Summary of Kaikou 14

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Summary of Kaikou 14


This is the second last volume of Kaikou prequels. :)

Plot so far: The Yashashuu was investigating mysterious disappearing of children. When the children come back home, they have obtained some supernatural skills and they also have a chimera mark on their skin. Nagahide found out that a nun named Jushinni is related to these disappearing: Jushinni aka. Youkihi is actually Kamachi clan's leader's, King Ranryou's, wife and she turns children into chimeras. Nagahide and Naoe get into the parallel world, Irobe is caught by the Kamachis, Haruie has changed his side to the Kamachis since his little brother is there too and... Kagetora lost his Kurata body! 

And here are the members of Kamachi clan & their chimeras that appear in this volume:   

King Ranryou: His original name is Kamachi Suujirou, the leader of Kamachi clan. Ugunushin named God lends him power, and he's also  possessed by an onryou whose target is to rule whole Japan.

Jushinni/Youkihi: Ranryou's second wife. 

Juushirou: Around 14-years old biological son of Kamachi Suujirou and the heir of Kamachi clan.

Kajika: Juushirou's ancestor spirit, who protects him. He's also a chimera.

Toki: Ranryou's sister.

Yama'arashi/Jirousaburou: He's a chimera and Haruie's younger brother.

Shoujou: a swordman chimera.

Mimizuku: a female chimera, her job is to protect King Ranryou.

Kakusuke: a child chimera.


Kaikou vol. 14: Ranryoumaou (Demon King Ranryou)

When Kagetora wakes up, he's shocked because he has performed kanshou on Rokurouta's body. He remembers floating in the darkness. Kurata tried to pull him into the bottom, netherworld, but Kagetora fought back and eventually felt that he grabbed someone's hand. It seems that it was Rokurouta. This time he can't blame anyone. He himself wanted to perform kanshou and eventually chose the youngest body that was possible to get, Rokurouta's body (10 years old). He killed a child. Tears starts to flow from Kagetora's eyes, crying desperately as Touichibou is confused what's happening. Sobbing Kagetora asks what did happen. Touichibou tells that Shoujou and others used poison gas that killed Saburouji (Kurata). When Saburouji collapsed on the ground, crying Rokurouta run to him, holding his dead body on his arms. After that Rokurouta gazed at Shoujou angrily and said "Die, monster, die!" Next, right after that, Shoujou's body exploded. Rokurouta also said "You others too, die!" to the others that were with Shoujou, causing their death too. This is Rokurouta's skill he got from the parallel world: power words. His words order what the others do, making them be like his puppets. After that Rokurouta lost his consciousness, in other words, his soul was pushed out by Kagetora's soul. After recovering from the biggest shock, Kagetora confesses sobbing that Saburouji's soul is now in Rokurouta's body. And Rokurouta himself has died, he moved to the afterlife. This is kanshou. Touichibou gets horrified and is angry, since this means that Kagetora has killed Rokurouta. Kagetora feels more terrible and guilty than ever before. 

Later Kagetora tries to leave, but it's very difficult to control his new body. He have had adult's body for long time, so having child's body now means that he needs to learn how to walk and run with those short limbs. Mimizuku named female chimera comes to pick up Rokurouta, but she doesn't recognize that Kagetora has performed kanshou on him. Before leaving she uses a special spell on him so that Rokurouta can't speak anything. Touichibou gets permission to follow Rokurouta. At the Ugunushin castle Kagetora finally meets King Ranryou. This man doesn't show his face, but wears a Nou theater mask. There are also many children who were spirited away and came back with supernatural skills. It seems that Kamachi clan is gathering a chimera army for seizing Echigo. Jushinni/Youkihi comes back to the castle and proposes that she will take care of Rokurouta and make him a proper member of Kamachi clan. Ranryou has high expectations of Rokurouta, so he accepts Youkihi's proposal. If she can train Rokurouta well, she and him can adopt Rokurouta as their adopted heir. Youkihi uses her magic on Rokurouta, the spell accepts him to talk, but he can't use his "power words" (actually Kagetora can't even use power words, since that supernatural skill was connected the soul of Rokurouta, not to the body!). Later on that evening they have a feast at Ranryou's castle. For Kagetora's shock Irobe is also there, but he seems to be under hypnotism since Irobe doesn't recognize Touichibou even if they know each other very well. Juushirou and Kajika come back. Ranryou is disappointed and angry at Juushirou since he couldn't bring Koheita. Ranryou also hits Juushirou with his fan and tells that he will cut their parent-child relationship, replacing Juushirou with Rokurouta. 

At night Kagetora rests since Rokurouta's body is extremely exhausted everything that happened on that day. He feels a bit relieved hearing that Juushirou and Kajika couldn't get Koheita. This means that Naoe survived from Jirousaburou's attack and protected Koheita. Touichibou goes to look for Irobe. While sleeping Kagetora's consciousness goes to meet Nagahide in the parallel world. 

