Summary of Kaikou 15 (final)

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Summary of Kaikou 15 (final)

Hi everyone!

Here is my summary for the last Kaikou volume! I wish there was more, since Kaikou was really interesting! There are also two volumes of Bakumatsu prequels before Shouwa era. I'm planning to purchase them later, but not sure when I have time to make summaries since due to new job, my real life is getting quite busy. But I added some information about Bakumatsu prequels (based on free sample materials online + Japanese summaries) in the end of this post. :)

I guess many is interested in seeing Kagetora's new appearance, so here you go, a picture of Rokurouta-Kagetora and Kurouzaemon-Naoe:

Aaaw, this is so cute! *__*

Plot so far: After losing Kurata/Saburouji's body Kagetora performed kanshou on Rokurouta. Together with Naoe, Nagahide, Irobe and Kamachi clan's young leader, Juushirou, Kagetora could exorcise Nagao Masakage who had perform hyoui on Juushirou's father. Holding a grudge against Kenshin, Haruie has decided to leave the Yashashuu for revenging his father and brother's death. Can Kagetora and the others get Haruie back?

Spoiler alert: this post may contain spoilers from the main story and Shouwa prequels!


Kaikou vol. 15: Shoujiruten (Circle of Transmigration)

In the beginning of this volume Kagetora and Naoe travel to Okutadami for visiting Kurata/Saburouji's grave. The villagers had buried him already and set a memorial stone. Kagetora grieves for losing this body he had for several years. He started to feel as Kurata's body is really his own. Kagetora feels sad, but also relieved. Finally Kurata's soul got back his body, now he's literally dead. He also grieves of Rokurouta's soul. Naoe tries to comfort him. He knows Kagetora is carrying all the responsibility by himself, and it makes Naoe sad. Naoe has recognized that he really feels compassion for Kagetora. Now it's sure, it's definitely compassion. Not pretended one, he truly feels so, from the bottom of his heart. Naoe also grieves for Kurata's body. That body was Kagetora to him. He still faintly remembers how did Kagetora look like in their original life, but now when he thinks about Kagetora, Kurata's body comes on his mind. 'I can't say aloud that I didn't want to lose you as Saburouji', Naoe thinks in his heart. It's devastating that he won't see Saburouji's smile anymore. Now Kagetora is Rokurouta, 10 years old child. The appearance is totally Rokurouta, but the gaze changed after Kagetora performed kanshou on him. Those eyes have the gaze of Uesugi Kagetora. 

Kagetora and Naoe visit Obaba, who sees for the first time Kagetora in Rokurouta's body. She doesn't know about kanshou, but she recognizes that soul inside of that young body is definitely Saburouji. Obaba criticizes their mission of onryou hunting. As long as there is life and death, there will onryous too. Just "cleaning" Echigo won't finish their mission, they need to destroy the whole circle of transmigration in order to be free. If they don't want to destroy this karmic system, they have to find "hope". Both Kagetora and Naoe feel quite shocked since everything that Obaba said is true. Death creates onryous. They will be never free.

In the evening they get a lodging place from the house of village's chief. They get extra hospitality since Kagetora is a child. This scene isn't so important for the plot, but I want to share with you because it's funny! :D

K: "I really start to act like a child if I'm treated like that."

N: "And for me it's troublesome if they think I'm your father." (<_<)

K: "It can't be helped. Get used to it. They would think you as a kidnapper if we say that we aren't family members."

N: "But why father? We can say I'm your older brother."

K: "Have you looked in the mirror lately? You don't look so young as you may think."

*Naoe is amused how cute Kagetora's sarcasm sounds like*

*Kagetora recognizes Naoe smiling weirdly*

K: "What?"

N: "Nothing." :)

K: "Stop smirking."

N: "I'm not smirking."

Later on that night laying on their futons, they're wondering what is the "hope" Obaba was talking about. This is mission is like walking in the darkness, without any guidance. Naoe says that for him "hope" would be "a light that guidance to the final destination". Kagetora says that as a commander it's under his responsibility to be the light for the Yashashuu. He has to show the way and lead everyone to the afterlife. But Kagetora says that he doesn't know how to do that. Is it even possible that they can have "hope"? After this Kagetora falls asleep, but Naoe stays still up, watching at Kagetora's peaceful sleeping face. This is Kagetora now... There is an adult man's soul inside of that child. This is Kagetora. Naoe feels an urgent need of protect this fragile human. Before starting to sleep too, he covers Kagetora with his haori-jacket.

In the morning Kagetora has a high fever, so they need they stay in that house till Kagetora is fine again. Naoe nurses him. When Naoe comes back to room he finds Kagetora crying the tears of frustration. It seems that his weakness and the feelings of guilt took over Kagetora's mind, making him explode mentally. "Why... Why this is happening...? Lord... Kenshin, please tell me!! Why?! Why this all is happening to me-!!" Kagetora cries aloud. Naoe tries to comfort him.

K: "Don't touch me!! I don't want to be pitied by you!! Your compassion just humiliates me!"

N: "Kagetora-sama." 

