Ruritsubame Blues English Subtitles

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quaint-twilight's picture
Ruritsubame Blues English Subtitles

Subtitles for the second play!

As before, subtitles are available in two formats and I've also included a transcript:

Again, not 100% sure of certain bits of the dialogue so if you spot any mistakes, let me know.

And I just realized that today is the last day of the Gurenzaka Blues play! I'm dying to read some spoilers, all the reactions I'm seeing on Twitter has been about how intense the play is.

Sankia's picture
Thank you

Quaint-Twilight, thank you very much for your work, I can not wait to read it ! :)

Do you plan to resume the translation of the volumes ? 

imperfekti's picture
Thank you!

So happy to see the subtitles both for this and the first play! Thank you so much for the effort you have put into this!

One reason I'm especially happy about these subtitles is that this makes it so much easier to introduce the plays - and through them, the series itself - to new people. I at least think these plays could me more approachable to some people than the anime adaptation. Looking forward to show this to some friends!

That said, for some reason I wasn't able to get to subtitles to show on Mac/DVD/VLC combination yet despite quite some tweaking around, but I'll keep trying and hope to get it to work somehow.

quaint-twilight's picture
@Sankia Yes, I'm working on

@Sankia Yes, I'm working on the first chapter of Volume 18 :)

@imperfekti I've noticed that there tends to be a lag of a few minutes before the subtitles appear on VLC player once you load them. Maybe you can try 5KPlayer or other media players that can load external subtitles.

imperfekti's picture
Indeed, lagging seems to be

Indeed, lagging seems to be the issue. The same thing happens with 5Kplayer, and unfortunately I was only able to fix some of it by tweaking it with the synchronize function. Let's see if I can find another solution to this.

Sankia's picture
Thank you

That's great ! I can not wait to read that! :D

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