Jail Bird volume 2

Chapter 2

By Takamure Tamotsu
Translated by asphodel

(A beautiful angel with golden hair spreads snowy wings into the darkness.)

Angel with golden hair
Yesterday, I saw in the reflecting pool a face I didn’t recognize.
A child’s form—who are you?
It felt as though you’re myself from another time.

(Sunlight shines into a meadow filled with flowers—the Garden of Eden.)

Angel with golden hair
—Even though I knew it was a sin—...

(A woman, walking naked through the long grass, picks a flower and tucks it behind the ear of the man walking behind her. They smile at each other. The angel with golden hair smiles as well.)

A voice
Brother. You’re looking at the Fourth Heaven again? You like it too?

Angel with golden hair

(Uriel in his angel incarnation is a grown-up version of his child form without the glasses.)

Are they really that wonderful?

Angel with golden hair
Oh, yes.
I never grow tired of watching them—Adam and Eve.
They don’t know of the existence of “evil”.
They’re so innocent. They were created to resemble us—their forms are exceedingly charming.

(Uriel pouts, then stamps violently at the pool of water.)

Angel with golden hair

(He bursts out laughing and hugs Uriel.)

Uriel! Don’t do childish things like that!

What’s so great about creatures like them!
They look just like us, but inside they’re far inferior. Why would the omnipotent Lord create something half-finished like them?
There’s a pair of them, but they’re not like other animals. It doesn’t look like they’re multiplying. I don’t understand what God is doing.

Angel with golden hair
Don’t say things like that.

You of all of us understand God best, since you are closest to him.
Why am I not like you at all even though we’re twins?
Like you: the one nearest to the throne of God, the most beloved—
Like Lucifer.

(The angel with golden hair, Lucifer, kneels within a great hall)

—When did it start?
Since when I have felt doubt at being called thus?
Doubt arising within my faith in the omnipotence of the Almighty God...
They open in my breast by ones and twos like worm-eaten holes.

(Lucifer speaks to a light shining upon him from above.)

I have just returned from the Second Heaven.

Like uncovered holes—

O Lord...
Will you not pardon them?
Those angels in Raquia seemed so pitiable.
Samael as well as the peaceful angels are in contemplation.
Since they had absolutely no intention of defying you when they opposed the creation of human beings, will you not show them your compassion...?

Would you defy me as well...?

But surely such punishment is too harsh for Samael, who distinguished himself in your service during the Creation.
He...merely did not realize that humans are harmless to you—

Do not intrude into my affairs. I alone shall be the judge of guilt for all creation.
I have no choice but to cast them out of Heaven for rebelling against my will.
They will burn in flame. For such rebellion is a great sin.

I hear and obey...

(Lucifer is sitting in a tree with another angel with long black hair—Mikael.)

Nevermind, Lucifer.
What the Lord said was quite right. They were judged; don’t let it weigh on your mind.
It doesn’t concern us.
...But it seems like these kinds of troublemakers who’ve been causing unrest have been increasing among the angels lately.
Don’t carry it all on your shoulders, Lucifer.


They want a leader—and since you’re second only to God himself, you’re the favorite. They’re a bunch like that, you see.
Hahah, well that was a dangerous subject. I know that you’re not as stupid as that.
The powerless ones can complain all they want.
But it’s another thing altogether for someone with power to rashly defy the one at the top.

(Mikael leans forward, looking down.)

Hey, look! It’s Eve!
She’s alone today—how unusual.
She’s so innocent like always. Eve is cute, isn’t she?


(He smiles at Mikael.)

I see...so you—Eve—...?


(Lucifer grins at him, and Mikael blushes. He coughs.)

Nya. Not really.

Hmm, I see... But hmm, that’s fine...

Aaaah...I want to be like Eve too.


Don’t be so surprised!
’Cause! Even though there are both sexes among the angels, we don’t have breasts!
I want things that jut out soft and round and go boing boing like that.
I just want to try it out once.


You don’t understand my feeling, hmph!
So, yeah! If I ever became human, I’d want to be female!

I got it, Mikael. Yes yes, I got it.

