Mirage of Blaze volume 6: The Supreme Conqueror's Demon Mirror 1 | Chapter 2: Blood-stained Castle

By Kuwabara Mizuna (author), Toujou Kazumi (illustrator)
Translated by asphodel

“So that’s why we got called out here?” Chiaki Shuuhei asked Saori. She nodded vigorously.

“Yeah! ...Well, actually I was thinking that I should do that «choubukuchoubuku (調伏)

Also known as: choubukuryoku (調伏力)

The special power given to the Yasha-shuu to banish onryou to the Underworld using the dharani of Uesugi Kenshin's guardian deity, Bishamonten. The types of choubuku include "kouhou-choubuku", "ressa-choubuku", "kekkai-choubuku", etc. Each choubuku is begun with the incantation "bai" and the ritual hand gesture of Bishamonten's symbol.

Choubuku does not work against kanshousha, who have bodies of their own.
» thing, but then I remembered that I have like zero sensitivity to spirits— So why are you here again, Chiaki-kun?” she asked, and Chiaki’s shoulders sagged abruptly.

They were gathered the next day at Toshimayuuen StationToshimaen-eki (豊島園駅)

Toshimaen Station is railway station in Nerima, Tokyo, near an amusement park called Toshimaen.
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After the events of the day before, Saori had seized upon this golden opportunity to call Yuzuru for a “consult” and through him (this was the important bit) ask Takaya and the others to make a trip to Tokyo. Yuzuru had agreed to Saori’s request, though not without grumbling: “But just so you know, he’s been pretty wild lately...”

“Huh?” Saori had asked. But seeing Takaya now, she could understand what Yuzuru had meant by “wild.”

(Okay, so he is pretty scary...)

She’d sensed it as soon as she had caught sight of him at the station’s ticket examination booths. By “wild,” Yuzuru hadn’t been referring to Takaya’s clothes, but something in the way he acted, the way he carried himself. She had often heard people say that there was something about the look in his eyes that put them off, but she had never seen them this cold. Even when they alighted on her they spared her only a scornful glance before moving away. He said nothing, and Saori, who had been about to greet him with her usual cheer, felt her voice freeze in her throat. In the end, eyeing his expression, she only managed a timid “hey.”

(I guess it was a bad time to have called him out here...)

“Sorry for the delay, Morino-san,” Yuzuru interceded.

Saori immediately latched onto him, asking in a small voice, “Narita-kun! Wh-what’s happened to Ougi-kun? He’s really scaring me...”

“Yeah...” Yuzuru replied worriedly. “He’s been like that for the past few days.”

“That idiot’s been off by himself digging his own grave,” Chiaki Shuuhei cut into the conversation.

Just the state Takaya was in was enough to worry Yuzuru, so he had also contacted Chiaki and asked him to come with them.

“And of course he won’t say anything. I can’t deal with the guy!”

“He’s a handful, that’s for sure. Just what is it he’s brooding about, anyway?”

Ayako had come along as well. After receiving Chiaki’s call, she had immediately left her place in YokohamaYokohama-shi (横浜市)

The City of Yokohama is the capital of Kanagawa Prefecture and the second-largest city in Japan after Tokyo. It is also a major port and commercial hub and historically one of the first cities to be opened to foreigners during the rule of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
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to join them here in ShinjukuShinjuku (新宿)

One of Tokyo's twenty-three special wards (self-governing, special municipalities existing only in Tokyo), a major commercial and administrative center. Home to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, Tokyo's tallest building, where political and public administration of Tokyo takes place. Also a major urban-transit hub and the location of one of Tokyo's largest public transport interchanges, Shinjuku Station.
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Yuzuru and the others had no inkling of the reason behind Takaya’s black mood. Takaya wasn’t talking about it. But according to his younger sister Miya, these past ten days or so he had been roaming about town, and many nights he didn’t come home at all or returned bloody and bruised from drunken brawls. He barely said a word to anyone and seemed constantly lost in thought, yet exploded at the smallest things and indiscriminately vented his anger on furniture and things around the house.

