Jail Bird volume 2 | Chapter 1

By Takamure Tamotsu
Translated by asphodel

(Night. Shion is sitting on his bed with a bandage against his shoulder.)


—The wound isn’t healing.
Probably because it was a cut from the holy sword. The blood has stopped, but it’s not closing—...

(He smiles.)

A wound from Mahumi...
What’s wrong with you, Shion? Getting that angry... You thought that it would be fine to be killed by Mahumi, didn’t you?
He was always one of them. What’s so unnatural about him being friends with them? Isn’t that right?
I am such a fool. We were together for such a short time, but I deluded myself into thinking that we were true companions. It felt like that.
He shouldn’t have chosen me...!

(He stands and walks toward his reflection in the window, spreading his wings.)

Last night’s darkness deceived me, but these wings...
My wings...
The truth is that killing a single monster has begun to stain them with blackness. Little by little...
In any case, these white wings that he liked so much, when I lose them, I will no longer—...

(He touches his shoulder, and his hand comes away streaked with blood.)

It’s bleeding again...

In my heart, too, there is a wound he left behind. A gaping wound out of which blood trickles unstoppably.

(At the church, Mahumi puts away a first-aid kit.)

Father, are you all right?

Yes. I’m sorry, Mahumi.
I’m fine. The wound looks worse than it actually is. It doesn’t hurt that much.

I’m glad. You lost so much blood that I was really worried that you might die. That’s why—
—That’s why, I—to Shion...

Oh, Mahumi. You’re worried about him, aren’t you?

It’s okay. I’m not worried.

He only did what was natural. You were deceived by him, Mahumi. You see now, don’t you...? He is such a terrible person. You only came to save me, but he didn’t just attack me, he attacked you.
Please stay here for a little while, Mahumi. Don’t go back to his place.


The Father...the Father rationalized everything, but I—
—With these hands I—...to Shion...
—Why, Shion...? Why did you betray me? Shion...

(The next morning, a beautiful day. Mahumi is watering the lawn. He hears something.)


Voices. A guest? Strange.

(He sees Uriel through the window and hides behind a bush to listen.)


Raphael, are your wounds healed yet?

How cold, Uriel. When I went so far as to sacrifice my own body.

You’ve always said that your powers of healing are greater than anyone else’s.
Anyway, enough about that. I want to meet Mahumi soon.

(Raphael hides a laugh.)


(Raphael chuckles.)

Nothing, I just thought you were cute. Because you’re usually so prim. But when it comes to him you’re all feeling.

(Uriel makes a rude gesture.)

Shut up!

You seem to like him a lot.

Uriel? Why is he here with the Father?

If we’re talking about cute, Mahumi was also very cute.
“Father, don’t die”—he said, with tears falling down his face. Ah, but I put on quite a good performance.

Wh...at? What is he talking about...?!

I guess I forgot to go easy on myself when I used my powers to injure myself.
Mahumi doesn’t think about us as companions. I need a little more time.
Although we’ve gotten rid of that troublesome guy, Mahumi is still concerned about him. But since he isn’t here he’ll be forgotten in due course.
He’ll be with us always after this. Be patient for a little longer.

—What will you do if Mahumi goes back to that guy’s place?

It’s fine. He won’t go back.
The Sword of Flame is no ordinary sword. It is a weapon whose express purpose is the extermination of demons. He will heal very slowly.

(Mahumi slides to the ground in shock.)

We should finish him off while he’s weak.

Perhaps there won’t even be need for that. He’s probably gone back to the demon world by now, crying copiously.

Then I did such horrible things to Shion, who hadn’t done anything...?


(Mahumi runs off. Uriel sees him through the window.)


Damn it!
Feh. That’s why I said to wait a little longer. It’s because he saw you, Uriel.

I’ll stop him...! I won’t let him go to that guy’s place...!


(Uriel runs off after Mahumi.)

I’m a fool... I...
“There are no good demons.”
I believed those words.
I need to apologize. I not only wounded his body, I also injured his heart.
He probably won’t forgive me even if I apologize.
—He probably hates me now—
...I’m sorry.
I’m sorry...Shion—...
I’m sorry...

(Shion is lying in bed when he hears the doorbell ring.)


(He gets up and goes to the door.)

Shion...I’m sorry. I...said such cruel things.
There is no reason for a demon who doesn’t eat humans to remain in the human world. But you’re here. Just to be by my side—...
I wondered if you had a reason; maybe, like the Father said, you had tricked me...
It’s probably just selfishness, but I want to be with you again.
I’ll apologize. I’ll apologize however many times you want me to.

(Shion, walking down the hall, hears Mahumi. He lays his hand on the doorknob.)

Because I...I...
I love you.
When you’re with me, I’m somehow at peace.

(Shion takes his hand away from the doorknob and leans against the door.)

If I... If I open this door, we may be able to go back to what we were before.

Have you...gone back to the demon world...?

—but I won’t.


(Mahumi stares at the closed door, defeated. He trudges away down the hall.)

Laughable, isn’t it? That even someone like me can feel pain in his heart.
...I love his smiling face. Anger, laughter, expressions changing every moment. I love them.
That bad habit of his, crying at everything. When we first met he cried, too. I only thought of wanting to be with him, of seeing his face...
He’s probably crying now because of me...? I shouldn’t want to make him sad, but the thought of those tears shed for my sake warms me.
Joy or sadness, I’m happy if he feels them for my sake.


Was just being by his side enough...?! I am such a fool! I was wrong about this too.
Did I think I was so admirable for enduring in this? In the beginning I thought it was okay. But I was terribly wrong, wasn’t I? I suppose I want to kill everyone Mahumi visits so I can monopolize him.
This overwhelming need to monopolize—...! For what purpose?— Can I even say why I want to be beside him?
I understood quite plainly his words just now. When he said “I love you”, it’s completely different from the “love” I think of.
—We exist in different worlds.—
—No. But this is probably a good opportunity, isn’t it? To separate myself from Mahumi.
...I’ll go back. Yes, I’ll go back to the demon world. And I won’t see Mahumi anymore. We are completely different.
If I cannot have him, then I might as well end this once and for all—...

(Mahumi is sitting on a swing in a park. Uriel approaches, holding out his hand.)

—Come back... It’s going to start raining soon.

I won’t believe you anymore. Anything you say. You and the priest are both liars. I won’t go back with you...!

(Mahumi starts to cry. Uriel kneels in front of him and hugs him.)

—don’t you know why I lied? I lied to get you back. Nii-san...!


—Come back.
—Come back to our home.

(The rain starts to fall.)

Will Mahumi be sad if I am longer here?
Your sadness makes me sad. But somehow I’m glad of your tears.
Somewhere within my heart there is probably a joy that cannot be concealed. Because you can truly feel that you love me.
It is as if your tears succor me like the rain.