
Search glossary

Akiyama (秋山)

An English teacher at Old Castle High School who died in the six months after Mikuriya Juri takes over the student council and before Takaya and Chiaki infiltrate the school. Like Nakajima and Ikeda, he was elderly and opposed the gym renovation project.

He was the first of the three to die and became deathly afraid of snakes the night before his death.

Byakuime (白衣女)

Uesugi's "Ladies in White," members of the [Meikai Uesugi Army]], are guardian deities placed at various localities to watch over and pacify the land.

One is the guardian deity of the land around Uozu Castle. With her "Bell of Spiritual Repose" (Chinkon no Kane), she keeps the three thousand Uesugi soldiers of Uozu Castle pacified. She is described as an ephemeral woman with long hair, dressed in a white kimono.

Another was placed by Uesugi Kagetora in Saga to watch over northern Kyuushuu after unrest created by the spirits of the Nabeshima clan. She was killed by Kikkawa Motoharu.

Chiaki Shuuhei (千秋修平)

Birthday: Apr. 1
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs
Blood type: B
Possessed by: Yasuda Nagahide.

The current incarnation of Yasuda Nagahide who shows up in Takaya's class one day after hypnotizing everyone into believing that he's been one of Takaya's best friends for ages. He is described as being a prodigy at Jouhoku High who is popular both with the teachers and the girls. He wears glasses, has a well-proportioned body, and gives the impression of cool maturity. He is around two years older than Takaya and lives alone. He appears to have cut off all ties with his family.

Notes: He appears as 'Chiaki' in narration. Naoe and Haruie call him 'Nagahide', and Takaya calls him Chiaki. Most of the students at Jouhoku High call him Chiaki-kun.

Endou (遠藤)

One of Takaya's classmates at Old Castle High School in junior class B who is the first person to try to make friends with him. He shows Takaya around the school and later the city and tells him a little about the situation. He is described as having a narrow face and slightly dyed brown hair. Takaya thinks of him as the ordinary kind of student who wants to keep his head down and avoid trouble, but also as a kind person.

He knows a lot about the game centers downtown. His father is a taxi driver.

Fuuma Kotarou (風魔小太郎)

Historically: The name Fuuma Kotarou was given to each leader of the Fuuma Clan/organization of ninjas which served the Later Houjou Clan, starting with its first leader. The clan started information-gathering and espionage activities in the time of Houjou Souun, the founder of the Later Houjou Clan. The clan name began as 風間, composed of the characters for "wind" and "space", but was changed to its present form, a homophone composed of the characters for "wind" and "evil/demonic/magical."

In its 100 years of service to the Houjou Clan, the most renowned Fuuma Kotarou was the fifth, who served Houjou Ujimasa and his son Houjou Ujinao (unknown - 1603). Stories say that he was 7'1". One of his most famous exploits was in 1580 and the Battle of Kise-gawa, during which he slipped into the enemy camp at night and caused mass chaos. Another famous ninja, Ninokuruwa Isuke, also belonged to the Fuuma Clan.

After the destruction of the Houjou Clan, Kotarou and the Fuuma Clan became thieves near Edo. Kotarou was captured and executed in 1603 from information given by Kousaka Jinai, another ninja-turned-thief who formerly served the Takeda Clan.

In Mirage of Blaze: Fuuma Kotarou leads the Fuuma ninjas in service to the Houjou Clan. He is described as a tall, slender man with broad shoulders and a muscular but supple body. He wears his hair long, tied in a long tail that reaches to his waist.

Ikeda (池田)

An Earth Sciences teacher at Old Castle High School who died in the six months after Mikuriya Juri takes over the student council and before Takaya and Chiaki infiltrate the school. Like Nakajima and Akiyama, he was elderly and opposed the gym renovation project.

Inaba Akemi (稲葉朱実)

One of Takaya's classmates at Old Castle High School in junior class B who is known as a celebrity-chaser. She's a superfan of Shiba Eiji and was very excited to see him live on tour. She's described as having shoulder-length hair. She has a sister who lives in Fukuoka.

She's known Miike Tetsuya, whom she calls Te-chan, since she was in primary school and seems to take being shoved to the ground and dismissiveness from him as a matter of course.

She is also friends with Koganezawa Kyouko and Satou Emi (a fellow SEEVA fan) in junior class C and a girl in her own class she calls Ma-chan.

Kaizaki Makoto (開崎誠)

An employee of Keibu Real Estate, said to be a distant relative of its CEO Tatsumi Yoshitsugu. A descendant of the Satomi Clan with psychic powers of his own.

Described as looking like a young industrialist with flawless poise, he wears silver thin-rimmed glasses and is around 30. He has almond-shaped black eyes and black hair he usually wears slicked back.

Kitazato Minako (北里美奈子)

Kagetora's beloved in the age before he became Ougi Takaya.