K: "Don't get me wrong, Naoe! I don't want to be pitied by a man like you! Get out of here! Go away! Your... compassion for me... Your..."

Angrily Kagetora starts to throw stuff like a towel and their pillows towards Naoe. But Naoe stays calm and pulls Kagetora into a strong embrace, trying to cool down his anger and frustration. As being much weaker than adult man, Kagetora can't fight back and eventually he calms down. Holding Kagetora in his arms Naoe wonders has he really been afraid of this man. Waiting for receiving his revenge Naoe saw Kagetora as a bigger threat than he actually is. Seeing Kagetora so fragile and weak, Naoe understands that he was afraid of him for nothing. Honestly Kagetora doesn't hold a grudge anymore, but it seems that he's worrying about losing himself without that grudge. That's why he acts like hating Naoe, trying to remember himself who he is. During these years working together has made them to forget their history as enemies, and it has replaced with understanding each other better than anyone else since they both are kanshousha. No one can understand that agony and pain better than another kanshousha. The scene ends with Naoe carrying Kagetora back to bed and staying by his side.

Kagetora and Naoe spend their summer in that village, waiting for Kagetora getting used to his new body properly. One autumn day they get a message from Irobe. He's now together with Nagahide in Shibata named castle town in Echigo and they have tracked Haruie. The lord of that castle is Shibata Shigeie (according to Wikipedia his sister is Irobe's daughter-in-law!) and he has had a quarrel with Kagekatsu. During visiting Kyoto, Kagekatsu got an order from Toyotomi Hideyoshi to defeat Shigeie, so there will be soon a battle between them. Kagekatsu's forces are already on the way to Shibata and Shigeie himself is preparing for the war by recurring wandering samurais. There was rumors that Kakizaki brothers are supporting Shigeie. Irobe sends Tsubaki (who has come to the town by possessing Mukademaru's body) to investigate the situation in the castle. She performs hyoui on a crow and visits the castle. After coming back she confirms that Haruie was there, but she couldn't say surely whose body Jirousaburou is possessing. As Youkihi has disappeared from this world, all chimera bodies died. This means that Jirousaburou has became back to normal onryou and for surviving he needs new host body. Tsubaki could exchange few words with Haruie who said to her that now they can revenge what happened during the Siege of Otate. Haruie asks Tsubaki to join Shibata's side, but she refuses.

Next day Kagetora and Naoe arrive to Shibata town. After hearing Haruie preparing to join the upcoming battle against Kagekatsu, Kagetora decides to get into the castle and talk with Haruie. At this point they also learn that Jirousaburou and Haruie have created a special spell around the castle: there are many purple spider lilies blooming around the castle and the town, emitting sweet odor of grudge. This odor will instantly kill the target of the spell. In this case the target is Kagekatsu. Haruie and the others know that Kagekatsu will definitely attack the Shibata castle sooner or later, so this is a perfect trap. This shall be revenge of causing lord Kagetora's death! Irobe takes a horse and heads for the front lines of Kagekatsu troops in order to stop Kagekatsu coming any closer to the castle. Mukademaru comes to the room and after seeing Naoe there she asks where Saburouji (Kurata) is. She doesn't know that Kagetora lost Kurata's body and performed kanshou on Rokurouta. Kagetora himself tells to her that Saburouji died. Mukademaru starts to cry and says that it can't be, she was in love with Saburouji, but she couldn't tell about her feelings for him. After this Mukademaru runs out. Everyone is confused what did just happened. Feeling quite sorry, Kagetora goes after her. He never recognized her feelings for him. Now he feels terrible for making her sad and the fact that he can never answer to her feelings. When Kagetora is comforting her, they're caught by Shigeie's soldiers. The soldiers are wondering if these guest are possibly spies sent by Kagekatsu, so Kagetora and Mukademaru are taken into the castle and imprisoned.

In the castle they share a jail with two samurais, one younger and one older. For Kagetora's big surprise he knows the older samurai: he's Isawa Genjirou! He was Kagetora's messenger. And Isawa's wife was Lady Haru's servant. It seems that he survived from the Siege of Otate. Since Kagetora can't expose his true identity, as a child he innocently asks if Isawa is a samurai. Smiling tiredly Isawa tells that he was, but after losing his Lord (Kagetora), wife and generally whole his life, he didn't want to follow lord Kagekatsu, but became a wandering samurai. He heard that in Shibata they're recurring samurais for defeating Kagekatsu, so he decided to come here. He wants to fight once more, and if he's lucky, he will lose his life in the battle and have an honorable death. But Shibata's soldiers thought him to be a spy so he was imprisoned. Kagetora feels terrible seeing Isawa suffering so much. He's his victim. Isawa's wife and many other followed Kagetora to the death when the Samegao castle was set to fire. After staying in the jail for a while Kagetora gets a plan how they all can get out of there: they will pretend that Rokurouta is Kagetora's second son who was hid during the Siege of Otate. Shigeie is called there as he hears rumors about this. Isawa introduces Rokurouta as Uesugi Rokurou and Mukademaru as Rokurou's wet nurse. Shigeie gets dumbfounded as Isawa tells how Rokurou was born during the Siege of Otate, but he was taken away in order to protect him from Kagekatsu. Now, after 10 years, Rokurou is hoping to revenge his father's death. Isawa makes a proposal that Rokurou will marry Shigeie's daughter and they can rule Echigo after getting Kagekatsu's head. As a proof of Rokurou being Kagetora's son, Isawa shows a short sword (it's actually his own, but of course Shigeie doesn't know about this) that belonged to Kagetora himself, it's made by the greatest sword masters of Odawara. Shigeie is still a bit suspicious, but then Kagetora asks to meet Kakizaki-dono, he will definitely know him. Kagetora is taken to meet Haruie. They change long gazes and it's clear that Haruie is confused why Kagetora is there and why he's claiming to be Kagetora's son. For Kagetora's relief Haruie joins the play and confirms that this young boy is definitely Lord Kagetora's son. Everyone in the castle gets excited since as having Kagetora's son on their side, it's highly possible that the Houjous will help them. 

