Glossary: Sanbonji Sadanaga

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Sanbonji Sadanaga (山本寺定長)
1519 - ?

Title: Iyo no Kami

Head of the Sanbonji-Uesugi Clan (illegitimate offshoot of the Uesugi Clan), master of Fudouzan Castle. He fought as one of Uesugi Kenshin's vassals in the Battle of Kawanakajima and was rewarded for his service.

He was appointed as Uesugi Kagetora's guardian upon Kagetora's adoption as Kenshin's son. He entered the Otate no Ran on Kagetora's side after Kenshin's death. When Kagetora was defeated, he abandoned his castle and disappeared. He was succeeded by his younger brother Sanbonji Kagenaga.