So, Your Majesty the Shinou, or whatever you’re called.
I have every intention of bringing up my son just as you wanted: black hair, black eyes, the DNA of the Japanese; passionate and gutsy with a keen sense of justice and the strong mind of a game-maker.
I have no idea why you chose us for the heavy responsibility of raising the twenty-...which was it again?...well, something-in-the-high-twenties-th Maou, but I have every confidence of delivering the ultimate masterpiece. My wife agrees. How is he doing over there anyway, our son, our pride and joy?
But know that we have no intention of handing our son over to you. I’m very sorry for the misunderstanding, but he will always be ‘Shibuya Yuuri.’ If you don’t treat him right, we’ll get him back by whatever means necessary.
So, Yuuri, nobody’s making you do anything you don’t want to do over there, right? If you’re worried about anything, we’re here to listen. Fly back into your father’s arms! We can speak frankly to each other, man to man. Right?
Speaking of which, Yuu-chan, don’t you think you’ve been a bit cold towards your father lately?