Later at night, Kagetora and Haruie meet outside in the place where they can be alone. Kagetora asks if Haruie really won't come back to the Yashashuu, is he seriously going to abandon them? Haruie tells that he will live for Kakizaki family from now on. He won't trust on Kenshin anymore. Kenshin just used the Kakizakis and him, fooling Haruie all this time. Kagetora asks if Jirousaburou brainwashed him or something like that. Haruie would never say things like that. Kagetora remembers how his father Ujiyasu warned that there are bad people who tries to use other's kindness for their own purposes. Kagetora knows that Haruie is just too kind. It's clear that he wants to help his brother. Kagetora himself knows how strong the bond between brothers can be since he also has brothers. But since Haruie has decided to give up his mission, he has no right to exist anymore. Kagetora and Haruie are about start a fight, but then Mukademaru rushes there and stops Kagetora. Haruie tells that Kenshin is using all of them. There always will be onryous, their mission will never end. Isn't it more worthwhile to use Rokurouta's life for joining this war as Kagetora's son? He can change more things if he does so. Kagetora gets dumbfounded by Haruie's words. After staring at each other for a while Kagetora admits that for Rokurouta it would be better choice than hunting onryous, but after saying so he demands to meet Jirousaburou. Haruie leaves the site saying that he will take Kagetora to him later. As hearing the conversation between Kagetora and Haruie, Mukademaru understands that Rokurouta is actually Kagetora. She confesses her feelings for him and promises to help them. Kagetora asks Mukademaru to go to find Naoe and bring him to the castle. After Mukademaru leaves, Kagetora thinks about Naoe. This scene was quite interesting so translated it! Starting from p.119:


K: ('How weird. I never expected that someday I would rely on that man this much, he was my enemy after all.')

After performing kanshou on child's body, I started to feel myself so powerless. My eye level is lower than the others, I can't walk so fast as adults and I'm weaker. As being frustrated and tormented by impatience, Naoe being on my side felt so trustworthy. 

K: ('This is surely just because of my present body. I returned to child again. I just feel weak since my body isn't as strong as adults.')

Kagetora understood the possible reason why he was feeling like that. However, he also felt that there was some other reasons too. Seeing Naoe blaming himself for Kagetora's kanshou, something, mysteriously, happened inside of Kagetora's heart. 

K: ('I feel like... Something inside of me... Gets satisfied seeing you carrying the sin.')

The feeling of satisfaction, it is almost sadistic.

I don't know what this really is, but it's definitely different from what I feel for Haruie.

K: ('Is it because I felt I won, the battle between us?')

What is this dark joy that is darker than night?

K: ('What's happening on me?')


Kagetora tries to block away those scary feelings and thoughts that he recognized lingering inside of his heart. He decides to find Jirousaburou by himself. Then, Tsubaki, possessing one woman, comes to Kagetora. She begs Kagetora to stand on the battle field once more since this time they will definitely defeat Kagekatsu. Tsubaki's father and brothers were on Kagetora's side during the war of succession, but they all lost they lives. Hating Kagekatsu so much blocked Tsubaki's path to the afterlife, she became an onryou. However, Kagetora doesn't have any intentions to get involved in Kagekatsu's politics anymore, since they're dead people, they don't have right to mess up with living people in such a way. 

As we all can imagine, Naoe of course freaked out totally after recognizing that Kagetora has been kidnapped to the castle. Fortunately they run into Mukademaru and with the help of her, Naoe and Nagahide get proper samurai clothes and armors so that they can enter the castle as Rokurou-sama's protectors. At this point, there was a funny conversation after Mukademaru asks if Kurouzaemon-sama (Naoe) and Shirouza-sama (Nagahide) were also former members of Uesugi like Kagetora too.  

Nag: "Well, we aren't the only ones who have a secret, you too. It's better if no one knows about the monster (wild boar god) that you're hiding under your garments." :)

M: "How can you know about that? I have showed it only to Saburouji-sama..."  (ó_ò;;)

Nag: "Okay, sorry. I accidentally saw it when you were preparing the bath." (^v^;;)

Nao: "Were your peeking her taking a bath?" (O_O)

Nag: "Hey, don't make me sound like a bad guy. It was an accident. Accidentally I... Hey, look at that!"

