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ari nari tonari anaro nabi kunabi ()

In the 26th chapter of the Lotus Sutra, the dharani given by Bishamonten to the followers of Buddhism for protection. A distance of one hundred "yojanas" is specified for the radius of protection.

baa (バー)
Daigensui Dharma (大元帥法)

A mikkyou ritual/spell which calls on Daigensui Myouou to protect the peace of the country and conquer its enemies. It was convey from the Tang Court to the Hourin Temple in Nara in 839 by the monk Jougyou. The next year, Jougyou reported to the emperor that he had successfully performed the ritual. The ritual was performed yearly after 851.

Daiitoku Myouou-hou (大威徳明王法)

The ritual of Daiitoku Myouou, the King of Wisdom of the West, one of the joint spells used to neutralize the kinrin no hou of Dakiniten-hou.

Dakiniten-hou (ダキニ天法)

One type of the secret teachings (mikkyou) of Esoteric Buddhism which calls on Dakini and can be used to predict someone's time of death as well as to cast a death curse on someone. Dakiniten spells are among the strongest dark-magic spells and are jealously guarded by its practioners.

The high priests of the Shingon sect at Tou-ji used Dakiniten-hou to create spells of protection for the Emperor. These most secret of secret spells were incorporated into kinrin no hou, performed with kanchou at their enthronement.


The seed syllable of Yama deity of death and the underworld.

Gouzanze Myouou-hou (降三世明王法)

The ritual of Gouzanze Myouou, the King of Wisdom of the East, used to neutralize the kinrin no hou of Dakiniten-hou.

Hannya Shingyou (般若心経)

「羯締羯締 波羅羯締 波羅僧羯締 菩提娑婆訶 般若心経」

Also known as: The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra / Heart Sutra / Essence of Wisdom Sutra

Said to be the best known and most popular of all Buddhist scriptures, the Heart Sutra contains a mantra which is described as "The great mantra, the mantra of great knowledge, the utmost mantra, the unequalled mantra, the allayer of all suffering."

The mantra itself is read "Gate gate Pāragate Pārasaṃgate Bodhi svāhā" (in Japanese: "Gyateigyatei haragyatei harasougyatei bojisowaka hannyashingyou") and can be translated "Oh she who is gone, gone! / Gone beyond / Gone completely beyond / Hail to awakening (enlightenment)".

Hara dobou onbokken shutan sirii


A mantra of Daizuigu, also known as the "Kisshou Joudouhen" (吉祥浄土変), or "Happiness Pure Land Depiction" mantra, it calls upon Daizuigu for aid: "Daizuigu bodhisattva, destroyer of evil, let this impure earth become the Pure Land, bring salvation to the agony of Hell, and call happiness upon us."


The seed syllable of Śakra, Lord of the Devas, as well as the God of Thunder.

juso-kekkai (呪詛結界)

Lit.: "curse-barrier"; a barrier built to bring about some special effect.

Kanhou (観法)

One of the intuitive truth-seeking methods of Buddhism where one focuses one's consciousness upon imagining a particular image.

Kinrin no hou (金輪の法)

Lit.: "Method of metal rings"; a Dakiniten spell using spirit foxes to induce mass hypnotic suggestion. In ancient times, performed at the emperor's enthronement.

Maitreya dharani

An Esoteric mantra calling on the Maitreya, a future Buddha, from the Taishō Tripiṭaka. Transliterated from Sanskrit as:

Namo ratna-trayaya, nama aryavalokitesvaraya bodhi-sattvaya mahasatvaya mahakarunikaya tad-yatha,
om, maitre maitre maitra-manasi maitra-sambhave maitra-udbhave mahasamaye svaha

In Japanese:


Transliterated from Japanese:

Naubou aratannau torayaya naumaku ariya barokitei jinbaraya boujisatobaya makasatobaya makakyaronikaya tanyata
On maitarei maitarei maitara manausen maitara sanbanbei maitaro dobanbei akasanmaya sowaka

The first verse is similar to the Dharani of Great Compassion:

"Hail to the Three Jewels! Hail to the noble Avalokiteśvara! Mahasattva. Great Compassionate One!"

The second verse is a devotion to Maitreya, whose name is from the Sanskrit word maitrī, "loving-kindness".

naamaku sanmanda bodanan kiriku kaku sowaka


A mantra calling on the Buddhas in general and Dakiniten in particular.

Namu Tobatsu Bishamonten (南無刀八毘沙門天)

Lit. "Hail Eight-Sword Bishamonten" Chanted during "light-enclosing exorcism," the summoning of the Sword of Bishamonten, and other invocations to Bishamonten.

