Glossary: Hannya Shingyou

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Hannya Shingyou (般若心経)

「羯締羯締 波羅羯締 波羅僧羯締 菩提娑婆訶 般若心経」

Also known as: The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra / Heart Sutra / Essence of Wisdom Sutra

Said to be the best known and most popular of all Buddhist scriptures, the Heart Sutra contains a mantra which is described as "The great mantra, the mantra of great knowledge, the utmost mantra, the unequalled mantra, the allayer of all suffering."

The mantra itself is read "Gate gate Pāragate Pārasaṃgate Bodhi svāhā" (in Japanese: "Gyateigyatei haragyatei harasougyatei bojisowaka hannyashingyou") and can be translated "Oh she who is gone, gone! / Gone beyond / Gone completely beyond / Hail to awakening (enlightenment)".