*onryous coming*

(Hahaha, Nagahide was saved just on time! :'D) 

Meanwhile Haruie takes Kagetora to a temple that is close to the castle. Haruie shows the way to basement floor and for Kagetora's surprise there is an endless flower field of purple spider lilies. And in the middle of the field, there is a small statue of Zaougongen (he's a Buddhist deity that is believed to be a combination on Shakyamuni, Miroku and Kannon Bodhisattva). Haruie tells that Jirousaburou's soul is sealed into Zaougengon. And Zaougengon is also the main pillar of the spiritual barrier and spell too. The spell can be broken only if someone destroys the statue and exorcises Jirousaburou's soul. Kagetora is shocked. Did Haruie do all of this? Does he really hate Kagekatsu so much? Kagetora orders Haruie to break the spell and exorcise Jirousaburou right now before Kagekatsu comes to Shibata castle town. Haruie grabs Kagetora arm so that he won't use his powers. Haruie also tells that Kagekatsu won't suffer. Right after he steps inside of the spiritual barrier and smell the scent of these flowers, he will just fall into eternal sleep. Kagetora tries to fight back as Haruie is dragging him forcefully, telling that Kagetora can govern Echigo soon, everything is going as it was supposed to go. At the door Kagetora can hear a voice, as if someone is calling his name. Is it that statue...? When Haruie and Kagetora return to the castle, they meet Naoe and Nagahide who are acting to be Rokurou-sama's protectors. Haruie is of course very annoyed about this and tries to excel them by telling that they're Kagekatsu's spies.  Kagetora saves Naoe and Nagahide by saying that they really are his protectors. Since Rokurou is "confirmed" being Kagetora's son, everyone in the castle follow Rokurou's orders and thinks him as their lord, so Haruie can't do anything but stay quiet and accept that Naoe and Nagahide can stay in the castle. 

Later on that night, Kagetora together with Naoe and Nagahide goes to check the secret flower field under the temple where Jirousaaburou's soul is sealed into the statue of Zaougongen. They try to break the barrier and the spell, but they fail. When they are about to leave Kagetora hears again someone's voice calling him "... gimi... Ka... tora-gi...". Kagetora stands still and stares at the statue thinking 'It can't be...!' When they're leaving, Haruie and several soldiers come there, arresting Naoe and Nagahide as spies. Nagahide loses his temper and angrily says that Haruie is the one who is betraying. Haruie doesn't care about this and asks Shigeie to execute Naoe and Nagahide. Kagetora stares at Haruie who is acting very not like the Haruie he knows. Eventually Kagetora manages to save Naoe and Nagahide's life, but they're imprisoned.   

Two days pass. In the jail Naoe has been racking his brain trying to find the way to break the spiritual barrier and get his way to Kagetora's side. Nagahide has observed hard working Naoe these two days and thinking why Naoe is seeing so much effort for Kagetora's sake. Nagahide asks if Naoe is afraid of Kagetora losing his body again or something like that. Nagahide also reminds that Naoe's task is to observe Kagetora, not protect him. Kenshin chose him because it's needed to have some people from Kagekatsu's side for stopping Kagetora if he is planning to revenge or hurt Kagekatsu. Naoe shouldn't take Kagetora's safety so seriously. He was their enemy. Many people they loved died because of Kagetora's stubbornness to not accept Kagekatsu as the next leader of the Uesugis. "Did you get it? You can't be like Haruie is to him. Even if you want, you can't. We're winners. You may forget the past since we're on winner's side, but remember that Kagetora was a loser, displaced. He won't forgive us. And remember that because of him, many our friends and beloved ones lost lives, so don't get too close with him", Nagahide says, making Naoe dumbfounded. After moment of silence, Naoe says "...You're right. It's exactly so, just like you said. We were on Kagekatsu's side. We were the ones who won, we displaced Kagetora. I almost forgot that." For their surprise Isawa comes there and opens the door, letting them go. He also gives them a paper where is a mysterious message. Naoe and Nagahide escape from the castle. Naoe feels worried about Kagetora and Isawa.