Naubou aratannau torayaya naumaku ariya barokitei jinbaraya boujisatobaya makasatobaya (ナウボウ・アラタンナウ・トラヤヤ・ナウマク・アリヤ・バロキティ・ジンバラヤ・ボウジサトバヤ・マカサトバヤ)

The beginning of the Dharani of Great Compassion, which, transliterated from Sanskrit, is:

Namo Ratna Trayaya Namah Arya Avalokiteshvaraya
Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya Mahakarunikaya

or alternately;

Namo Ratna Trayaya
Namo Aryavalokiteshvaraya

and can be translated:

"Hail to the Three Jewels! Hail to the noble Avalokiteśvara! Mahasattva. Great Compassionate One!"

naubou bagyabatei ushunishaya on roro soboro jinbara chishuta shidda roshani sarabaarata sadaniei so


A mantra of and reverence to Butsugen Butsumo, the Buddha-eye.

Naumaku sanmanda bodanan abiraunken (ナウマク・サンマンダ・ポダナン・アビラウンケン)

A shingon of Dainichi Nyorai.

"naumaku sanmanda bodanan" = a devotion to the Buddhas/"homage to all the Buddhas"
"a-bi-ra-un-ken" = earth, water, fire, wind, spiritual consciousness

naumaku sanmanda bodanan indoraya sowaka (ナウマク ソンマンダ ボダナン インドラヤ ソワカ)

Shingon of both Śakra and the 'God of Thunder.' Unique to Japanese Buddhism, Śakra, Lord of the Devas (Śakro devānām indraḥ) is worshiped as the 'God of Thunder' and is often paired with the God of Wind.

"naumaku sanmanda bodanan" = a devotion to the Buddhas/"homage to all the Buddhas"
"indoraya sowaka" (also "indaraya sowaka") = reverence to Śakra, or "hail Śakra!"

Naumaku sanmanda bodanan nan naku sowaka (ナウマク・サンマンダ・ボダナン・ナン・ナク・ソワカ)

Shingon of Houtou Nyorai.

"naumaku sanmanda bodanan" = a devotion to the Buddhas/"homage to all the Buddhas"
"nan naku sowaka" = a general reverence

Also read as: ノウマク・サマンダボダナン・ラン・ラク・ソワカ
naumaku sanmanda bodanan ran raku sowaka - namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ raṃ raḥ svāhā

Naumakusanmada bayabei sowaka

A mantra to Fuuten, the Vedic wind deity of Hinduism:

namaḥ samanta-buddhānāṃ vāyave svāh

A devotion to the buddhas. "Vayu, hail!"

Naumakusanmanda bodanan amiritodohanba un hatta sowaka (ナウマクサンマンダ・ボダナン・アミリトドハンバ・ウン・ハッタ・ソワカ)

The mantra of the Horse-Head Kannon, Hayagriva, which is a reverence to Amida Nyorai through Kannon.

noumakusamanda bodanan baishiramandaya sowaka

「のうまくさまんだ ぼだなん ばいしらまんだや そわか」

A mantra of Bishamonten which protects the caster from fatigue and calamity, usually used when starting a long or complex invocation.

"noumakusamanda bodanan" = a devotion to the Buddhas/"homage to all the Buddhas".
"Baishiramandaya" = a reverence to Bishamonten, or "hail Bishamonten!"

noumakusamanda bodanan harachibiei sowaka


A mantra of Chiten, used during the earth-tranquilizing ritual created by the Uesugi.

"noumakusamanda bodanan" = a devotion to the Buddhas/"homage to all the Buddhas"
"harachibiei sowaka" = reverence to Chiten, or "hail Chiten!"

Noumakusanmanda bodanan bayabei sowaka (ノウマクサンマンダ・ボダナン・バヤベイ・ソワカ)

The mantra of Fuuten, a transliteration of the original Sanskrit which in English is usually written:

namaḥ samanta-buddhānāṃ vāyave svāhā

It means "Homage to all Buddhas! To Vāyu, hail!".

on abokyabeiroshanau makabodara manihandoma jinbaraharabaritaya un


Also known as: Koumyou Shingon: "The mantra of glory/mantra of light" (光明真言)

A mantra of Dainichi Nyorai which expiates sin, and brings fortune, ease, and longevity. It is a powerful all-purpose mantra which can be used to remove illness and injury and protect the user from poisonous creatures, demons, and the dead.

On agyanauei sowaka (オン・アギャナウェイ・ソワカ)

A mantra to Katen, the Vedic fire deity of Hinduism:

oṃ agnaye svāhā

"Agni, hail!"

On amiritateizei kara un (オン・アミリタテイゼイ・カラ・ウン)

The mantra of Amitābha, the Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Light.

on anarei bishaji birabajiradariBandabandani bajirabanihanHuuntoruunhan sowaka ()

Also known as: Hakku Dharani—"Eight-Verse Dharani" (八句陀羅尼)

Part of one of the five Shurangama Mantras which appears in the seventh volume of the Shurangama Sutra. This mantra is the last line of the invocation used to summon the aid of Bishamonten, the Guardian of the North.