Next there is a flashback what happened at Koheita's house when Naoe had a fight against Haruie and Kajika. Naoe was about to get exorcised by Haruie, but then a female spirit named Tsubaki performed hyoui on Mukademaru and used strong nenpa for saving Naoe's life. Tsubaki had also called Mt. Hakkai's tengus to come help them, so that Naoe, Koheita and Mukademaru could escape. Later on that night Naoe is waiting for Haruie outside of the old fisherman's house where they're staying overnight. He was sure that Haruie will come again and this happens. Naoe demands Haruie to explain what heck he's doing on Kamachi's side. Are the Kamachis threaten to do something to Jirousaburou if Haruie doesn't do as they want? Naoe and Haruie have a nenpa fight again. Naoe manages to hit Haruie and make him to fall down on the ground. Naoe quickly sits on the top of him and strangles Haruie's throat, saying "Expose everything. You're Kagetora-sama's vassal number one, you wouldn't abandon him without any good reason. Tell me everything you know. Are the Kamachis keeping someone from your family as a hostage, or did they involve someone to something?". Haruie whispers that he can't say, but Naoe keeps begging "Please, tell me. It's true that once we were enemies, but now I think you as my friend. I can help you. No matter what it is, you can tell it to me. What did the Kamachis say to you?" With a heartbroken voice Haruie exposes the secret that his father, Kakizaki Kageie, was assassinated by Kenshin. Naoe can't believe his ears as Haruie tells everything he has learnt: Kakizaki family has always been very high ranking vassal family for Uesugi. Haruie's father, Kageie was one of Kenshin's most trustworthy men and generals. However, it seems Kenshin always saw Kakizaki family as a threat. Kageie tried to warm relations between Uesugi and Oda clan, but Kenshin doubted that Kakizaki family will move to Nobunaga's side and then Oda clan will seize Echigo. Haruie was going to be the head of Kakizaki family after his father passes away, so that's why Kenshin sent him to Houjou clan when Kagetora's adoption was agreed. Kenshin wanted to weaken the bond between Haruie and his family, destroy the whole Kakizaki family little by little. While Haruie was in Odawara, some people who worked under Kenshin told Jirousaburou into taking over the head of family, imprisoning Kageie and expelling the older retainers.  However, Jirousaburou was killed due to his uprising. After Houjou Ujiyasu died, Haruie was sent back home. And not longer after this, Kageie died suddenly after visiting Kenshin at Kasugayama castle. Everyone in Kakizaki family thought it was so weird that their father, who has always been in great health, died in such a way. Jirousaburou hold a grudge against his own family so he became an onryou. After joining the Kamachis, Jirousaburou learnt the truth. More shocking reveal thing is that onryou Jirousaburou murdered Kenshin as a revenge. Naoe loses his words... It can't be. Haruie starts to cry that Uesugi clan betrayed him. He is on Kamachi's side because they're slaying everyone in Uesugi clan. This shall be Kakizaki clan revenge to Kenshin! Naoe yells back that has Haruie forgotten Kagetora. It's Kagetora who was always been Haruie's lord, not Kenshin. Leaving Yashashuu means same as leaving Kagetora, not Kenshin! Haruie gets a bit shocked... He whispers that it's too late. Haruie uses Ugunushin's exorcism on Naoe.

Naoe wakes up in the another world and meets Nagahide there. Naoe tells about Haruie and what happened to his father and Kenshin. Nagahide tells that actually Kenshin assassinated several people for ensuring his own position in Nagao clan (Kenshin was born to Nagao family, but adopted to Uesugi later) Nagahide tells about Nagao Masakage's death. Masakage is actually Kagekatsu's biological father and his wife, Sentouin, is Kenshin's sister. Masakage was found drowned from the pond, but there was rumors that Kenshin actually murdered him. Naoe learns from Nagahide that Kagetora lost his Kurata's body and performed kanshou on Rokurouta. Naoe is extremely shocked because they decided to not perform kanshou second time. He also feels devastated that he couldn't protect Kagetora. It was his duty to make sure that they don't need to perform kanshou anymore, but he failed, causing Kurata's death. Pitying himself Naoe falls on his knees and hits the ground with his knuckles as Nagahide watches him. Naoe also fears if he can't accept Kagetora as his master anymore. He's a child now? How the child can be his master?! To him Kurata was Uesugi Kagetora. Angsting, Naoe in his heart is sad that he won't see Kurata's smile anymore. He didn't smile at him often, but Naoe liked to see that smile when Kagetora did so. Nagahide encourages him and says that Kagetora asked them to find their way to Ugunu castle.  