Kagetora and Haruie meet alone after Shigeie recognizes that Naoe and Nagahide are missing. For Haruie's surprise Kagetora thanks Haruie for staying with him all this time. Kagekatsu doesn't deserve being the lord of Echigo, that title belongs to Kagetora. Kagetora tells that after this battle he will contact to the Houjous and make an alliance with them. Then, Kagetora starts to look back at the memories of Odawara. He asks if Haruie remembers the beach of Sagami bay and the magnificent view of Mt. Fuji. Haruie smiles and says that the sand in the Sagami bay was first-class and that he indeed loved the view of Mt. Fuji that he could see from the beach. After Haruie says so, Kagetora starts to laugh. Kagetora says that Mt. Fuji can't be been from the beach, since it's opposite direction and behind the Hakone mountains. Plus, Sagami bay's beach doesn't have sand, it's a rocky beach. Only a person who hasn't been in Odawara would say things like Haruie just said. In other words this person isn't Haruie... He's Jirousaburou! As Kagetora keeps mentioning that Haruie would never call him "Kagetora-sama", he always uses "Kagetora-gimi". That's one reason why Kagetora started to feel weird as Haruie kept calling him differently than normally. Smiling devilishly Jirousaburou admits that he expelled Haruie's soul out from Aoinosuke's body and performed kanshou on it. After that he sealed Haruie's soul into Zaougongen and formed the spell. In order to break the spell, Haruie's soul is needed to exorcise first. Kagetora is in rage and he's about to punch Jirousaburou, but can't since adult man is much stronger than him.  

Irobe finally comes back to Shibata castle town and meets Obaba. Irobe managed to meet one Kagekatsu's general who he knows quite well (but this general doesn't know that Irobe is Irobe Katsunaga). Irobe told this general about the spell and Shibata Shigeie's plans for assassinating Lord Kagekatsu. This general promises to make his best for postponing the attack for several days. 

Sensei describes Kagekatsu admiring Kenshin very deeply. I wonder if Kagekatsu was jealous of Kagetora? For example, the main story mentions how Kenshin took Kagetora for riding together on the beach quite often. No any mention they would have gone together, all three of them. Always only Kenshin and Kagetora. According to Kagetora he wanted to protect Echigo together with Kagekatsu, as a one big team. Even if they got along together, I can see it possible that there could be some jealously on the behind of scenes too. Kagekatsu is also described being stubborn and realistic. Ironically, according to his vassals, he doesn't believe in spirits/onryous/spells etc. This made me wonder if Masakage misunderstood Kagekatsu's feelings for him. If Masakage, possessing someone's body, appeared in front of Kagekatsu, could it be possible that Kagekatsu just regarded it as a sick joke? Someone is just messing with his deceased father's honor? And that's why he killed that body Masakage was possessing? Because he doesn't believe in onryous? Hmm...

In the town Irobe runs into a young samurai and his mother. For Irobe's big surprise he learns that this young man is actually Kakizaki Seinosuke, Jirousaburou's son and Haruie's nephew. Seinosuke's mother was pregnant with him when Jirousaburou lost his life. Being hated by other Kakizakis, Seinosuke's mother decided return to her father's place and raise Seinosuke secretly there. Now they both want to clear Jirousaburou's name and that's why they're joining the battle against Kagekatsu. This isn't related to the plot, but Haruie also has a son, Kakizaki Noriie, who is around 10-12 years old at the moment. Even if Haruie was on Kagetora's side, Kagekatsu let him become the head of Kakizaki family, but as far as he's under-aged, Kanetsugu is his guardian. Naoe and Nagahide also come there and tell that Jirousaburou was killed, but he came back as onryou. Rather than joining the battle, Seinosuke should help his father to move to the afterlife. 

Naoe, Irobe and Nagahide manages to get back into the castle after several twists and turns thanks to the help of Seinosuke and his mother, Kikyou. Naoe hears from Mukademaru (possessed by Tsubaki) that Jirousaburou has performed kanshou on Aoinosuke and that Haruie is the one whose soul is sealed into Zaiougongen. She also tells that Jirousaburou is keeping Kagetora as his hostage. Nagahide takes Kiykou and Seinosuke to meet Jirousaburou. While Jirousaburou is lost of his word meeting his wife after these many years, and getting known that he even has a son, Naoe, Irobe and Mukademaru hurry to the flower field for rescuing Haruie. This time they success to weaken the barrier so much that Haruie can communicate with them. Pitying himself Haruie admits that he has been such an idiot for accepting Jirousaburou performing kanshou on his Aoinosuke body. He should have exorcised Jirousaburou right in the first place. This is so shameful and it's all his own fault. Haruie says he can't face Kagetora anymore, Kagetora doesn't deserve vassal like him. Naoe tells that Haruie is their friend and the member of the Yashashuu, he can't abandon Kagetora. And he owns his life for Aoinosuke, he has to get his body back. Eventually Haruie gets encouraged again, helps the others to release himself from the statue. They success and Haruie unifies himself with the wild boar god, that left Mukademaru's body. They attack to Jirousaburou, but he escapes and threatens to kill hypnotized Kagetora if the Yashashuu comes any closer. Naoe is fuming in anger. Suddenly Jirousaburou feels extreme pain... Isawa has stabbed him on his back! As Jirousaburou is weak, Haruie attacks and pushes Jirousaburou's soul out from Aoinosuke's body, performing kanshou on it. Being without body, Jirousaburou escapes, Haruie, Nagahide and Irobe running after him. Naoe rushes to Kagetora. "Kagetora-sama...! Pelase, hang in there, Kagetora-sama!" Naoe holds Kagetora on his arms and tries to break the hypnotism by pressing their foreheads together, sending him a strong nenpa wave. This helps and Kagetora wakes up, surprising seeing Naoe's face so close to his own. "Naoe...? What happened to me...?" Kagetora asks confused. To this Naoe answers "I'm so happy you're fine. We rescued Haruie, but Jirousaburou escaped. I'm going after him and exorcise his soul." After Naoe and Kagetora also join the others and fight against many onryous that have come to the town lured by the scent of flowers. Jirousaburou tries to escape again, but then Haruie stops him by saying "Bai". As preparing for the exorcism Haruie smiles gently to him and says "Go first and wait for me in the netherworld, my brother. After living this life, I'll come to you. Let's talk more then." Jirousaburou yells in anger if Haruie chose to be his enemy after all. To this Haruie shakes his head and says "I'll never be your enemy, Jirousaburou. Never. We're all praying for your happiness in the afterlife. I understand your pain, I really do. But it's enough now. Please, let your suffering being released so that you can rest in peace!" After this all five of them finish the exorcism mantra together and Jirousaburou's soul gets exorcised. Seinosuke can hear his father's last words asking him to take care of his mother.  

