Glossary: place - kingdom

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Cavalcade (カヴァルケード)

A human kingdom neighboring Shinma Kingdom by sea, it is hostile towards Shinma at the beginning.

Cimarron (シマロン)

A human kingdom which is hostile towards Shinma Kingdom at the beginning of the story. The demon sword Morgif was discovered on one of its islands, Van der Veer Island.

Hildyard (ヒルドヤード)

A human kingdom neighboring Shinma Kingdom by sea, Hildyard is the only country with diplomatic ties to Shinma Kingdom from the beginning of the story. It takes around three days by ship to reach Hildyard from the Shinma territory of Voltaire.

Sondergaard (ソンダーガード)

A human kingdom neighboring Shinma Kingdom by sea, it is hostile towards Shinma at the beginning.