In Mirage of Blaze, this mantra is a portion of the spell used by Zen Master Kaisen to seal the onryou of Takeda Shingen after his death. This is also the incantation engraved on the bracelet Naoe gives to Yuzuru to confine Shingen after his revival.

on arorikya sowaka (オン・アロリキャ・ソワカ)

The mantra of Kannon, a transliteration of the original Sanskrit which in English is usually written:

Oṃ Ālolik Svāhā

It means "Oh, Unstained One, Hail!" or "Salutations to the Pure One".

on asanmagini un hatta (オン アサンマギニ ウン ハッタ)

Shingon used to call on vajra fire, which averts demons barring the way to knowledge. The accompanying ritual gesture is made with hands open, the palm of the left hand cupped protectively around the back of the right hand and thumbs touching, the whole forming a triangular shape. The eight fingers indication the direction of the fire.

on basara bokisha boku

「おん ばさら ぼきしゃ ぼく」

A mantra chanted at the end of a ritual to send any summoned powers back to their origins.

on bazarabokisha boku (オン・バザラボキシャ・ボク)

The mantra of departure which sends a summoned bodhisattva home.

on bazaragini harachihataya sowaka


Also known as: hikougosin (被甲護身)

An incantation that casts a spiritual suit of armor around the receiver.

One description of the casting says: "Imagine that you have put on the armor of the Great Compassion and the Great Mercy of the Tathagata (Buddha), that all the demons and all those who would hinder the practitioner now see him enclosed in bright light and flames, like the orb of the sun."

on beishiramandaya sowaka


A mantra calling upon / a homage to Bishamonten. (Beishiramandaya = Bishamonten.)

on dakini sahaharakyatei sowaka


An invocation of protection from Dakini, a Buddhist deity who eats the hearts of the dead and is associated with the fox: "Oh Divine Eater of Human Flesh and those who follow you, I call upon you in fear and awe."

on deibayakisha mandamanda kakakaka sowaka.


The mantra of Shoumen Kongou, a Buddhist deity who repels the calamities of evil beasts, diseases, and thunder.

on kiri kaku un sowaka


The mantra of Dakini, a Buddhist deity who eats the hearts of the dead and is associated with the fox.

on sarabatataagyata hanna mannanau kyaromi


Also known as: furai or furei "general gratitude" (普礼)

An expression of gratitude/general devotion to all the buddhas.

on shuchiri kyaro roha un kan sowaka


The mantra of Daiitoku Myouou, used during Daiitoku Myouou-hou.

on sonbanisonba un bazara un hatta

Also read as: om sumbha nisumbha hum vajra hum phat

The mantra of Gouzanze Myouou, used during Gouzanze Myouou-hou.

on sorasabataei sowaka (オン・ソラサバタエイ・ソワカ)

The mantra of Benzaiten (Saraswati):

"Oṃ Sarasvatyai svāhā" - "Hail Saraswati!"

on sowahanba shuda sarabatarama sowahanba shudokan


Also known as: jousangou "purification of the three" (浄三業)

An incantation that purifies the body, words, and mind. Used before a complex invocation.

on torotoro un (オン トロトロ ウン)

Shingon of the treasure carriage, used to send the carriage which goes out to receive the idol of the Buddha. The accompany ritual gesture is made with the middle, ring, and little fingers interwoven, with forefingers touching and heels of hands touching, and thumbs spread.

On yamaraja ugurabirya agassha sowaka (オン・ヤマラジャ・ウグラビリャ・アガツシャ・ソワカ)

Mantra of Yamaten

Onanokya beiroshanou makabodara mani handomajinbara harabaritaya un (おんあほきや・べいろしゃのう・まかぼだら・まに—はんどまじんばら・はらばりたや・うん)

The Mantra of Light, which translates to something like, "Praise be to the flawless, all-pervasive illumination of the great mudra. Turn over to me the jewel, lotus and radiant light."

reiha douchou (霊波同調)

Literally: "spirit-wave synchronization" or spirit-energy synchronization, a difficult technique which can be performed only by those with especially high-level spiritual powers. It allows one person to share the vision of another, and uses the mantra Naubou bagyabatei... Of the Yasha-shuu, only Kagetora and Nagahide are capable of this.

Kagetora can also synchronize with other divine servants of Bishamonten, such as the Gohou Douji, allowing him to control their movement and see through their eyes.

Taritsu taboritsu paraboritsu shayanmei shayanmei tararasantan raenbi sowaka (タリツ・タボリツ・パラポリツ・シャヤンメイ・シャヤンメイ・タララサンタン・ラエンビ・ソワカ)

The mantra of Daigensui Myouou. An alternative transliteration is:

ノウボウ タリツ タボリツ ハラボリツ シャキンメイ シャキンメイ タラサンダン オエンビ ソワカ
Noubou taritsu taboritsu haraboritsu shakinmei shakinmei tarasandan oenbi sowaka