Tsubaki's soul has got so bad injuries that she won't survive. She says she doesn't have any reasons to stay in this world anymore, all grudge against Kagekatsu, Naoe and Nagahide is now forgotten. She wants to get exorcised. Kagetora grants her wish. The Yashashuu tells the truth about Uesugi Rokurou to Shigeie, depressing him. As seeing Isawa being also sad, Naoe wonders if he really was Kagekatsu side's spy. Naoe starts to remember the message they got from Isawa and tries to solve the code. For his horror, Naoe understands the message is saying 'I'll kill Rokurou'. After recognizing the true meaning of the message, Naoe hurries to Kagetora's side, but he's late since Isawa is already about to stab Kagetora. However, Seinosuke shelters Kagetora and stabs Isawa fatally. Isawa falls on the ground and whispers with a small smile on his face that finally he can see his wife again and that his Siege of Otate ends now. Kagetora is totally paralyzed as seeing Isawa dying. Seinosuke says "This is my gratitude for helping my father to leave this world, Kagetora-sama." Kagetora feels confused and is about to burst into tears. How Seinosuke can know his true identity? 

The Yashashuu leaves the castle. Seinosuke and his mother leave the town too. Mukademaru is more than happy having normal female body now. The wild boar god is nesting now in Haruie's body, so Mukademaru is free. She says farewells to the Yashashuu and keeps wandering in Echigo as a priestess. Obaba also says goodbyes and hopes that the Yashashuu can move to the afterlife soon too. Kagetora promises that this shall be their last kanshou. As listening Naoe, Haruie, Irobe and Nagahide chatting funnily with each other, Kagetora smiles and feels happy that he has such good fellows.   

In the last scene of Kaikou, Kagetora and Naoe are on the same beach they met for the first time as kanshousha. Few days has passed since what happened at the Shibata castle. They heard that Kagekatsu's troops surrounded the Shibata castle and Shigeie, extremely devastated by the fact that there isn't Kagetora's second son, committed a suicide. Now the war has ended and the whole Echigo is now under Kagekatsu's control. Naoe asks if Kagetora has found the light, "their hope". Kagetora answers that he hasn't. Their mission won't end so easily. Death creates onryous. Life creates death. As long as there is life, there will be onryous. Kagetora says that living people may find their light, but for the Yashashuu it's impossible. Without light, Kagetora can't lead them to the afterlife. However, for Naoe, Irobe, Haruie and Nagahide's sake Kagetora promises to keep looking for the light. Naoe looks at Kagetora sorrowfully and remembers Nagahide's words how Kagetora will never forgive them, they will always be rivals. 'He will be the spokesperson of dead people from now on too. That's why I need to be the spokesperson of living people', Naoe thinks. After this they have a following conversation:

N: "As your guardian, I'll keep protecting and confronting you. Don't expect me giving you any unconditional support. I'm going to keep criticizing you as you're criticizing me."

*Kagetora turns to look at Naoe*

N: "You can hate me if you want. I'm not going to ingratiate you. Or give you any rest. Because as Lord Kagekatsu's vassal I was chosen to be your guardian, this is my duty and the reason for keep existing. I won't leave you. And as your criticizer, I won't move to the afterlife before you. I'll keep performing kanshou as long as you exist. No matter what will happen, I will keep living till the moment your soul moves to the afterlife."

*long silence, then Kagetora gazes at Naoe with powerful eyes*

K: "Sounds interesting... I want to see it with my own eyes if you can keep your vow or not. Don't forget your promise, Naoe Nobutsuna!"


This was the end of Kaikou prequels. I really liked this era and the old language they used created nice atmosphere. Isawa was a supporting character, but his fate was so tragic. This death and how Kagetora reacted to it was absolutely heartbreaking. The Siege of Otate finally ends...

Here some thoughts:

Kaikou Nagahide was so cool. I really liked his character in these prequels! His easygoing party guy personality really fits on him, nights are for drinking sake and having fun with women. And he's usually the last one who wakes up in the mornings. The others are like "Nagahide, get up already!" :D

Irobe's character was very positive surprise in Kaikou. I was a bit disappointed that he and Jushinni didn't become a couple. Their mature romance brought warmness into this dark and sad story.

