Browse items for sale
Fan-created manga and stories. Fandoms include:
- Ai no Kusabi
- Banana Fish
- Bronze/Zetsuai
- Death Note
- Final Fantasy 10
- Final Fantasy 8
- Fujimi Symphony Orchestra
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Gakuen Heaven
- Gravitation
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Harry Potter
- Haru wo Daiteita
- Harukanaru Toki no Naka d
- Initial D
- Kyou Kara Maou
- Last Exile
- Mirage of Blaze
- Naruto
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Okane ga Nai
- One Piece
- original
- Peace Maker Kurogane
- Prince of Tennis
- Summon Night 3
- Supernatural
- Tales of Symphonia
- Tales of the Abyss
- Trigun
- X
- Yami no Matsuei
Manga in English
English or translated graphic novels.
Manga in Japanese
Japanese graphic novels, untranslated.
Compiled art from mangaka and illustrators.
Shitajiki and Clear files
Shitajiki are hard plastic "pencil boards" originally used by Japanese students to pad their notes so pen marks don't press down to the next page, but are now favorite collectors' items because of their beautiful artwork and durability. Clear files are soft plastic folders (inside which you can carry paper).
Stationary/letter paper with artwork from Japan.
Miscellaneous items, including Drama CDs, calendars, phone cards, etc.
How to order and other information
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