Kobayashi (小林)

A Math teacher at Old Castle High School who suddenly falls ill. Chiaki Shuuhei substitutes for him. According to Koganezawa Kyouko, he's boring and has a droning voice. He is advisor to the school's rugby team.

Koganezawa Kyouko (金沢今日子)

A student at Old Castle High School in junior class C who has been friends with Inaba Akemi since junior high.

She has something of a reputation for going through boyfriends quickly and decides to seduce Chiaki Shuuhei, her Math teacher. She is manager of the rugby team and gets Chiaki to agree to be the team's advisor in Kobayashi's place.

Kurokawa (黒川)

Homeroom teacher for Old Castle High School's junior B class.

Miike Hokage (三池ほかげ)

Twin sister of Miike Tetsuya who went missing a year ago. She was the Bonfire Maiden five years ago, when strange things happened during the festival. Afterwards the Miike family began calling her Asara and treated her like royalty.

Miike Tetsuya (三池哲哉)

One of Takaya's classmates at Old Castle High School in junior class B who is something of a loner and delinquent. He's known Inaba Akemi since they were children and lives on his own. He has short hair with the front sticking up, which Akemi calls a 'hedgehog head'.

Nakajima (中島)

A Math teacher at Old Castle High School who died of an acute heart attack the November before Chiaki and Takaya infiltrate the school. According to Yamaguchi, who spoke with him the day before his death, he was elderly but healthy. Though strict about schoolwork, he took time to council the students and and was well-loved; he opposed Mikuriya's regime.

The day before his death, he said that he had seen a 'shining serpent.'

Nakaoka (中岡)

One of Koganezawa Kyouko's former boyfriends.

Nezu Kouichi (根津耕)

One of Takaya's classmates at Old Castle High School in junior class B who leads a group of students opposed to the Mikuriya Juri-led student council. He seems particularly antagonistic towards Takaya. Described as not large or handsome, but imbued with a certain presence.

Ougi Takaya (仰木高耶)

Birthday: July 23
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 134 lbs
Blood type: O
Possessed by: Uesugi Kagetora

At the beginning of the story Takaya is a seventeen-year-old high school delinquent with no memory of his past. His parents divorced when he was a first-year junior high school student, probably because his father started drinking when his business failed. His mother remarried and lives in Sendai.

He was born and raised in Matsumoto and lives there with his sister, Miya. He attends Jouhoku High and is in the same class (Year Two Group Three) as his best friend, Narita Yuzuru.

Notes: He appears as 'Takaya' in narration. Nagahide and Haruie call him 'Kagetora', and Naoe calls him 'Kagetora-sama' and 'Takaya-san'. Most of the students at Jouhoku High call him 'Ougi-kun' (Chiaki calls him 'Ougi' at school). Miya calls him 'Onii-chan', and Yuzuru calls him 'Takaya'.

Ozaki (尾崎)

A freshman at Old Castle High School who is vice president of the student council and second-in-command to Mikuriya Juri. He wears rimless glasses and takes a dictatorial attitude towards other students .

Sassa Narimasa (佐々成政)
Feb. 2, 1536 - July 7, 1588

Also known as: Kuranosuke—nickname (内蔵助)
Titles: Mutsu no Kami, Ecchuu no Kami, Chamberlain

A daimyo of the Sengoku, born in Owari. His father was Sassa Morimasa. His two older brothers, Sassa Masatsugu and Sassa Magosuke, died in battle, so Narimasa became head of the clan and master of Hira Castle in 1560. He distinguished himself in the loyal service of Oda Nobunaga and fought in many of Nobunaga's battles. His name was first on a list for the Kurohoro-gumi, an elite group of Nobunaga's bodyguards.

In 1580, he backed Jinbou Nagazumi against both the Uesugi Clan and the Ikkou-ikki in Ecchuu, and was given half the province. The following year, he was named governor (Kami) of the entire province when Jinbou Nagazumi lost his standing. He made Toyama Castle his main castle and performed extensive repairs and renovations on it.

After Nobunaga's death in 1582, Narimasa continued to engage in fierce battles with Uesugi Kagekatsu. He took the side of Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobukatsu against Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but later surrendered to him in 1585 when Hideyoshi laid siege to Toyama Castle with 10,000 troops. He lost Ecchuu, but was given a fief in Higo in 1587 for merits in the suppression of Kyuushuu, along with instructions on refraining from hasty reforms. Ignoring those instructions because of illness or perhaps misunderstanding, Narimasa immediately set out on Hideyoshi's nationwide land survey, resulting in rebellion of the province. He was charged with misgovernment and committed ritual suicide.

He wrote the following as his death-poem: "The shell of my begging bowl in which I have placed the evil delusions of these recent days now breaks" (この頃の 厄妄想を 入れ置きし 鉄鉢袋 今破るなり).

