Glossary: Minamoto no Yoriyoshi

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Minamoto no Yoriyoshi (源 頼義)
988 - 1075-08-27

Title: Chinjufu-shogun (Commander-in-chief of the Defense of the North)

A general of the Heian Period who was head of the Minamoto Clan and, along with his son Minamoto no Yoshiie, led the Imperial forces against rebellion in the north in the Zenkunen (Early Nine Years War) and Gosannen (Later Three Years War) wars. Both conflicts were a struggle for power within the samurai clans, and fought in Mutsu Province in northern Honshuu.

The Zenkunen was fought against the powerful Abe Clan, a member of whom, Abe no Yoritoki, was military general of Mutsu in charge of controlling the Emishi and Ainu natives and who clashed with the Court-appointed Governor.

The Gosannen was fought against the Kiyohara Clan and arose from a long series of quarrels.