What in the world happened? Ask him, Yuzuru-san. Miya, almost in tears, had pleaded. But Yuzuru knew from experience that once Takaya got to this point, it was nigh impossible to get him to open up.

By disposition, he tended to hold those things that bothered him close to his chest. He would, when asked, only put on an artificial smile and respond “it’s nothing.” That silence was not a lack of trust, but simply a wish to avoid imposing his problems on others. And it was only towards Miya and Yuzuru that he could make that gentle reply...

Yuzuru could not ask about whatever was troubling Takaya as long as Takaya didn’t bring it up himself. There was nothing he could do other than wait him out.

So though it was rather frustrating...

But right now, Takaya was not even capable of that “it’s nothing” fake smile. When Yuzuru spoke to him, Takaya would only look back at him without saying a word, a hint of anguish in his expression. ...Things must be pretty bad.

He could conjecture somewhat. It must have been a few days after he’d heard that Takaya had gone to ToyamaToyama-shi (富山市)

Toyama City is the capital of Toyama Prefecture, located on the coast of the Sea of Japan with a population of ~420,000 (2005). It was also the capital of the ancient province of Ecchuu.

During World War II, 99.5% of the urban center of the city was destroyed on August 1 and 2, 1945, when the American 73rd Bomber Wing dropped incendiary bombs on the city, at the time an aluminum ball-bearing and special steel production center.
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with Naoe... Takaya had suddenly come to Yuzuru’s house late one night, soaked straight through and chilled as if he had walked from the train station through the rain. When he’d asked, Takaya had replied that he had just returned from ToyamaToyama-shi (富山市)

Toyama City is the capital of Toyama Prefecture, located on the coast of the Sea of Japan with a population of ~420,000 (2005). It was also the capital of the ancient province of Ecchuu.

During World War II, 99.5% of the urban center of the city was destroyed on August 1 and 2, 1945, when the American 73rd Bomber Wing dropped incendiary bombs on the city, at the time an aluminum ball-bearing and special steel production center.
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. After that was when he started behaving strangely. In response to his question about Naoe being with him, Takaya had looked back at Yuzuru with pain on his face and said that he’d returned alone. It was as if he had wanted to talk to Yuzuru, but couldn’t get the words out.

Something had happened in those few days he’d been in ToyamaToyama-shi (富山市)

Toyama City is the capital of Toyama Prefecture, located on the coast of the Sea of Japan with a population of ~420,000 (2005). It was also the capital of the ancient province of Ecchuu.

During World War II, 99.5% of the urban center of the city was destroyed on August 1 and 2, 1945, when the American 73rd Bomber Wing dropped incendiary bombs on the city, at the time an aluminum ball-bearing and special steel production center.
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Yuzuru was certain of that much. But...

“Ougi-kun...” Yuiko greeted Takaya. She was apparently under the impression that his sullenness was caused by being called on such short notice to Tokyo by herself and Saori.

“I’m so sorry we had to impose on you so suddenly. I always seem to end up being such a bother to you...”


Takaya looked down at Yuiko. His gaze, so cold and distant until that moment, suddenly softened.

“Just think of what happened in MatsumotoMatsumoto City (松本市)

The largest city in Nagano Prefecture, Matsumoto is surrounded by mountains and is acclaimed for its beautiful views.
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as horrible bad luck. Nothing strange has happened to you since then, right?”

Yuzuru’s eyes widened—and he wasn’t the only one startled by the sudden shift. Chiaki and Ayako turned in surprise towards Takaya. Yuiko, too, seemed aware of the changes in Takaya since she had met him around four months ago.

“Ye-yes. I’ve been fine...”

“I see.”

He nodded with a calmness that seemed to belong to another person.

(This isn’t Takaya...)

There had been times in these recent days when that thought had suddenly struck him, and he had felt, as now, something slightly alien about Takaya. His expression, these manners that surfaced in Takaya from time to time which imbued him with a kind of gravity, of dignity. Within this Takaya was a calmness and self-assurance backed by some unnamed certainty. Chiaki and Ayako seemed to have noticed this transformation as well. Or—no, perhaps they, who had known the Kagetora that was, only saw him becoming more and more himself instead of this gap between him and ‘Takaya’ that Yuzuru couldn’t help but feel.

