have a chance to get into the series. I absolutely love the style of writing that you use, and the eloquency of your depictions of the relationship between Kagetora and Naoe. Although I'm a bit sad that I didn't come across MoB earlier, I'm really glad to see that there are still fans that are giving the series some love :)


Glad you're enjoying the translations

Glad you're enjoying the translations, Blue soap, and welcome! I take no credit for the intricate depictions of the relationship between Kagetora and Naoe, though--that's all Kuwabara Mizuna. <3


Welcome, Blue soap! Thanks for the introduction. Yes, Asphodel has been amazing keeping this site going all these years, and it's wonderful to see this great burst of translation she's been doing. I'm always surprised by how, just when this forum seems truly dead, someone will post and then others will post. I think it still has a little community of lurkers who emerge every now and then. :-)

You've probably already seen this link on this site, but here's the big list of MoB translation links, not 100% updated and some of them are dead, but most are still good:

Some news from other place

Since I first knew and read mirage of blaze, it has been more than five years. But during these years I have not finished reading all works of mirages, actually I can't (b_d) Too much pressure on my heart and brain when I think of the relationship between Naoe and Takaya ,so when I read too much I need to stop to alleviate the sorrow and pain.  In this long journey the biggest support from translators make me feel I can read it slowly . We have a group of people here translate main books now we reached the end, syouwa (1-40 volumes and kaiko completed )Also texts of drama CDs,  stage plays and manga are included ...But the accumulation of translated works has took almost 20 years to reach (at least in China ) but still some are left in original language...Seeing fans across the Pacific Ocean are keeping translating I just want to say fighting!!!! The number of new fans will definitely increase because of your efforts. Love Naoe and Kagetora forever (*¯︶¯*)

PS: If you are interested in Chinese translated version  I'm gald to helpY(^_^)Y 

That's fascinating

What cool news from another corner of the world, thank you! I'm curious, not sure if you can answer this question, but: are Chinese-speaking translators/fans mostly from Hong Kong/Taiwan/the wider diaspora? Is there a mainland Chinese audience at all?

Yeah I'm sure there are

Yeah I'm sure there are audience from Taiwan/ Hongkong and  other Chinese-speaking areas, because the first Chinese translated version was provided by a fan in Taiwan (just my personal experience for she used unsimplified Chinese characters). Maybe they are just not very active or have their fandoms. I don't know I never met them (╥﹏╥). But If there is anyone from other Chinese speaking areastranslating MoB we will know it. So I think most fans/ translators are from mainland china. The population itself is larger and has more fans. More than 800 people join in fandom for discussion though active fans are far less than that number ಥ_ಥ Whatever already higher than I thought it would be. (╥﹏╥)


I always assumed

I always assumed most Chinese-speaking fans would be from outside the mainland due to the CCP's attitude towards LGBTQ+ people. Thank you for correcting that misconception, I definitely learned something new!

Congratulations to your fan community and translators! <3

You are welcome ^_^  The real

You are welcome ^_^  The real situation in mainland china is much more complex...some restrictions on LGBTQ+ do exist but young people still love create BL works. 

One more thing... I don't know if anybody put the question before. What's the meaning of Exaudi nos? I found some religious websites translated it from Latin into English "Hear us, O Lord ". So Is it a term in Catholicism or a vocabulary with specific meaning in other languages ? It is difficult to understand for people lived under eastern culture:-(

Exaudi nos

Funnily enough, I was about to create a discussion topic on Exaudi Nos. In the story I think Naoe says it's Portuguese, but it's actually Latin:

exaudi - from "exaudio", which means "I hear, discern, listen to, hearken, heed", etc.

nos - "us"

Exaudi nos - "hear us"

From the Missa Solemnis / Missa Cantata (Roman liturgies):

Exaudī nos Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus = Hear us O Holy Lord, Almighty Father, eternal God

Exaudi Nos

Chiming in late on this thread. In my recent Dharma Talk-inspired Mirage musings, I was reflecting that "Kannon" breaks down to something like "perceiving the sounds." You all who know Japanese and Chinese could translate  it far better than I can, but I gather the gist is "able to hear the voices," and by extension to listen to/have compassion for people's suffering. It struck me that while "exaudi nos" is a Catholic phrase, it may have a "Kannon" connotation in this context, especially as there is a lot of symbolic crossover between Kannon and Mary. I don't know, however, as I've only read the prologue of "Exaudi Nos." Does that seem plausible?

And shame on Naoe for mixing up Latin and Portuguese!

Avalokiteśvara and Kannon and aliens

You're right about "Kannon" and "listening"--there's even an interesting discussion about Avalokiteśvara and how his name's meaning might have drifted from "he who looks down upon sound" to its present form "lord who gazes down" based on how his name was translated for Asian Buddhism (

...But I mean, it's not too surprising for any religion to implore higher beings to "hear us", right? And contrary-wise, SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) analyzes radio signals for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence--so we're trying to "hear" them as well. :)

So probably "Exaudi nos " has

So probably "Exaudi nos " has a double meaning in the book? I feel I love the extra story even more ಥ_ಥ Thank you for your answer (^^)

Nice to meet you, Sakura! I'm

Nice to meet you, Sakura! I'm glad to hear of fandom in China. The story is so complicated with so many books going through so many periods of Japanese history, I'm amazed anyone can keep up. It's why I have loved Asphodel's translations for years. I speak Japanese myself, but she puts so much incredible work into research that she makes many historical and cultural references that I miss make sense. I would never have been able to love the series if she hadn't helped me to figure out what was going on!

I look forward to seeing you around. Feel free to tell us anything interesting fandom-wise that is going on in China, too. I don't speak Chinese so I can't really look for myself, but I'm very curious.

