Glossary: buddhism - god

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A manifestation of Bishamonten, Jinja-ou is said to have aided Xuanzang in his journey to retrieve Buddhist scriptures from India. He is the god of bridge-building and serpents.

Sanki Daigongen (三鬼大権現)

Three Demonic gods from the Shingon Sect tengu creed, the Sanki Daigongen are primarily enshrined at Misen's Sanki Temple within Daishou Temple and are attended on by tengu of all sizes. They use their mighty divine power to save all living things.

They are:

- Tsuichou-kishin (追帳鬼神) - the demonic god who governs happiness and prosperity and is an avatar of Dainichi.
- Jibi-kishin (時眉鬼神) - the demonic god who governs wisdom and is an avatar of Kokuuzou.
- Mara-kishin (魔羅鬼神) - the demonic god who governs submission and is an avatar of Fudou-Myouou.