Next day, Juushirou comes have a talk with Rokurouta. He hasn't recognizes that Rokurouta is actually Kagetora. For Kagetora's surprise Juushirou exposes secrets about Kamachi clan's true self. He tells about the good times of Kamachi clan, how everyone kept together and helped each other. His father and the leader of Kamachis, Kamachi Suujirou, was a great man. However, last year he fell very sick. There was no way to cure him, so Juushirou and the high ranking priests of Ugunushin used a forbidden spell: they let a powerful onryou to posses Suujirou's body, curing the illness. As long as the onryou is in Suujirou's body, he will keep living. But it was a mistake since this onryou took completely control of the clan, started calling himself "King Ranryou" and made everyone being his slaves. He also found Jushinni, giving her name, Youkihi, and wedded her. With Youkihi's power they started to create chimeras for taking over Echigo and later whole Japan. Juushirou says that he regrets what they have done, his father wouldn't have wanted this. Finally Juushirou asks if Rokurouta with his power words can expel the onryou, but keep father alive. Before Kagetora can say anything Youkihi comes there and takes Kagetora with her. Youkihi leaves him to Irobe's care. Kagetora can see that Youkihi is almost about to burst into tears, but she walks away before that. Kagetora desperately tries use telepathic for breaking the hypnotism that the Kamachis are using on Irobe. 'I'm here, Katsunaga-dono! I'm here! Please, recognize me!' Kagetora cries telepathically and holds tighter Irobe's hand that is holding his own. A bit surprised Irobe gazes at Rokurouta, wondering what did that mean. Irobe takes Kagetora to Ranryou's room. He's preparing for tomorrow's campaign. Ranryou tells how they're going to change Echigo and how long time it's been since he has been at Kasugayama castle last time. "I couldn't imagine that someday we would have a toast for campaign together again. Do you still remember the old good days, Irobe-dono? We used to drink together when we had banquets at Kasugayama castle. Once we enjoyed sake with Tamekage-sama (Kenshin's father) and Harukage-sama (Kenshin's big brother) under the blooming cherry blossom trees. I wonder if we can enjoy the beauty of cherry blossoms together next year too... at our castle", Ranryou dreams happily. Kagetora is confused. Does Ranryou know Kenshin's family? He has lived in Kasugayama castle? And he was friend with Irobe too?! Ranryou continues: "If the destiny would had been a bit more favorable to us, Kasugayama castle might be our castle now. My original life was unfortunate. Only because that bastard (Kenshin) was good at having rash battle he could steal our official rank. But after all, was he good at leading? No, that fool didn't know anything about politics. He had many pointless wars against the other clans, but he never managed to extend the land area of our territory. He tried stubbornly to just unify everyone hearts by honesty." When Kagetora asks if Ranryou knows the lord of Echigo (Kagekatsu) andwhen Ranryou says that of course, since he's his father, Kagetora understands everything: this man is Nagao Masakage! He possessed the body Kamachi Suujirou and took the name "King Ranryou". Kagetora is more than shocked facing his former father-in-law in this kind of situation. Masakage tells his plans to rule Echigo (no, the whole Japan!) with the power of Ugunushin. Shoujou comes there and says that Rokurouta isn't Rokurouta, he's actually Kagetora who has performed kanshou on him! Kagetora freezes in fear as Masakage asks if it's true. Kagetora denies, but Shoujou stubbornly says that he's definitely sure about it. Masakage asks Rokurouta to prove that he really is Rokurouta. He can use power words and kill... Irobe. Kagetora is shocked. Since he isn't real Rokurouta, he doesn't have that skill. But if he can't kill Irobe, Masakage will know the truth and he'll get killed. Masakage gives him 10 seconds time to kill Irobe. Kagetora exchanges gazes with Irobe and tries with his eyes to tell the truth to him. On the last second Kagetora says "Die", but the one whose body dies isn't Irobe, it's Shoujou. Masakage is pleased to see that Rokurouta is really Rokurouta even if he killed wrong man. Masakage leaves the room. Feeling super relieved Kagetora asks from Irobe since when did he recognize that Rokurouta is actually Kagetora. Irobe tells that when they were holding hands, Bishamonten's power was flowing into his body, breaking the hypnotism. It was Irobe whose quick nenpa shock killed Shoujou's body when Kagetora "used" power word. Kagetora tells how sorry he's for performing kanshou again and he also feels afraid of meeting Naoe in this body. What will Naoe think? Will he be angry at him? Irobe says that let's think that later, now they have to focus on defeating Masakage. Why does he want to defeat Kagekatsu, his own son? It's true that Masakage may hold a very strong grudge against Kenshin, but Kagekatsu hasn't done anything. Kagetora tells about Jushinni/Youkihi and how they need to kill her since there aren't any other way to break her chimera spell. Irobe feels devastated as learning the truth about Jushinni, but he wants to be the one who will end her life.   

At this point, here is a small summary about the Uesugi clan and what happened during the war of succession:

Ueda-Nagao Masakage & Nagao Kagetora (Kenshin)

Kenshin was born to Nagao family that served Uesugi clan. When his father suddenly lost his life on a fight against Ikkou-Ikki, Kenshin's older brother, Nagao Harukage, took the control of Nagao clan, killing some of his brothers. Kenshin was 6-7 years old at the time. Kenshin spent years for practicing Buddhism and war skills. Masakage was married to Kenshin and Harukage's sister, Sentouin. After Kenshin became adult, instead of supporting him, Masakage decided to support Harukage, since Harukage wasn't in good health anymore. Kenshin was worried if Masakage is planning to use Harukage's weakness for taking over the clan, so Kenshin assassinated Masakage. After all Kenshin got the control of Nagao clan and started to live in Kasugayama castle as a vassal of Uesugi clan at the age of 19. Later he was adopted by Uesugi Norimasa. 