I'm a bit confused about what after all happened between the Kakizakis and Kenshin. In this volume, there wasn't any mentions about the death of Kakizaki Kageie anymore, so can we assume that Kenshin really assassinated him? And Jirousaburou too? But since Kagetora is Haruie's only lord, he decides to return the Yashashuu? I wonder if I missed something, since I find it weird that Haruie is just "My mistake, sorry. I shouldn't have left Kagetora-gimi. I come back". In other ways Haruie was great! He's like a big teddy bear. :)

And at last, Kagetora and Naoe. I loved their interactions with each other! I think that performing kanshou on Rokurouta and receiving Naoe's protection was something that Kagetora really needed. Less than 20 years has passed since the rape in Odawara, so I guess that Kagetora has felt himself very unprotected all these years. And having Naoe and Nagahide, Kagekatsu's men, on his side doesn't help the situation at all. But having Naoe constantly on his side, protecting, understanding his pain, brought him some secure. But too close relationship with him feels extremely scary, since Kagetora's raper was also someone whose task was to protect him. Feeling himself the most miserable person in the world, hating himself, Kagetora needs someone to love him. And the one from who he wants love is Naoe. After reading this Kaikou volume, I remembered Naoe's words from the OVA "It didn't have to be me, right? It could have been anyone else. Why did it have to be me?" Kagetora's deep traumas and self-hatred keep hurting Naoe, making him his victim of mental violence. It's sadistic, as the scene in this volume mentioned. Without Kagetora's past, maybe they would have had a healthier relationship much earlier and everything would have ended without innocent victims, like Minako. During Shouwa, Bakumatsu and much earlier too, I'm sure Kagetora was aware of Naoe's feelings for him. However, at the time Naoe didn't have enough that courage what he had after losing his life at Hagi. Meanwhile Kagetora was struggling with the fear and attachment for Naoe, keeping suitable distance between them. 

At this point have to mention about one scene in Shouwa prequel vol. 9: When Kagetora was thinking about Naoe and having Kimyoumaru on his lap, he also remembered that once he performed kanshou on a child named Rokurouta and Naoe took care of him. 'Since that day, there hasn't been a day without thinking about Naoe', Kagetora thought. And the scene here where he recognizes the satisfaction of seeing Naoe suffering, bidden to him, hints that Kagetora was already in a great need of Naoe, just 5 years after starting to work together. How about Naoe? When did he fall in love with Kagetora? Nagahide's words shocked Naoe quite lot in this volume, so maybe he started to recognize something? Something that he felt forbidden as a former vassal of Kagekatsu? Based on keseranpasaran's summary of Kaikou vol. 8 and these volumes I have, I feel that Naoe had some kind of physical attraction to Kagetora's Kurata/Saburouji body.

In Shouwa vol. 9, Kagetora also says "I really trust him, but... I don't know how to express it to him... I wonder... If I return back to child, could we start over it again with him?"  So before knowing what happened between Naoe and Minako, Kase-Kagetora was already thinking about next kanshou. Being younger than Naoe... Changing their positions... Could it save them? Rather than performing kanshou on adult body, Kagetora chose fetus kanshou. Did he feel that it was easier to communicate with Naoe when he was Rokurouta? Does their chemistry work better if Naoe is older than him?

Okay, let's shortly talk about Bakumatsu prequels! :) Bakumatsu referrers to the last years (1853-1867) of Edo period just before the Tokugawa shogunate ended. If here are any Hakuouki-fans, then good news, it seems that Shinsengumi appears here.Pictures of the Yahashuu's Bakumatsu appearances are possible to find here:  (move to the page where they have character introductions)

Kagetora - Kuroda Shin'emon (host body name)/Kasuga Shinzaburou (35), working for a high-ranking shogunate officer  

Naoe - Azekura Heijirou Tadaomi (25), working as a warrior for a feudal lord 

Haruie - Tsuta, working as a spy for Choushuu domain

Nagahide - Sagano Zenbei, working as an interpreter for foreigners at a trading company

Irobe - Shougen, a monk

I haven't read these prequels yet, but according to the summaries that Japanese fans have made this happens: Kagetora is extremely exhausted of keep living and performing kanshou, he just wants to die. Naoe has performed (fetus?) kanshou and is now 6 years old. Kagetora himself is an old man and he comes to see young Naoe. Kagetora tells him "Not sure if I perform kanshou anymore". Kagetora pets Naoe's head gently and leaves, hoping that Naoe keeps living. Almost 20 years past before they meet again. Kagetora has performed adult kanshou. Naoe tries to keep tired Kagetora on his side and cure his pain/anguish/guilty. Plot things happen, the Yashashuu is separated, expect Kagetora and Naoe stay together. Few summaries mention about the scene Kagetora and Naoe are having a night walk together along the street of Kyoto. Naoe grabs Kagetora's arm and says something that brings a warm smile on Kagetora's lips. Later Kagetora thinks "It should have been me who grabs your arm." There seems to be also some intensive scenes. Sounds very promising, but more after reading these! :) 

Sankia's picture
Hi !

