Glossary: Ashina Moritaka

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Ashina Moritaka (蘆名盛隆)
1561 - 1584

Also known as: Heitarou (平太郎), Nikaidou Moritaka (二階堂盛隆)

18th generation lord of the Ashina Clan who was adopted by Ashina Moriuji to continue the family line. He was originally the son of Nikaidou Moriyoshi and a hostage of the Ashina Clan, but was adopted into the clan when Ashina Morioki's early death left the clan without an heir.

However, he was very unpopular with the Ashina retainers after his succession, and was assassinated at the age of 24.

Afterwards, his widow took the clan in hand. He had two daughters, one of whom became the wife of the next clan head, Ashina Yoshihiro