Saburou Kagetora & Kiheiji Kagekatsu

When Masakage died Kagekatsu was still 8 years old. Kenshin decided to take care of him (in MoB Kagekatsu's Miroku side was also one reason) and adopted him. Kagetora was adopted by Kenshin 6 years after Kagekatsu was adopted. According to vol. 40 Kagetora was 17 years old when he arrived to Echigo (year 1570). Kagetora was possibly meant to inherit Uesugi clan and Kagekatsu Nagao clan, since Nagao clan didn't have male heir. Kagetora was married to Kagekatsu's biological sister, Lady Haru (Haru-hime). 

Kenshin & Kakizaki family

Kenshin felt afraid of Kakizaki family even if they were loyal vassals to him. When Kagetora was adopted by Kenshin, Haruie, who was going to be the next head of the Kakizakis, was sent to Odawara. While Haruie was in Odawara, Kenshin caused Jirousaburou's death. Haruie came back to Echigo after four years due to death of Houjou Ujiyasu. After returning he served Kagetora. Haruie's father, Kageie, lost his life soon after Haruie came back.

Kenshin & Naoe family

Actually our Naoe Nobutsuna was born as 9th son of Nagao Akikata who served and supported Uesugi clan. Later Nobutsuna was adopted by a high ranking Uesugi vassal, Naoe Kagetsuna. Maybe this why Nobutsuna was on Kagekatsu's side during the Siege of Ootate since Kagekatsu was from Nagao family (different branch, thought) like Nobutsuna too?

Yasuda Nagahide & Nagao clan

Nagahide was married to Masakage's sister. Maybe this why Nagahide was on Kagekatsu's side during Ootate, because Kagekatsu was his wife's nephew? 

The War of Succession & the Siege of Ootate

8 years after adopting Kagetora (Kagetora 25, Kagekatsu 22) Kenshin suddenly passed away. Kagekatsu didn't allow Kagetora to see Kenshin's dead body and announced himself to be the new lord of Echigo. The war started and right away Haruie was killed by Kagekatsu's faction. Kenshin's adopted father, Uesugi Norimasa, was on Kagetora's side. Norimasa and Kagetora's son, Doumanmaru (age 9), left for having peace negotiations, but they were killed by Kagekatsu's soldiers. Betrayed by his owns and surrounded by Kagekatsu's faction, Kagetora committed a suicide. Lady Haru also lost her life. Few years later Naoe is killed by Kagekatsu's another vassal at Kasugayama castle.


Naoe and Nagahide manages to get into the castle. There they meet Youkihi who is impressed seeing Yashas have reached so far. She says she will send Naoe and Nagahide again to another parallel world by her exorcism powers. Naoe doesn't show any fear and he says that as long as his lord is alive, he will keep living in the real world. Youkihi asks if Naoe is talking about Lord Kagekatsu, but Naoe corrects that he means Uesugi Kagetora. Youkihi looks a bit surprised and asks if Naoe really can call his former enemy as his lord. Naoe says that his life belongs to Kagetora now, no matter what kind of history they had in their original life. Three of them start to have a fight. Nagahide tries to exorcise Youkihi, but before this she escapes to different world again, but Naoe and Nagahide follow her. Eventually Youkihi returns to normal world, because Naoe and Nagahide can't follow her there. She enters into her own private room, worrying about everything. In her heart she's begging forgiveness from Irobe. This was the only way to save his life since King Ranryou ordered to kill everyone from Yashashuu if they come on his way. By hypnotism, Irobe is under control and he can keep his life. Suddenly Touichibou comes to see Youkihi and tells something very surprising: he's sure that Youkihi (Sachi) is his mother! He tells that he didn't die during the war, but he was sold to mine by the enemies. Eventually he could escape and started his new life as a monk. Youkihi says that she doesn't have any children, this must be a mistake. However, for mysterious reason, tears start to flow from Youkihi's eyes. Irobe comes there and it's ready for slaying Youkihi after knowing the truth about her. Touichibou shelters Youkihi and says that he won't anyone to kill his mother. Irobe is confused what Touichibou is talking about, but he won't change his mind: for saving the children and stopping King Ranryou, Youkihi needs to die. Youkihi says that she knows about Irobe's feeling for Jushinni. She saw everything, she heard everything, she felt their feelings for each other. But Youkihi and Jushinni are different personalities living in the same body, they can't be separated. If Irobe kills Youkihi, he also kills the woman he loves. Is it fine to him? Irobe trembles in anger. Youkihi says that she doesn't mind if she gets killed as long as Irobe is the one who kills her. Youkihi walks to Irobe and brings his hands on her throat as if encouraging him to strangle her. "I'm ready, do it. But don't use sword, use your hands. Strangle me, tightly", Youkihi says. Eventually he strangles Youkihi's throat, ready for finishing all of this. When Youkihi is about to lose her consciousnesses, she has a small smile on her lips and she whispers soundlessly "I... love... you..." Irobe reads these words from her lips and releases her. He can't kill her, he just can't.  Irobe tells that both Jushinni and Youkihi are living people, so he can't end their life, it's against his mission. He will find the way of breaking the spell without killing her. He will seal the children's powers and exorcise the onryous! Youkihi is dumbfounded as Irobe says that he won't let Ranryou to use Youkihi for his plans anymore. Irobe extends his hand and says "I'm not going to give you to him. Come with me. Be my woman". As some hope appears in Youkihi's eyes she whispers "Katsunaga-sama..." and is about to touch Irobe's hand, but then... Someone shoots an arrow on her back, fainting her on Irobe's arms. The shooter is Toki, Ranryou's sister. The arrow had a spell that blocks Jushinni/Youkihi's soul into eternal darkness. She is alive, but won't wake up anymore. Then Toki reveals shocking things: she was meant to be Suujirou's wife (in Kamachi family brother-sister marriage was seen the most sacred), but then Suujirou fell in love with Juushirou's mother and didn't be interested in Toki anymore. Irobe gets furious and is about to beat her till death, but then Touichibou pulls him away from Toki.   

