Glossary: Daihouji Yoshiuji

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Daihouji Yoshiuji (武藤義氏)
1551 - 1583

Also known as: Mutou Yoshiuji (武藤義氏)

Head of the Dewa Daihouji Clan, son of Daihouji Yoshimasu. The Daihouji supported the Uesugi Clan in the background. In order to repel invasion by Mogami Yoshiaki, Yoshiuji formed an alliance with the Date Clan in 1574, but it failed. He later fostered good relations with Oda Nobunaga for the same purpose, but when Nobunaga died in 1583, he was betrayed by vassals in collusion with Yoshiaki and was killed.

Yoshiuji was known for his prowess in battle and fought in many campaigns, but neglected administration of his own lands. He was also prone to violent behavior, and was called a bad lord by his people.