Narimasa is said to have brutally killed his concubine, Sayuri, along with her family for a rumor of infidelity. The legend goes that Sayuri cursed him before she died, and the curse was responsible for his death at the hand of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

In Mirage of Blaze: He is kanshousha who has entered the «Yami-Sengoku» as one of the Oda's commanders, described as a tanned, fearless-looking young man, a "mountain cat in human skin." He and Mori Ranmaru don't appear to be on the best of terms. He later seeks his death at Sayuri's hands in remorse for the way he brutally tortured and killed her in their previous lives.

Satomi Yoshitaka (里見義堯)
1507 - June 19, 1574

Satomi Yoshitaka was the son of Satomi Sanetaka and became head of the Satomi Clan by killing the then-head, his cousin Satomi Yoshitoyo (son of his father's older brother Satomi Yoshimichi) in 1534. The traditional version of the story goes that Yoshitoyo killed Yoshitaka's father, who was in communication with the Houjou, and Yoshitaka killed him in revenge. In recent years, however, historians have theorized that Yoshitaka and Sanetaka, father and son, allied themselves with the Satomi Clan's bitter enemy, the Houjou Clan, in order to take over the clan. They then changed the records to hide the fact that they betrayed the Houjou Clan after their plan succeeded.

As clan head, Yoshitaka fought numerous battles with Houjou Ujitsuna and Houjou Ujiyasu. He pushed into Shimousa and Kazusa, making his stronghold Kuruji Castle in Kazusa, and brought about the golden age of the clan. He battled the Houjou to the last and died at Kuruji Castle at the age of 68.

Satou Emi (佐藤絵美)

A student at Old Castle High School in junior class C who is friends with Inaba Akemi and is apparently a fellow fan of SEEVA.

The SEEVA fan club exclusive ticket that she intended to give to Akemi at school was confiscated by the student council's patrol committee, leaving her in tears.

Sayuri (早百合)
? - 1584? 1585?

Sayuri was a favored concubine of Sassa Narimasa, said to be a peerless beauty, whom he brutally tortured and killed on suspicion of infidelity.

The story goes that Narimasa fell in love with Sayuri at first sight and made her his concubine. He lavished affection on her, and was overjoyed when she became pregnant in 1584. His other three concubines were jealous of Sayuri, and when Narimasa left Ecchuu on a trip to meet with Tokugawa Ieyasu in December of that year, spread the rumor that she was in secret communication with one of Narimasa's vassals, a man who had stayed behind at Toyama Castle because of illness, Takezawa Kumashirou (sp?) (竹沢熊四郎). They claimed that the child belonged to Kumashirou, not Narimasa.

Narimasa dismissed the rumors at first, but found a small brocade sachet at the door of Sayuri's bedroom which belonged to Kumashirou (said to have been placed there by the other concubines). He flew into rage and put Kumashirou to the sword on the spot. He then hanged Sayuri by her feet to a tree in the Jintsuu River Basin and slowly cut her to pieces. He also beheaded the 18 members of her family and crucified their bodies at the prison gates.

The scene is described in the Taikouki: at the moment of her death, Sayuri, her lips bitten through, bloody tears flowing down a once-beautiful face now twisted into a malevolent mask, cursed Narimasa: "As Narimasa beheads me here, my enmity shall a demon become, to grow year by year until I have killed all thine issue even unto the extinction of thy family name." Those watching covered their eyes, and those who heard felt their hair rise at those words.

Stories say that a drifting fire would appear on stormy nights at the spot where Sayuri died, and sometimes a freshly-severed head with wild hair waving in the air saying "Sayuri, Sayuri." The fire was called "Sayuri Fire". The story goes that Sayuri became a vengeful ghost whose curse later killed Sassa Narimasa (though not his children). Sightings of the fire occurred as late as the Meiji Era.

The hackberry tree from which Sayuri was said to have been hanged was burned during the air-raid of Toyama City in World War II. Two second-generation hackberry trees now stand on the spot.

Shiba Eiji (斯波英士)

Vocalist of popular rock band SEEVA, he is described as a tall man with red hair and golden-brown skin.

Permanently possessed by Oda Nobunaga.

Shimada (島田)

The class monitor of Old Castle High School in junior class B to whom the homeroom teacher, Kurokawa gives the responsibility of helping Takaya, the new transfer student. Also possibly a member of the student council executive office.

Yamaguchi (山口)

A Math teacher at Old Castle High School who is Chiaki's colleague and also teaches the juniors. He is described as tall and gangly, who appears unreliable at first glance, but turns out to be very thoughtful. He brings Chiaki tea and a snack, and organized his welcome party. He's been married only six months, and has a picture of his wife on his desk.

He doesn't seem to find anything wrong with the students' strict self-management. He tells Chiaki about another Math teacher, Nakajima, who died in November.

Yokote no Gorou (横手五郎)

Orphaned son of courageous general Kiyama Masachika of Higo, he was a giant of a man recognized as a person of unrivaled physical strength, said to possess the strength of 75 men. He was one of the coolie workers who built Kumamoto Castle.

"Yokote no" is not a family name; it means "side/beside", so Yokote no Gorou is something like "Gorou at the side".