Kagetora goes to the altar room. In the flames he sees Nagahide and Naoe. This is the first time Kagetora faces Naoe in Rokurouta's body. Naoe is shocked and he has difficulties to accept the fact that Kagetora really has performed kanshou again. He asks "Is it really you, Kagetora-sama..?" As seeing Rokurouta having a sad look in his eyes, Naoe buries his face with hands and trembles. "You really are Rokurouta now..." Kagetora feels painful to see how heavily Naoe took his kanshou. Eventually Nagahide breaks their silence and asks how the things are in the real world. Kagetora tells that Ranryou is actually Nagao Masakage and how Masakage is planning to seize Kasugayama castle tomorrow. They have to stop him before morning. Juushirou and Kajika come there. As seeing Naoe and Nagahide's shadows in the flames Juushirou understands that Rokurouta is actually Kagetora. Their discussions moves to Haruie, making Kagetora shocked after hearing that Haruie has changed his side on the Kamachis. As hearing Haruie's possible reason to leave the Uesugi's, Kagetora strictly denies that Kenshin planned Kageie's death. However, Nagahide reminds what happened to Masakage. He isn't surprised if Kenshin really was involved in Kageie's assassination. Kenshin was a very righteous man, but he also doubted people easily and didn't show any mercy to those he saw as "a threat". When Juushirou asks who is this Nagao Masakage, Nagahide exposed that he's the onryou that is possessing Juushirou's father. Masakage is just using Kamachi clan for his own ambition. And because he was afraid of getting exorcised, he ordered Kamachi clan's vassals to hunt down the Yashashuu. Juushirou is shocked, he didn't know that. Kagetora asks Juushirou and Kajika to follow them. If they do this together, they can exorcise Masakage and return the true power to real Kamachi clan again. Mimizuku interrupts them and orders Juushirou to not listen to what the Uesugi's are talking about. When Mimizuku is planning to savages Kagetora with her sharp chimera nails, Naoe shouts from the flames "Hands off him! If you touch him, I'll kill you!" Mimizuku just sneers and attacks, showing no mercy. Kagetora tries his best to run away, but since he hasn't got used to the new body yet, he's quite clumsy. Naoe is in panic because he can't do anything, but yell "Kagetora-sama!". When Kagetora is about to get killed by Mimizuku, Juushirou shelters him and stabs Mimizuku's heart by his sword. Kajika also rushes to help Juushirou, tearing Mimizuku's body into small pieces with his powers. Juushirou tells that he just couldn't accept his father's death and that's why they used this spell for prolonging Suujirou's life. But Suujirou wouldn't want this... It's better to let him die rather than keep him alive if he's possessed by onryou. Juushirou starts dangerous ritual for breaking Ugunushin's spell. The castle falls in chaos as Kamachi clan's members are escaping before the castle collapses.