(What is going on with you...?)

Something clearly different from his lovable awkwardness, his unaffected warmness of heart was taking seed within Takaya.

Each glimpse he caught of it gave Yuzuru the horribly uneasy feeling that in the next moment Takaya would disappear out of his reach.

(What’s happened to you, Takaya...) he asked silently, while the one to whom he directed the question looked down quietly, the misery back in his countenance.

“All right then. Come on, we can’t stand around here all day. Let’s go, let’s go!” Saori called loudly in an attempt to lighten the mood, and led the group out of the station. Even Saori, who usually charged blithely into the fray with nary a care in the world, seemed to feel out of her element today.

Next to her, Ayako added in a deliberately bright tone, “That’s right! We have to go get changed! It’s been ages since I’ve been in a pool!”

“Come on Narita-kun, you too!”


He turned to see Takaya following them, but...

Though the sky was bright and clear, none of them could feel any of that cheer reflected inside.


It was another fine day. Since today was the last day of summer vacation, the pool was a popular destination. After changing, the band gathered at the poolside.

“So this is the one, huh...?” Chiaki muttered to himself as he surveyed the scene. He sensed no malice, perhaps because the mixed “energy” of the mass of people was masking any spiritual aura.

“Wonder what it is? Spirit of a drowning victim, maybe?”

“We can’t ask if it doesn’t show itself,” Chiaki grumbled. Beside him, Yuzuru looked at Takaya.

“How about you? Can you feel anything? Any sort of evil aura?”

“Yeah... There’s something here, but it’s really faint...”

“Sorry about the wait.” The female contingent joined them.

Chiaki asked Yuiko, “It was the spirit of a woman, right? The thing that tried to drag you in.”

Yuiko nodded. “I couldn’t see anything but her arm in the water, but I think it belonged to the same person whose voice I heard. It was...a woman. But...”

It hadn’t been just one person.

“Several voices? It wasn’t just that woman’s spirit?” Ayako, wearing an eye-catching high leg leotard, asked.

Yuiko nodded, adding, “I saw the woman’s face. She had really long wet hair. She was wearing a kimono. Something like an uchikakeuchikake (打ち掛け)

A long robe/garment worn over a kimono.
, I think. Like the kind they wear in historical dramas...”

“Historical dramas...huh?” Yuzuru murmured.

Chiaki stood in thought next to him, face grim.

“What is it? Have you thought of something?”

“No. Well, I’m worried about this place. I’m not sure if I’m remembering correctly, but I think this is...”

“This could get ugly, hmm...?” Ayako muttered as if she had followed his thoughts and reached the same conclusion.

Saori asked, “What do you mean?”

“Oh, didn’t you know? A castle stood here once.”

“What?” Yuzuru exclaimed.

“A castle? Not from the Sengoku EraSengoku (戦国)

The "warring states" period, lasting from 1467 to 1615, in which the warlords of Japan battled each other for the rule of the country.

“Yeah. It was called Nerima CastleNerima-jou (練馬城)

Nerima Castle was a castle built around 1331-1333 by a branch of the Toshima Clan as a residence in their territory of Nerima. It once stood in what is now Toshima Amusement Park in Nerima City, Tokyo.

The castle was thought to have fallen in 1477 along with the Toshima main castle of Shakujii in the Battle of Egota-Numabukurohara when Oota Doukan of the Yamanouchi and Ougigayatsu Uesugi clans defeated Toshima Yasutsune, who had sided with Nagao Kageharu against the Uesugi clans in Nagao Kageharu's Rebellion in 1476.
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, and it once belonged to the Toshima Clan, which was the clan that ruled these parts. I’m pretty sure it fell when Toshima lost that battle with Oota DoukanOota Doukan (太田道灌) 1432 - August 25, 1486

Also known as: Oota Sukenaga (太田資長)

Oota Doukan was a Japanese samurai warrior-poet, military tactician and Buddhist monk who is best remembered for designing and building Edo Castle (now the Imperial Palace). He served the Ougigayatsu-Uesugi Clan and built Edo Castle for Uesugi Sadamasa over Edo Shigenaga's earlier fortifications. In the 16th century, Tokugawa Ieyasu would choose Edo Castle to be his home upon his transfer to the Kantou.