Thank you for this summary and images ! :)The beginning dialogue is really funny ! Naoe as his father? pfff ... x)  I'm really happy to see how  their relationship are start , their final dialogue is a good illustration of their chaotic relationship to come.

Nagahide irritated me a little when he said, "Many people they have loved to died because of Kagetora's stubbornness to accept Kagekatsu as the next leader of the Uesugis," knowing that Kagekatsu is the one who started the war. >. <

 The prequels of Bakumatsu look very interesting ! *. *

Rina's picture
Hi Sankia!

Kaikou volumes had lots of KageNao cuteness and great drama! *w* The bond between them is so strong and amazing.

Even if Nagahide starts to accept Kagetora as his "friend", to him Kagekatsu is still  his lord... 

I just finished reading the first volume of Bakumatsu prequels and have to say that Sensei won't let down us this time either! :) I'll write a Bakumatsu summary after finishing the last volume!

sarah3161's picture
thank you so much

there is something sweet about this chapter ^_^ the interaction between Naoe who don’t want to be mistaken for a father and Kagetora who is like a child makes you really giggle.

I always feel like there a tension whenever the Kagekatsu subject is near and Nagahide is really kind of loyal to him.

It was really heart warming to see Kagetora's messenger in this sumarry.

Actually, the whole summary provocs different feelings. ^_^

Rina's picture
Hi sarah3161!

Big thanks to Sensei for pampering us fans with many cute scenes!  *w* Naoe's behavior was so funny! :)

Yes, especially since Kagekatsu is still alive and not so many years has passed since the Otate, there are some tension between Kagetora/Haruie and Naoe/Nagahide. At the moment Irobe is possibly the one to whom Kagetora can trust the most among the Yashashuu. 

Imagase's picture
Thank you!

Another intense volume and the very beginning of the patterns of behaviour that will last for 400 years and will cause both of them to become insane!^^ I love how Nagahide in this volume had to remind his duty to Naoe who seems already really loyal and protective of Kagetora and quite drawn to him despite himself. Same for Kagetora who, unconsciously and despite himself and his better judgement, has already begun to rely on Naoe very much. It's been only five years since they met and started working together and yet... . I really enjoyed their interactions here, the cute, the hilarious and the angsty ones too. Glad to see Haruie on their side again, it's just natural to see them all on the same side! Thank you for the brief introduction to the Bakumatsu era by the way, the setting seems really promising and I'd love to read summaries of it one day! As always thank you very much for your effort!^^

Rina's picture
Hi Imagase!

I love that Sensei decided to write these prequels! They help so much to understand Naoe and Kagetora's history together and what kind of circumstances led to the relationship they have after all in the main story. ^^ 

The Bakumatsu summary is coming in a few weeks! :)

Thanks again for all this!

Once more, thanks for all the summarizing and commentary. I'm a little sad to hear that your job is keeping you too busy for much more Mirage summarizing, but I hope your job is rewarding both financially and personally. :) (As for me, I lost my paid work this term, and I'm still too busy to keep with Mirage!)

I really enjoyed this summary. I haven't read the earlier summaries you mention. Are they listed on the translation community? I read translations/summaries of the first two volumes but wasn't aware of ones after that. I'd be glad of a link. (Maybe I listed them years ago and forgot?) I still feel a little at sea about the transformations in Naoe, but it is interesting to see their dynamic coming together. (Overall, I may be a little at sea about how self-perceptive Kagetora naturally is when he has all his memories. I tend to feel Sensei sometimes writes earlier Kagetora as a bit too self-perceptive, undercutting his later development toward self-awareness. But then, there's the question of how much of this development is changed/repeated because Takaya needs to pretty much learn/remember everything all over.)

It's interesting to see Nagahide as the lady's man because later Nagahide reads to me as almost asexual (did I comment on this before)? He flirts a lot but never (rarely) seems interesting in following through. Maybe he got it out of his system? Maybe it changes body by body, and it's Chiaki who's pretty asexual?

Rina's picture
Hi labingi!

Thank you! :) This is summer is quite hectic time for me. I hope you can find new job soon! 

Biwajima-hime prequel (Kaikou vol. 8) in English is listed on the translation community! :) Or do you mean Japanese Bakumatsu prequels? I can give links if you're interested!

Nagahide and the women: I was also surprised seeing Nagahide so sexually active since Chiaki didn't (??) have any sexual romance in the main story. During Kaikou and Bakumatsu, his nightlife was busy, and in Yashashuu Boogie Woogie stories he perhaps had a small crush(?!) on a Chinese actress while he was living in Shanghai, but after that nothing special happened on his love life. I can see your idea of body changing the sexual interest possible. Haruie too, had a great interest of women in Kaikou, but after performing kanshou on female bodies, he/she started to like men only (well, at least there aren't any mention he/she having interested in women anymore). Even if the soul is same, the body changed his/her sexuality.

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