Irobe asks Touichibou to evacuate and take Jushinni outside. After that Irobe starts to use Ugunushin's exorcism. In the parallel world Naoe and Nagahide are exorcising the chimeras that Irobe sends there from the real world. Naoe has decided that he needs to get back to Kagetora. Naoe thinks: 'I can't leave him alone. I'm his protector. I vowed to serve him till the end. I won't run away. I won't leave him alone'. To him the soul matters, not the appearance. Even if Kagetora is having child's body now, he is still same Uesugi Kagetora that Kurata was too. Meanwhile in the castle Irobe finds his way to Masakage's place. Masakage starts to laugh and says that after all the Yashashuu cheated him. Irobe and  Masakage start a bloody fight. While fighting Irobe demands to know why Masakage is fighting against Kagekatsu, his own son. Isn't this his dream that Ueda-Nagao clan's offspring is now the warlord of whole Echigo?! Masakage answers that Kenshin misunderstood everything. There really was some people in Ueda-Nagao branch, who tried to make an alliance with the Takedas, but Masakage stopped these people. He also apologized Kenshin that this kind of incident even happened, but Kenshin never forgave him. He didn't trust Masakage anymore and started to isolate him from his life. Eventually he was assassinated. Feeling extremely bitter, Masakage says that he protected Nagao clan's bloodline with all his life, but even so Kenshin saw him only as a threat. But why he is targeting Kagekatsu if he hated Kenshin? "I thought that Kiheiji (Kagekatsu) would clear the dishonor of our family, but he's detesting me. After becoming onryou, once I appeared in front of him, but that Kiheiji bastard killed my yorimashi by his sword. He loves more Kenshin than me and he's ashamed of the fact that he was born as my son. He doesn't do anything for clearing my name from the dishonor that Kenshin put on me. I have no choice but do it by myself. That's why you damn Yashas are on my way! Eat this Ugunushin power!", Masakage furiously yells. The fight ends with Irobe using Ugusnushin's amulet he got from Youkihi, sheltering himself from Masakage's enormous power. Suddenly, as if an earthquake occurred, the castle start to shake, terribly sound roars, and eventually the ceiling is collapsing. Irobe manages to escape, but Masakage leaves under the rocks and bricks. Irobe gets worried about Kagetora and rushes to find him. For Irobe's shock, the altar room has collapsed completely. "Kagetora-dono...! If you hear my voice, please answer to me! Kagetora-dono..!!" Irobe calls out Kagetora's name and tries desperately find him under the stuff. He gets surprised as Nagahide digs himself up from the rock. And Naoe is there too, having Kagetora protectively in his embrace. Nagahide and Naoe has returned to the real world! Juushirou and Kajika are also fine. Juushirou could break the spell and brought everyone back from the parallel world. After they all have left the castle safely, Naoe and Kagetora have a talk alone. Naoe kneels down in front of Kagetora and they have a following conversation:

N: "I'm truly sorry."

K: "Why are you apologizing?"

N: "I couldn't protect you since I wasn't on your side. I carry the whole responsibility of your kanshou. Please, forgive me."

K: "You don't have any reason to beg my forgiveness. The only reason I lost my former body was the fact that my powers weren't enough. You left my side because you were fighting against chimeras. It's not your fault."

N: "No, it's all my fault! As your protector, my number one task is to protect you, no matter what. The one who failed here is me. Please, forgive me...!"

*Kagetora is dumbfounded*

K: "Please, don't Naoe..."

N: "..."

K: "Don't be like that. Please, rise your head. I beg you."

*Kagetora sees Naoe's shoulders trembling*

K: "Are you crying...?"

N: "No, I'm not..."


K: "Naoe, you..."

*Kagetora feels terrible that he has made Naoe to cry*

K: "I'm so sorry, Naoe... So sorry..."

Some young Kamachi clan's members vow their loyalty to Juushirou, accepting him as their leader. Juushirou and the Yashashuu decide to go after Masakage who is quite possibly on the way to Kasugayama castle with his chimeras and onryou army. Kagetora is amazed how protective Naoe is now... On the way to Kasugayama castle they're stopped by Masakage's onryou army, but Naoe makes sure that no one hurts Kagetora. They also ride a horse together, Kagetora sitting front and Naoe behind him, holding the bridles. Kagetora feels confused, since he has never felt so save before... And Naoe is feeling self-confident, since now he can protect Kagetora! 

When the Yashashuu and around 60 members of the Kamachi clan led by Juushirou arrive to the castle town of Kasugayama it's already midnight. Kasugayama is in fully alert, it seems that Masakage has entered the castle without any problems. Kagekatsu isn't in Echigo at the moment, he left for Kyoto with Naoe Kanetsugu for celebrating Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Quite high possibility that Masakage planned to seize Kasugayama castle while Kagekatsu is absence so that he doesn't need to hurt his own son. Now he can just close the borders of Echigo so that Kagekatsu can't return home anymore. Kagetora and the others feel sad how easily Ugunushin believers made Kenshin's castle to fall on their hands. The Yashashuu and the Kamachis make a plan: they will disguise Kagetora as Koheita and try to enter the castle. They all know that Masakage wants to have Koheita because of his ability to foresee future. Kajika use his make-up artist skills and makes Kagetora to look exactly like Koheita (Koheita and Rokurouta are same aged and cousins so they look alike without make-up too) and he disguises Juushirou and Irobe as women. Naoe remembers how Koheita foresaw him and Naoe entering into Kasugayama castle. Did the prediction mean this? Eventually they all get into castle, but soon they're uncovered by a child who has the skill of reading people's heart (it's the same girl Nagahide used for reading Jushinni's heart in vol. 13). The castle falls in chaos as the child chimeras start their defense attack. Finally Kagetora and the others find Masakage with the Kakizaki brothers standing on the balcony of main tower, watching down at them. Haruie looks quite shocked seeing Kagetora's new body. Naoe knows how important Kagetora is to Haruie, so he tries to make Haruie feel guilty about what happened to Kagetora. Haruie is hurt by Naoe's blaming words of abandoning Kagetora and causing the death of Kurata. It's all true. If Haruie had stayed with them, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Haruie has always been proud of being one of Kagetora's most trustworthy men, he even lost his life for Kagetora's sake. As seeing Haruie suffering from the painful situation, Kagetora tells to Haruie that he doesn't know surely if Kenshin caused Kageie's death or not, and it's also fine if Haruie doesn't want to have Kagetora as his lord anymore. But staying on onryou's side is unforgivable. Leaving mission means that Haruie doesn't have any right to keep living anymore, so Kagetora has to exorcise him in that case. Jirousaburou protect Haruie and says that they and Masakage are all Kenshin's paranoia's victims, they have they right to have their revenge. After this  Masakage escapes the site. Naoe and Nagahide have sword & nenpa fight against Jirousaburou while Kajika faces Haruie. Nagahide gets severely injured, but can keep chanting exorcism mantra. Even if Jirousaburou is extremely strong onryou, he's is about get exorcised. Deeply wounded by Kajika, Haruie cries desperately Naoe and Nagahide to stop exorcising his brother. Eventually Haruie uses the all powers he has and manages to release Jirousaburou from the exorcism mantra. Jirousaburou's soul escapes. Haruie runs after him and begs Naoe and Nagahide to take care of Kagetora. Naoe joins Kagetora, Irobe and Juushirou who left after Masakage. They don't find Masakage anywhere. Then, Kagetora gets a horrified feeling and asks where Kenshin's remains are. What... What if Masakage is after them?! Both Naoe and Irobe get shocked of that idea. Kagetora himself has no idea where Kenshin's mausoleum is, but Naoe says that Kenshin buried to the Bishamonten hall. 