During Nagao Kageharu's Rebellion, Doukan fought 30-odd battles and almost single-handedly averted the crisis for the Ougigayatsu and Yamanouchi Uesugi clans. His efforts resulted in a great increase in the influence of the Ougigayatsu-Uesugi Clan as well as his own stature.

The Ougigayatsu-Uesugi Clan, fearful and suspicious of his rising power (possibly justified, possibly not) had Doukan assassinated at Uesugi Sadamasa's residence in Sagami.
, though.”

“Wait a minute. So does that mean these spirits are also onshouonshou (怨将)

Lit.: "vengeful general": the spirits of the warlords of the Sengoku period, who continue their battles even in modern-age Japan.
from the «Yami-SengokuYami Sengoku (闇戦国)

Lit.: "Dark Sengoku", the civil war still being fought by the spirits of the warlords of the Sengoku period in modern-day Japan.

“Probably. This area was within the Houjou sphere of influence, but I heard that several of the local lords refused to be brought under their umbrella, which resulted in some vicious battles. If this was the site of Toshima’s castle, then it must be the spirits of the soldiers who died in battle that are now being roused to defend this place to the last. But—” Chiaki added, busily surveying the poolside area, “if ordinary people are being harmed because of that, then we’ll have to remove them before they injure anybody else...”

“Remove them? But if we do that...”

“The living come first, so any spirits causing harm need to be «exorcised». In this case, the «Yami-Sengoku» balance of power is secondary. —Let’s lure them out, Kagetora. We gotta make them appear in their true forms before we can do anything.”

A complex mix of emotions played across Takaya’s face, but he only nodded and replied, “—Yeah...”

He seemed willing and ready to help, and Yuzuru was glad to hear it. He asked, “You okay? It looks like this is going to be kinda hard, so don’t overdo it.”

“I’m fine. And I think you’d better step back. I’ve been feeling this weird aura moving around for a while.”

Yuzuru looked at Takaya in surprise. He had felt nothing. Takaya’s spiritual senses had far surpassed his in these brief months.

“Takaya, you...”

“The spirit we’re talking about only targeted women, didn’t it?” Takaya turned to Ayako, whose shoulders slumped in resignation.

“All right, all right. Guess I’ll play bait,” she sighed, then tucked a swim tube under her arm and headed for the river pool.

“Kagetora!” Chiaki shouted, voice strained. His gaze was fixed on the pool. “Something’s moving in there.”


A second later, a woman suddenly screamed from the pool to their left. They whirled to see a girl in the water crying for help.

(They got the jump on us...?!)

Something ran across the surface of the water at almost the same time, and several more screams rang out from pools all around them. It ripped through the water surface like a razor: the underwater version of razor whirlwindsKamaitachi (窮奇/鎌鼬/かまいたち)

Also known as: cutting whirlwind, razor whirlwind, vacuum whirlwind

A wind demon commonly depicted in Japanese folklore as a trio of weasels with sharp claws, riding on a gust of wind to cut into the skin of their victims at lightning speed.


The aquatic razor whirlwindsKamaitachi (窮奇/鎌鼬/かまいたち)

Also known as: cutting whirlwind, razor whirlwind, vacuum whirlwind

A wind demon commonly depicted in Japanese folklore as a trio of weasels with sharp claws, riding on a gust of wind to cut into the skin of their victims at lightning speed.
slashed through the pools with lightning speed, and screaming people began jumping out of the water.

“Haruie, get all those people out of there! There’s something in the water!”

Chiaki was dashing off even before he’d finished speaking. He snatched the microphone out of the hands of a nearby lifeguard.

“Everybody in the water, please get out of the pool! Leave the pool right now!”

Panicking people pushed and shoved to escape until only Ayako remained in the pool. The water razors moved against the current to congregate on Ayako.

