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baa (バー)
bakufu (幕府)

Lit.: "tent government", the government of the shogun, who is the 'supreme general of the samurai'. Starting from Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate, until the Meiji Restoration, shoguns and their bakufu held the pratical power in Japan and relegated the emperor to the position of figurehead.

Bandou Eiji (板東英二)

Bandou Eiji was a pitcher with the Chunichi Dragons from 1959 to 1969 before becoming a television entertainer, hosting several variety and game shows throughout his career.

Bandou-kun (バンドウくん)

A dolphin Yuuri meets at Sea World, one of whom was shaking his hand when Yuuri is tugged into the pool on his third trip to Shinma Kingdom. The other is Eiji-kun. Together, the dolphins' names become Bandou Eiji, a Japanese TV entertainer.

basashi (馬刺し)

Raw horseflesh served as salami in thin slices dipped in soy sauce, often with ginger and onions added. In Japan, Matsumoto is one of the places famous for this dish.

Basilio von Rochefort (フォンロシュフォール・バシリオ)

Titles: Maou
Also called: The Cruel
Race: Mazoku

The 19th Maou of the Mazoku, Basilio von Rochefort ruled almost a thousand years ago and was the last Maou to wield the demon sword Morgif.

Battle of Hibikigahara (響ヶ原の合戦)

A battle fought between Sagara clan forces led by Sagara Yoshihi and Aso clan forces led by Kai Souun at Mifune Castle. The Sagara clan had formerly joined forces with the Aso clan to oppose the 1578 full-scale Shimazu invasion of Higo, but had been defeated by the Shimazu clan in 1581 and forced to fight their former allies.

In the early morning of December 27, 1581, Souun secretly advanced his troops in two groups to Hibikigahara, where Yoshihi was camped, himself leading the main force with guns at the front. He managed to catch Yoshihi in a surprise pincer movement and killed him and about 300 of his soldiers.

Beatrice (ベアトリス)

Race: Human

Beatrice is the daughter of Hiscruyff, an adorable six-year-old girl with light brown hair typically tied in two ponytails and pale blue eyes the color of ramune marbles. Yuuri dances her first dance with her and saves her from being knocked over the side of their luxury liner by a pirate. He later learns that she is a princess of Cavalcade and is in line to inherit the throne.

Beltran von Radford (フォンラドフォード・ベルトラン)

Titles: Maou
Also called: The Lion King
Race: Mazoku

The 24th Maou of the Mazoku.

Berard (ベラール)

Race: Human

bettou-ji (別当寺)

Bettou-ji, or administrative temples, were (Buddhist) temples attached to (Shinto) shrines before the syncretization of Shintoism with Buddhism was completed in the Edo Era. The temple managed the shrine. Because the organizer of rituals, services, and festivals was called the "bettou," or "chief administrator", these temples came to be called "bettou-ji."

Bishamonten (毘沙門天)

Also know as: Bishamon, Tamonten, Vaiśravaṇa, Kubera

Bishamonten is one of the 12 Deva Guardians, the protector of the North and the most powerful of the Four Heavenly Kings. He is the god of warfare and warriors, sometimes called the "black warrior"; black is his symbolic color, and winter is the season over which he presides. He is often depicted as warrior with a crown on his head, a pagoda in one hand and a trident in the other. He punishes those who do evil and is also the guardian of the places where Buddha preaches. He is one who is all-knowing, who hears everything, who is always listening, and is completely versed in Buddha's teachings. He is one of Japan's Seven Deities of Fortune. The soldiers of his army are the powerful earth deities called Yaksha.

Bishamonten is also called "Tobatsu Bishamonten" (刀八毘沙門天), or "Eight-Sword Bishamonten", because of an error in translation passed down through the centuries. The original name, "Bishamonten of Tobatsu", pointed to a manifestation of Bishamonten which appeared in the Central Asian kingdom of Tou-po or Tobatsu (兜跋) to protect the capital city against invaders. Bishamonten in this form is depicted with a diadem on his head, four hands holding a key, a gem, a pagoda, and a halbert before him and eight arms holding eight swords around him.