Meanwhile Masakage is entering to the Bishamonten hall. There is a statue of Bishamonten in the room. And Kenshin's coffin is buried under the statue. "Finally we meet, Kagetora (Kenshin). Look, I have come back to our home castle, and now I'm the lord of Echigo too. You can't even imagine how badly I have waited for this day since that day when you assassinated me. Now I can have my revenge", he whisper devilishly and intending to destroy Kenshin's remains. But then, suddenly, Masakage can hear someone chanting Bishamonten's mantra. Is it... Kenshin?! The whole room is soon full of powerful energy and Masakage starts to get in panic. Actually Kagetora, Naoe and Irobe have made a triangle barrier around the hall and they all are also chanting the mantra. Juushirou steps into the room. Masakage begs him to evict Bishamonten away with the powers of Ugunushin. Juushirou starts to evict, but... The target isn't Bishamonten... It's Ugunushin in Masakage's body! As Masakage loses his powers, he's in great danger to get exorcised, so he fights back furiously. Suddenly something appears in the room and holds Masakage's soul that he can't escape anywhere. It's Youkihi! Eventually Masakage gets exorcised. Kagetora and the others can hear Masakage's calm voice hoping that Kiheiji would be proud of his Ueda-Nagao blood and that he would govern the Uesugi clan gracefully for the next thousands of years. Kamachi Suujirou, whose body Masakage was possessing, falls on the floor. Juushirou rushes to hold him on his arms. Suujirou tells he's proud of Juushirou and says that he will be a good leader for Kamachi clan. After this Suujirou dies, leaving Juushirou crying desperately after his father. The Yashashuu removes all memories of Kagekatsu's vassals so that Kagekatsu never knows what has happened in the castle while he was in Kyoto. Chimeras (expect Kajika) die, the children that were used for Masakage's army return back to normal children without any supernatural skills. No one knows where Haruie is. In the end of volume, Irobe hears from Touichibou that Jushinni has waken up, but her Youkihi side of her never appeared after that. Irobe will never forgive that smile she had on her lips when she told being in love with him.


What a powerful volume! It had lots of emotional and sad scenes.

Any opinions about Kagetora's new host body? Kurata/Saburouji's death was surprising, but performing kanshou on Rokurouta was also very interesting plot twist! I couldn't expect it at all.  :') Kagetora is so cute in this body! And Naoe protecting him so earnestly made me very happy. 

The strangling scene is so sad and much deeper than in this summary. I have never seen this side of Irobe. I loved how he didn't care if it's Jushinni or Youkihi, he will love both of them. 

Kenshin is such a complicated person. I like that he isn't described completely saint, but he also has his dark side, for example, paranoia and lack of social skills... However, I find it very touching how deep bond he has with Kagetora. Kagetora after all came from the enemy clan, but still Kenshin treated him like his own biological child.  ;_; 

Haruie... I wonder how the Yashashuu will get him back. :o

sarah3161's picture
such an awesom volume. Thank you ^_^

It is interesting to know that Kenshin had paranoia problems 0_0

The scene of Naoe crying infront of Kagetora was so heart breaking. I felt like they are really starting to open up more to  each other. In fact, Naoe here reminds me of the Naoe we know later "Tachibana Yushiaki". It is really interesting how they are together considering that this is both their first life, not 300 years later.

Irobe here looked more human like instead of the strong leader who have to put mission before emotions.

Rina's picture
Hi sarah3161! :)

Yes, it seems that Kenshin had some kind of trust problems. Masakage was Kenshin's side all the time and as in-laws he wanted to keep their Nagao clan unified, but Kenshin saw him as a threat. 