“You’re not cutting up my Channel swimsuit!”

Ayako formed a «wall» of will around herself.


The water broke against it with a loud crash and a gigantic splash. The razor whirlwindsKamaitachi (窮奇/鎌鼬/かまいたち)

Also known as: cutting whirlwind, razor whirlwind, vacuum whirlwind

A wind demon commonly depicted in Japanese folklore as a trio of weasels with sharp claws, riding on a gust of wind to cut into the skin of their victims at lightning speed.
summoned by the spirits had collided directly with her «power». Then something pulled on her leg without warning.


Ayako struggled as it dragged her downward with terrifying strength.


Chiaki promptly shot a «nenpanenpa (念波)

Lit.: "waves of will/thought"; a nendouryoku attack using spiritual energy which focuses the will and releases it in a burst to strike at a target.
» into the water. Ayako could see a white arm pulling on her foot as she struggled and squirmed.

(What the heck is that?!)


A sheet of spray shot high up into the air. Chiaki’s «nenpa» had smashed into the arm straight-on. Ayako dragged herself out of the pool, coughing violently.

“We’re surrounded. Be careful.”


The other guests were running about every which way trying to escape. Yuiko and Saori were watching the battle huddled together in a corner. Takaya and the others warily scanned all directions for attack. They could clearly feel the «malice» covering the area from not one, but a crowd of spirits.


Something white suddenly bobbed to the surface. One by one, soaked, blood-covered warriors floated upward. Those who saw them screamed. Takaya, Chiaki, and Ayako concentrated their power to confront the spirits appearing before them.

Exuding hate, the spirits advanced on them, their «malice» swelling into bloodlust.

They daren’t let this continue.

“Looks like they’re pretty worked up.”

“So what? They’re spirits. We’ll deal with ’em all in one blow,” Chiaki grinned in anticipation. “Hah, having an audience is getting me all fired up.”

The warriors drew their swords, «malice» gushing out of them as if they were bloated with it. They roared and attacked with their «nenpa».


Takaya met them head-on with a «nenpa» of his own. White sparks flew, and spray shot up from the surrounding pools. Chiaki and Ayako moved left and right, distributing the warriors’ attack.

“Over here, you blockheads!” Chiaki took aim at the warriors appearing steadily from the water. Some somersaulted back and sank, while the rest attacked with even greater intensity.


The water bubbled, throwing up countless drops of water which hung suspended in midair.


The water droplets transformed into razor-edged swords and dove at Chiaki. He couldn’t dodge them all, and felt one slice into his shoulder. Nor had Ayako escaped unscathed.



Chiaki angrily formed the ritual gesture of BishamontenBishamonten (毘沙門天)

Also know as: Bishamon, Tamonten, Vaiśravaṇa, Kubera

Bishamonten is one of the 12 Deva Guardians, the protector of the North and the most powerful of the Four Heavenly Kings. He is the god of warfare and warriors, sometimes called the "black warrior"; black is his symbolic color, and winter is the season over which he presides. He is often depicted as warrior with a crown on his head, a pagoda in one hand and a trident in the other. He punishes those who do evil and is also the guardian of the places where Buddha preaches. He is one who is all-knowing, who hears everything, who is always listening, and is completely versed in Buddha's teachings. He is one of Japan's Seven Deities of Fortune. The soldiers of his army are the powerful earth deities called Yaksha.

Bishamonten is also called "Tobatsu Bishamonten" (刀八毘沙門天), or "Eight-Sword Bishamonten", because of an error in translation passed down through the centuries. The original name, "Bishamonten of Tobatsu", pointed to a manifestation of Bishamonten which appeared in the Central Asian kingdom of Tou-po or Tobatsu (兜跋) to protect the capital city against invaders. Bishamonten in this form is depicted with a diadem on his head, four hands holding a key, a gem, a pagoda, and a halbert before him and eight arms holding eight swords around him.

“Eat this!  (Baibai ()

Intoned by the Yasha-shuu at the beginning of choubuku, 'bai' is the "seed syllable" for Bishamonten, originally known as Vaiśravaṇa.

