Glossary: Kakizaki Noriie

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Kakizaki Noriie (柿崎憲家)
? - 1633

Title: Noto no Kami

Son (and apparently grandson) of Kakizaki Kageie, vassal of Uesugi Kenshin. When his father was executed for colluding with Oda Nobunaga, Noriie was spared, but the Kakizaki family was given a lower rank. He supported Uesugi Kagekatsu in the Otate no Ran after Kenshin's death from Saruge Castle. His brother Haruie supported Uesugi Kagetora in the conflict and was killed. Kagekatsu revived the Kakizaki family after his victory.

He was awarded a 2861-koku fief in 1594, but was exiled from the Uesugi Clan in 1597. He returned to the Uesugi Clan when Uesugi Sadakatsu succeeded his father as head of the clan.