I find that Kagetora and Naoe's relationship has moved to the next stage after Kagetora performed kanshou on Rokurouta. ^^

Sankia's picture
Hi !

Thank you for this new summary !

It's surprising to discover that Kenshin is far from the image we have of him.  I'm also surprised to see Haruie betray Kagetora, but I guess he'll be back soon on his side. ^^

The scene where Naoe apologizes to Kagetora is sublime. It's cute to see him protective afterwards. :)

Rina's picture
Hi Sankia! :)

Even if Kenshin was involved to Masakage's death, somehow I feel that Jirousaburou is lying to Haruie what really happened to their father. Let's see what will happen in the next (and the last! D:) volume! Hopefully Haruie comes back soon! ^^ 

More adorable Naoe x Kagetora scenes coming in vol. 15! :)

Fun Read

Thank you for the excellent summary and all the background. Kagetora's ten-year-old body is another thing I thought was purely doujinshical. After all, he's often presented like a child Naoe needs to look after. It never occurred to me he might literally be a child in the Kaikou prequels. :-)

I am not 100% sure about how I feel about the plotline of Haruie's betrayal. I want to see how it gets concluded. It feels like a very big fracturing of trust to put between right at the outset given how stable their general relationship seems to be over the centuries. And it makes Haruie's later protestations of being such a loyal vassal sound a bit like selective amnesia. On the other hand, it's one more good reason--in addition to leaving to be with Shintarou--that Haruie will never be someone Kagetora feels he can fully turn to. I think I have said elsewhere that a one-word summary of Mirage might well be "priorities," which is not a sexy word but I think says a lot about the questions raised by the story. Kagetora psychologically needs someone to make him their first priority, and we're getting a clear illustration that Haruie will never be that person. Nagahide, of course, would never make such a pretense. Irobe is clear that his higher priorities are Kenshin and the mission, Kenshin also prioritizes the mission, and since no one outside the Yashashuu is really around for the duration, that leaves...

And speaking of, I feel like I've missed some of the development of Naoe's feelings of care/loyalty for Kagetora. I think I need to go back and read your earlier summaries, but I feel a bit like he went from guarding Kagetora for the sake of Kenshin/Kagekatsu and just starting to get to know Kagetora (vols. 1, 2?) to this very recognizably "Naoe" kind of desperation to protect him and never let him down, and I'm not sure how we got from A to B. I also really liked the conversation between N and K that you translated. It's so different from their later dynamic (especially on Kagetora's side), and it suggests to me that he has not yet attached to Naoe as the person he relies on. He's still treating Naoe, well, like he'd treat any ordinary person, i.e. decently.

Overall, I think Sensei had a good idea to go back to this era and explore the angst of having to exorcise your own friends and family members. It fits naturally into the established story and is good drama. And Nagahide was Kagetora's uncle-in-law. Who knew? :-)

I don't have the translation site updated yet but will do so soon. Thank you!

Rina's picture
Hi labingi! :)

In Kaikou it's very refreshing that the most of angst is concentrated on the another characters and their relationships problems instead of Naoe and Kagetora. It feels nice to read a bit lighter Naoe x Kagetora moments than what we have used to have :) At the moment their feelings (and problems) are still awakening.

So far we don't know if the rumors about Kenshin are true or not, but I'm honestly a bit disappointed to Haruie. It's sure that he's very kindhearted man and family is important to him, but abandoning Kagetora just because onryou is saying this and that, is weird.  No wonder Kagetora feels unsure and is afraid of Naoe leaving his side. Even Haruie, his most loyal vassal, did that too. Not even once, but twice. I guess Kagetora is thinking that sooner or later everyone will leave him. But losing Naoe is too much, so he tries to bind Naoe so that he won't ever leave him. 

More about Kagetora and Naoe's developing relationship in the next summary!

Haha, so true! There are surprising family connections between the members of the Yashashuu. :)

Imagase's picture
Wow, really enjoyed this!

Finally the chance to read these last two summaries properly! I enjoyed this volume a lot, the plot is really dense this time and I didn't expect to see Naoe so heartbroken over Kurata's death and so guilty over Kagetora's kanshou on Rokurouta...what surpised me the most however was Kagetora's shocked reaction over Naoe's reaction!^^ The entire thing is a huge turning point in their relationship and the beginning of Naoe's habit of putting himself at risk for Kagetora's sake, their scene on the horse was really cute! Finally the text tells us something interesting about Kenshin besides his holy aura and the idealized image everyone has of him with some interesting insights about the internal struggles in the the Uesugi clan. I enjoyed immensely the idea of giving Irobe a romance, never thought we'd see that because from what we know about him he didn't seem the type of guy who falls in love, too focused on the mission. Very interesting to see Haruie "betraying" Kagetora, especially because at this point they were supposed to be extremely close. Awsome job as always!

Rina's picture
Hi Imagase! :)

Performing kanshou on Rokurouta definitely led their upcoming relationship into new level. Naoe offers refuge and safety, helping Kagetora to trust him more. ^^

Kenshin is a bit mysterious character, so it was interesting to see this kind of side of him too. Knowing his background helps to understand better his behavior in the main story. :)

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