Anyway, I would be careful of what we talked about just now. “Lucifer, God’s favorite—isn’t he proud?”—I’ve heard that said.
I don’t see that in you anywhere, but there are still people who say that.

—So angels can also be jealous...?
—The doubting heart is greedy.
One, two.
The rising doubts eat away at faith, scattering the leaves of confidence.
In my heart—
Three, four—...
They expand—...

(Lucifer is standing in the meadow with Eve.)

This is the first time I’ve met you in person.
...but I’ve watched you for a long time.

(Eve tucks one of the flowers she has been picking behind Lucifer’s ear. Lucifer smiles.)

Thank you.

(Eve smiles happily.)

Why is it that I am so relieved?
How long has it been that my heart knew no peace at His side?


(He and Eve are sitting together in front of a pool. He holds out his hand over the water’s surface, and images of skulls and hideous creatures appear within.)

It’s mysterious.
We can see like this those in the world beneath us.
If God is omnipotent, then why do beings like these exist?
Monstrous forms shut away in a dark world—it twists at the heart.
Why does God not help them?
Everyone says that they are traitors, but—...
Why do angels have free will? Why does rebellion arise in our hearts?
If God is all-powerful, he should have manipulated our hearts.

Poor Samael.
Should I not also burn in flame?

Are these doubts also what one would call “hubris”?

(Eve leans forward and kisses Lucifer on the cheek.)


(Eve smiles back at him happily.)

...Ah, I see.
Even if I’m mistaken about everything else, this alone I understand.
It was not a mistake for the Lord to create human beings.
This is what He wanted.

(Eve stands and runs away. She holds a large red apple from a tall tree.)

Eve, you must not pick that fruit.

Those who are so pure—

This is the “Tree of Knowledge.”
If you eat from it, something terrible will happen.
This red, delicious-seeming fruit is poisonous.

(He points to another tree in the distance.)

Likewise, you must never touch that “Tree of Life” over there.
These belong to God.
If you should eat from them, everything will come to an end.
Please, promise me.
That you will never eat from them, that you will never change from what you are.

(He kneels before her and kisses the palm of her hand. Uriel steps out from behind the tree where he has been watching Lucifer and Eve with a broken-off twig in his hand.)

(Some time later, Lucifer leans over a pool of water.)

Reflecting water,
Show me today, too,
The Fourth Heaven and Eve...

(In the water he sees Uriel holding out a large apple toward Eve. His eyes widen.)

(In the Fourth Heaven, the apple lies upon the ground with a single bite in it.)


(Eve turns to look at him, startled.)


(Eve suddenly blushes and puts her arms around herself. She turns and runs away from Lucifer.)


Why did you break that world apart?

Hey, Lucifer—
What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you look like that before.

Lord Lucifer.
...It’s Lord Lucifer.


(He opens the doors to God’s hall and walks in to stand beneath the light.)

—O Lord—...


Uriel said that he was carrying out your orders. Is this true?
You created humans as pure beings.
Then why would you deliberately inflict sin upon them?

(In a stone water basin, he sees—)

This is...!

Adam and Eve...

Listen well.
They will be driven out of the Garden of Eden.
Because they have sinned against God.
The descendants of they who know good and evil will before long overflow the earth, and they will never be forgiven until the day of the last judgment.
Because they carry deep sins.
They will come to regret their errors.

(Adam and Eve are huddled together in the darkness.)

In this manner—
To prove that you are the absolute—
You created these poor creatures for that purpose, didn’t you?

I hear nothing.
I know nothing.

To be punished by you.
They who adored you like children.

If I became a child,
Could I return once more to happiness?

And I, too...?
Shall I, too...

Then it was I myself who wished for this.

What have you in store for me?
And so. What now?
This feeling that makes me detest you—
Did you create this too...?

And then I knew what I needed to do.
You are the light. I am the shadow.
...this is what you wanted.

(Battle rages among the angels. They fight each other with swords in the sky.)

From now on I will oppose you, fight you.

(Some time later, Lucifer is chained against a wall.)

This body will probably burn in the depths of Hell for eternity.
Chained for the length of one thousand years in Purgatory.
I can no longer return.
This shadow in my heart from that worm-eaten hole.
Because I knew then that it too was the truth...