Takaya had already begun «exorcising» the warriors. But he was hard-pressed dealing with their water attack.

“If only we could do something about the water...!”

“Wait! Their leader still hasn’t appeared yet!”

“Leader? That woman spirit?”

“Yeah. She’s probably the one who’s setting them against... !”

Something crashed into the ground in front of her with the explosive force of a bomb going off, sending up a gigantic sheet of spray. The falling water shot towards her like arrows.


As he formed a «goshinhagoshinha (護身波)

Lit. "wave of self-protection"; the goshinha is a protective mesh spun from fine strands of spiritual energy which surrounds the caster and protects from an opponent's spiritual as well as physical attacks. The mesh gains strength and stability when it is multi-layered and becomes the goshinheki. The goshinha is Naoe's forte.
» around himself, Takaya could no longer hold back what he had kept so tightly pressed against his chest for so long.

“You think you can just walk all over us...?! You bastards, that’s fucking enough!”

“Yeeeek! Go Ougi-kun gooooo!”

Saori, whose interpretation of Takaya’s reaction seemed somewhat off, cheered him on in a shrill voice. To one side, Yuiko, who was watching the fight fearfully, felt a bolt of ice down her spine. Then—


Yuzuru, standing near in an effort to protect them, noticed Yuiko’s distress.


By the time he turned, Yuiko’s consciousness had already been supplanted by that of another. Sensing the danger at once, Yuzuru took Saori’s arm.


“No! Step back, Morino-sa...!”

A sudden gust cut off his words. Takaya and the others spun in surprise. Yuiko met them halfway, her long hair wild and tangling.

“Takaya! Yuiko-san’s been possessed by something!”


An eerie light burned in Yuiko’s eyes. She approached in a staggering, unnatural gait, demanding, “Who are you that dare invade our castle?”

Neither the voice nor the tone belonged to Yuiko. Takaya’s face twitched as he thought for an instant that Sanjou-no-KataSanjou-no-Kata (三条の方) 1521? - 1570

Historically: Second daughter of Sanjou Kinyori, Minister of the Left and second legal wife of Takeda Shingen, a woman of courtly blood who was mother of his original heir, Takeda Yoshinobu as well as two other sons and two daughters (the older of whom married Houjou Ujimasa). Her name is literally written as "person of Sanjou (Clan)".

She was described as a great beauty and fervent in her devotion to Buddhism. Since Shingen eventually named the grandson of a concubine heir to the clan, it is thought that Sanjou and Shingen did not get along.

In Mirage of Blaze: She and Kousaka Masanobu break the barrier over Takeda Shingen's tomb, the Maenduka, and attempt to resurrect Shingen by using Narita Yuzuru as a vessel for his spirit. She herself takes over the body of Takeda Yuiko but is exorcised by Takaya and Naoe with kouhou-choubuku.
had been revived. One by one, the raging spirits approached Yuiko and prostrated themselves before her. Takaya studied Yuiko’s spiritual aura with deep wariness.

“Who are you?” he demanded, turning to face her directly.

Yuiko replied proudly, “My name is Itsu...”

“Huh...?!” Ayako’s head abruptly lifted in recognition. “Itsu...? Princess Itsu of Toshima?”

“You know her?”

“Yeah. She was the daughter of Toshima YasuakiToshima Yasuaki (豊島泰明) ? - May 25, 1477

Toshima Yasuaki was the younger brother of Toshima Yasutsune, a Muromachi-era samurai who died in the Battle of Egota-Numabukurohara fighting against Oota Doukan.

Toshima Yasuaki, along with his brother and Toshima Clan Head Toshima Yasutsune, came to the aid of Nagao Kageharu when he rebelled against the Uesugi clans. He raised an army at his main castle of Hiratsuka, but was attacked by Oota Doukan, who set fire to the lands around the castle. Yasutsune came to his aid with troops from Shakujii Castle and Nerima Castle, whereupon Doukan immediately drew back until he met troops from Uesugi Tomomasa and Chiba Yoritane sortieing from Edo Castle. The two sides met in the Battle of Egota-Numabukurohara in what is now Nerima City.