Bishamonten-tou (毘沙門天刀)

The Sword of Bishmonten is an incarnation of Bishamonten, a physical blade which can be summoned only by the general of the Meikai Uesugi Army. It contains the power of «choubuku», and any spirit cut by it is exorcised; however, none-spiritual objects are not harmed by its blade.

Its summoning calls upon Namu Tobatsu Bishamonten with the incantation "on beishiramandaya sowaka". Its dismissal uses the incantation of unsummoning, "on basara bokisha boku."

Blood Pledge Castle (血盟城)

The castle of the Maou, so named because of the vow made by the earth spirits to the Shinou: should the castle be occupied by any save the Maou, their blood would be taken in compensation for their crime. Said to be the royal castle which is impregnable.

The castle has three floors (five floors in one section) and 252 rooms, with long stairs and tall ceilings. It also has a barracks of 4500 full-time soldiers.

blood types

One Japanese superstition says that blood-types are linked to personality:

A: calm, composed, serious, reliable, perfectionist, arrogant, emotions suppressed
B: curious, bright, cheerful, enthusiastic, uncoventional, superficial, unreliable, selfish
O: carefree, generous, independant, outgoing, social, flexible, clumsy, flighty
AB: sensitive, considerate, careful, efficient, strict, moody, unpredictable

Bodai-ji (菩提寺)

The Bodai Temple (lit. bodhi, or enlightenment), is a family temple which cares for a family's dead for generations, performing burials as well as ceremonies in care of their souls. Many prominent clans such as the Tokugawa and Ashikaga built their Bodai temples, while others simply adopted existing temples like the commoners.

Bon-Bon (ぼんぼん)

Also known as: O-Bon (お盆), Aoyama-sama (青山様), Festival of the Dead, Lantern Festival

The O-Bon, or Lantern Festival, originates from the legend of the Buddhist monk Mogallana, who dances for joy when he rescues his mother from the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. This dance became the O-Bon, or "season of gathering joy", symbolizing a way to both welcome and bid farewell to departed loved ones. It is traditionally held July 13 July 15 in the eastern part of Japan and in August in the western part.

The Bon-Bon in the city of Matsumoto includes some traditions particular to the region; boys carrying a shrine of cedar leaves parade through the city while girls wearing yukatas walk along with red paper lanterns and sing.

Brandon (ブランドン)

Race: Human

One of the five children in the first village (composed of human refugees) Yuuri passes through in Shinma Kingdom, a boy whose voice is just starting to change.

Brittany von Wincott (フォンウィンコット・ブリッタニー)

Titles: Maou
Also called: The Blood-Spiller
Race: Mazoku

The 14th Maou of the Mazoku.

Butsugen Butsumo (仏眼仏母)

A deification of the wise and virtuous eye of the Buddha, whose name literally means "Buddha-eye Buddha-mother". Since buddhas are 'those who are enlightened' by 'opening their eyes to the truth', Butsugen Butsumo, who 'opens people's eyes to the truth so that they may be reincarnated as buddhas', can thus be called a 'mother of Buddhas'. Her mantra is chanted at the eye-opening ceremonies of Buddhist statues.

She is generally depicted as a bodhisattva with a slight, joyful smile on her face and her hands cupped in the Hokkai mudra (also associated with Dainichi Nyorai).

Byakuime (白衣女)

Uesugi's "Ladies in White," members of the [Meikai Uesugi Army]], are guardian deities placed at various localities to watch over and pacify the land.

One is the guardian deity of the land around Uozu Castle. With her "Bell of Spiritual Repose" (Chinkon no Kane), she keeps the three thousand Uesugi soldiers of Uozu Castle pacified. She is described as an ephemeral woman with long hair, dressed in a white kimono.

Another was placed by Uesugi Kagetora in Saga to watch over northern Kyuushuu after unrest created by the spirits of the Nabeshima clan. She was killed by Kikkawa Motoharu.