Glossary: Saiga-shuu

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Saiga-shuu (雑賀衆)

Also known as: Saiga-ikki (雑賀一揆)

The Saiga Sect (or Saiga Revolt) was a band of various locals, clans, and landowners concentrated in the north-western part of Kii Province (now Wakayama City in Wakayama Prefecture). They owned thousands of arquebuses, presenting a considerable military force, and sometimes fought as mercenaries.

Suzuki Magoichi, leader of the Saiga Sect, commanded them in the siege of Ishiyama Hongan Temple against Oda Nobunaga. The Oda army suffered heavy casualties against the Saiga Sect, and even Nobunaga himself was said to have been injured.

In 1580, when Kennyo was driven from Ishiyama Hongan Temple, he took shelter with the Saiga Sect, but the sect split apart into those who wanted to follow Nobunaga and those who wanted to fight him to the bitter end.

After Nobunaga's death, the sect fought Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, but was eventually crushed, and its members scattered and sought service with various daimyo.