The battle resulted in a great loss for the Toshima clan; of their 200 cavalry, 150 were killed, including Yasuaki. Afterwards, Doukan laid siege to Yasutsune at Shakujii Castle, which fell in 28 days. Yasutsune escaped, returned with another army, was defeated again, and became lost to history. The Toshima Clan perished.
, and they say that she threw herself into the Shakujii Riverview map location when Nerima CastleNerima-jou (練馬城)

Nerima Castle was a castle built around 1331-1333 by a branch of the Toshima Clan as a residence in their territory of Nerima. It once stood in what is now Toshima Amusement Park in Nerima City, Tokyo.

The castle was thought to have fallen in 1477 along with the Toshima main castle of Shakujii in the Battle of Egota-Numabukurohara when Oota Doukan of the Yamanouchi and Ougigayatsu Uesugi clans defeated Toshima Yasutsune, who had sided with Nagao Kageharu against the Uesugi clans in Nagao Kageharu's Rebellion in 1476.
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fell... But wasn’t a memorial service held here for Princess Itsu? Isn’t she supposed to be purified...?”

Ignoring the side conversation between Ayako and Takaya, the spirit within Yuiko who had named herself Itsu asked, her voice hardening, “Who are you? Come you to bring disorder and violence to this castle whilst knowing it to be in the possession of the Toshima?”

“Looks to me like you’re the ones causing violence, ’cess. Why’re you waking up now, anyway? Why’re you meddling?”

“Who are you, knaves? Do you serve Houjou?”

Chiaki and Ayako reacted more strongly to the mention of the Houjou than Takaya. But Takaya’s eyes narrowed, and he responded arrogantly, “I’ve got no idea what the hell you’re talking about, but you’d better quiet down right now. If you guys wanna be purified, you’d better stop interfering.”

“I trust you not.” Princess Itsu’s voice came clearly out of Yuiko’s lips. “You reek of the Houjou.”


“This is our castle. It belongs to us and no other. We will never submit to the Houjou! We trust you not. We defended this castle to the death; we will never surrender it again! We will never trust again...!”

“But I’m telling you...!” a frustrated Ayako interrupted. “We’re not trying to steal the castle from you! How many times do we have to say it?!”

“Wait, Haruie,” Chiaki commanded calmly. “The Houjou have been acting up around here lately. These spirits must’ve been roused by the Houjou invasion. They’re made of pure hatred and suspicion. It’s useless to try and persuade them like this.”

“Useless?” Princess Itsu’s voice was gaining strength and conviction. “Remember on whose ground you stand. Knaves, know this: we are those who know the meaning of pain. We, who were engulfed in fire, drowned in water cold as ice. What do you know of our hatred? All of us, every one of us. You will taste the pain of those who died here!”

“Get real!” Takaya yelled angrily, looking up. “As if doing that would cleanse your hatred!”

“Argument is useless!”

CRACKLE. A mass of will shot forth from the palm of Yuiko’s hand, blasting apart the poolside concrete, but Takaya had already leapt aside. The warriors resumed their attack. A violent «nenpa» battle commenced.

“Haruie! Get everybody else to cover, it’s dangerous here!”

“Got it!”

“Nagahide, «exorcise» Princess Itsu! Once we take care of their leader, the rest will be easy!”

But they found no opening in Princess Itsu’s defenses. She appeared to be a spirit of considerable strength, her attacks relentless and fierce.



Countless razors of water flew at them, cutting into skin when they could not be dodged. Blood flowed from their raised hands as they formed the ritual gesture.


Takaya flinched, and Princess Itsu concentrated her attack on him, pressing her advantage. He wove a «goshinha» in an attempt to defend himself, but the razor blades tore away at the web of thought and drove towards his body.

“Screw this—!!”

The ground roared. A violent aura flared from Takaya’s body in an almost deranged blast of energy. Chiaki spun in surprise.


The pools around them groaned eerily. Fear flashed across Princess Itsu’s face. Both Yuzuru and Ayako whirled towards Takaya as they sensed the insane mass of «power».

