Glossary: Tenrikyo

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Tenrikyo (天理教)

Lit.: "Teaching of Divine Reason", a Japanese religion founded in 1838 by Miki Nakayama which focuses on the attainment of joyous life on Earth through charity and abstention from greed, selfishness, hatred, anger and arrogance. It believes in a single god who is the creator of the universe and parent of humanity.

The spiritual headquarters of Tenrikyo is in the city of Tenri, where the religion was created and which was named after the religion. There are around 2 million followers of Tenrikyo today.

In late July-early August, the Children's Pilgrimage, or "Return to the Main Sanctuary", draws around 300,000 to Tenri City. Events are held in which children are encouraged in their growth and broaden their circle of friends.