* * *

Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Nice to meet you too Michiru!

Nice to meet you too Michiru! Yeah anyone who keeps up translating MoB needs to be respected! 

I'm glad to share interesting things happened in Chinese fandom ^_^ Now I hate my poor English :-(

Don't worry, your English is

Don't worry, your English is great. I understand everything you've said.

* * *

Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Translation Links

Please excuse a very late reply. If there's a link or links you'd like to share to Chinese translations, I would be glad to add them to the Mirage_Trans list of links:

Thank you labingi !!! If

Thank you labingi !!! If there is any I can share with you I will contact you ^_^

Hello everyone ♥️

Hello everyone ♥️

First of all, I would like to thank Asfodelo from the bottom of my soul for continuing with the MoB translations. I would like to leave you a huge letter of words of support and affection because thanks to this today I can continue enjoying MoD♥️.

I started reading Mirage in 2020 and it was in the middle of the pandemic. At the time I was in high school and was very obsessed with books. I am a collector of things that I like.MoB was for me a great stop to that convulsive impulse to know the complete story and finish reading them in one to 4 weeks like before. My frustration was not knowing Japanese and not knowing how the whole story ended and knowing more about Naoe and Kagetora.Its connection to the way the anime narrated situations was just something else to keep me watching, so I decided to study Japanese, but I also wanted to talk to more people about MoB.

At that moment Mirage caused me a feeling of anguish because I didn't know what was happening, so I decided to look for translators and people with whom I could talk about Mirage. After a long search I found this forum and the only thing I can say is that it was the happiest day that day ♥, thanks to the links I was able to read part of the story, I felt happy and relieved, the feeling of having a The knowledge What you like is unmatched.

Unfortunately I had to leave it for a few years because I was starting university and my hobby time had been reduced. At that time I managed to acquire some special old books, theater collections on cobalt CDs and physical books. What I liked most was that some Japanese fans on Twitter continued Mirage's legacy, organizing parties and activities to pay tribute to the characters.If you need help researching a book or scanning gaps in a book, don't hesitate to ask me, I'll be happy to help.

I am currently on vacation and rereading the books to enjoy the translation and have fun, my favorite character is Kotarou, who still does not have a very fundamental role in the plot and seems more like a rock XD but I think he has potential (hehe)

With great enthusiasm I am enjoying the first volume, reliving the feeling of anguish that only the mirage can produce, although I do not usually debate or give very deep points of view, I will try to be very active on my vacations and share Curiosities that I found in my old search for mirages.      I currently have three books that the author wrote with a MoB related theme and I read the Mirage of blaze R books

EGOIST 桑原水菜 愛と平和 炎の蜃気楼

EGOIST 桑原水菜 北十字 northern Cross

アニメムック 炎の蜃気楼 -蝉しぐれ- 定期購読の


Hello and welcome, Chihiro!

Hello and welcome, Chihiro! It's great to hear the books are just as arresting to people starting them now as they were to me starting them a couple decades ago. There's so much to read and watch and enjoy, keep letting us know what you think!

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Can't I even dream? Would you shut my heart in my chest? -Kagetora, Yonakidori Blues

Hello, I want to thank you for your response❣

 I'm really excited to receive such a quick response. Normally, I don't get too excited because the answers usually take a long time to arrive. But your answer has awakened great emotion in me. I remember when I saw the Mirage anime for the first time, I was only 17 years old. She was a young woman full of enthusiasm for the world of yaoi. Mirage was a completely different experience for me. At first, I didn't understand anything, but my passion for this genre led me to delve into history and, surprisingly, I learned a lot about Japanese history thanks to Mirage. It was like a new world opened before my eyes. However, my journey was lonely. Many Mirage fan groups stopped being active and, although I searched on Chinese sites, everything was mired in a desolate silence. But this forum, this place where we are now, has revived my spirit again. Here I find people like you, willing to share their love for Mirage and discuss its complexities. Now, as I read more carefully and coherently, I realize that Mirage is a fascinating and captivating story. It has a depth that I cannot resist, a magic that envelops me and keeps me hooked page after page. I used to be a young man who enjoyed BL stories with simple plots, always looking for fun. But Mirage has awakened something in me that I can't ignore, a passion that fills my heart and drives me to keep reading, no matter how complicated it may be. Thank you for listening to me and for sharing this space with me. Your response has lit a flame inside me, a flame that burns with the desire to discover more about Mirage and let myself be carried away by its captivating story. ♥️♥️


I loved your description

I loved your description of that feeling of coming across the knowledge you crave--it's a special kind of wonder, isn't it? <3

By the way, I was always curious--I'm not sure if you or anyone know, but did Sensei ever incorporate her doujinshi (I believe Northern Cross is one of them?) into her "extra" story collections?

Hello, I sincerely appreciate your response :")

Finding what you have been looking for for years is an indescribable sensation, something that lasts over time. But often, that excitement fades when you don't have someone to share it with. Your work and dedication have awakened something in me, something that I cannot explain in words. A few years ago, when I started reading Mirage, my desire was to create fan art and short stories about Naoe and Takaya. However, there were many things he didn't understand. Thanks to you, I was able to understand everything and my passion for creating short stories was reborn. I want to express my deepest gratitude for everything you have done. ♥️ Yes, I definitely remember the three doujinshi books that incorporated Mirage's story! For now, I only have two of them in my collection. There are so many short stories and also Cobalt stories. I even think there were Cobalt short stories exclusive to subscribers. If you wish, I would be happy to scan them and share them with you. ♥️


Thank you!

I'm pretty sure those short stories in Cobalt eventually make their way to collected volumes like "Raise the Red Flag". But if after finishing those I find there are still some missing, I'll come and ask for your help. Thank you! <3


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