The expression on Takaya’s face was even more terrifying.


Cracks ran through the poolside concrete while the ground bulged and shook ominously. The park visitors screamed and ran.

“Kagetora, that’s too dangerous! Don’t!”

But Takaya was so far consumed by the need to kill that no warning could hold him back. Pieces of smashed concrete shot up into the air, forming large lumps that surrounded Princess Itsu as she watched.

“No, s-stop! Aaaaah!”


The chunks shot towards Yuiko. “Shit!” Chiaki spat, protecting Yuiko with a shield. Violent sparks shot off in all directions.

“Get the hell out of my way, Chiaki!”

“You fucking idiot! What the hell are you thinking, you wanna kill that girl?!”

Takaya released a «nenpa» blast of such power that it shoved Chiaki back even while he braced against it with all the strength in his mind and body.

“What the fuck are you doing, you bastard!”


“That’s enough!”

WHOOSH. Chiaki released his will. Takaya promptly blocked it with a «wall», but the impact sent him flying into the water.


Yuzuru dashed over. Terrified by the duel of «power» between Takaya and Chiaki, Princess Itsu sent «nenpa» flying wildly in all directions. Ayako stood in her way, forming a wall of will to protect the others. Crackle crackle! Sparks flashed as Princess Itsu desperately gathered all her power into her fists—


—and shot it forward!

“You’re not getting past me!”


The air between them exploded. Chiaki had countered Princess Itsu’s «nenpa» squarely with one of his own. The blast whipped across the water, and Princess Itsu faltered. Chiaki and Ayako jumped on the opportunity. They formed the ritual gesture simultaneously and cried out sharply toward Princess Itsu:

 (Baibai ()

Intoned by the Yasha-shuu at the beginning of choubuku, 'bai' is the "seed syllable" for Bishamonten, originally known as Vaiśravaṇa.

A shiver ran through the princess, and she froze in place. She struggled in surprise, but in vain: she could no longer command her body. The paralyzed Princess Itsu could not even speak.

Noumakusamanda bodanan Baishiramandaya sowakanoumakusamanda bodanan baishiramandaya sowaka

「のうまくさまんだ ぼだなん ばいしらまんだや そわか」

A mantra of Bishamonten which protects the caster from fatigue and calamity, usually used when starting a long or complex invocation.

"noumakusamanda bodanan" = a devotion to the Buddhas/"homage to all the Buddhas".
"Baishiramandaya" = a reverence to Bishamonten, or "hail Bishamonten!"

The warriors desperately recommenced their attack on the two Yasha-shuuYasha-shuu (夜叉衆)

The five kanshousha at the head of the Meikai Uesugi Army ordered by Uesugi Kenshin to hunt for the onshou who are disrupting the peace of modern-era Japan in a battle which has lasted four hundred years. Led by Uesugi Kagetora, with Naoe Nobutsuna, Kakizaki Haruie, Yasuda Nagahide, and Irobe Katsunaga. The name "Yasha" refers to soldiers in the army of Bishamonten, called "Yaksha".
, but their attacks disappeared before their very eyes. A «goshinhekigoshinheki (護身壁)

Lit.: "wall of self-protection"; the goshinheki is a barrier constructed for an instant using spiritual energy. The goshinha is effective when maintained, but the goshinheki takes shape in the instant the caster is attacked and is a basic method of self-protection. However, its weakness is that it cannot protect the caster against 100% of the damage caused by the attack.
» encircled them.

Namu Tobatsu BishamontenNamu Tobatsu Bishamonten (南無刀八毘沙門天)

Lit. "Hail Eight-Sword Bishamonten" Chanted during "light-enclosing exorcism," the summoning of the Sword of Bishamonten, and other invocations to Bishamonten.
! For this demon subjugation, lend us thy power!”

Light flared between their fists like twin suns, swelling with power until it could be contained no longer. Princess Itsu attempted one last attack in a desperate effort to escape, but it was already obviously futile.

They pronounced the words of judgment.


And the fierce light—

Engulfed Princess Itsu’s soul in a white explosion.