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Gaki Dou (餓鬼道)

Lit. "Path of Hungry Ghosts"; the second lowest realm of the Six Realms of Buddhism, filled with craving and eternal starvation.

Gakkou Bosatsu (月光菩薩)

Also known as: Candraprabha

Lit.: "Moonlight/Lunar Radiance Bodhisattva", a bodhisattva whose specialty is moonlight and good health, often seen with her sister Nikkou Bosatsu, the Sunlight Bodhisattva, with whom she serves Yakushirurikou Nyorai, the Medicine Buddha. They are also sometimes attendants of Kannon.

At the Toudai Temple in Nara, she stands to the left of Fukuukenjaku Kannon.

Gakurin (学林)

Portuguese: colégio

A school of divinity established by Jesuits in Bungo in 1581, later moved to Shimabara (1590) and then Amakusa (1591), where it was called Amakusa College.

gebaku (外縛)

Also known as: gebakuhou (外縛法), gaibaku

Lit.: "outer bind"; a method of tying a spirit body or physical body to one place such that they cannot move, also commonly called "paralysis". Kagetora and company use gebakuhou when they wish to perform «choubuku» on especially powerful spirits or a large host of spirits during "kouhou-choubuku" or "kekkai-choubuku", etc.

Gegenhuber Grisela (グリーセラ卿ゲーゲンヒューバー)

Also called: Hube
Title: Lord
Race: Mazoku

Gwendal's cousin on his father's side who married into the Grisela family.

Genba (玄蕃)

A member of the Red Whales' star-stealing operation elite team who is ambushed along with Kusama and Ushio by the Sogou. He is killed in the battle.

geta (下駄)

Japanese-style wooden clogs

Giminduka (義民塚)

Lit.: "Mound of the Selfless"

The mound which holds the remains of those executed in the Kasuke Ikki, built to honor them after those remains turned up during construction in 1950. Located in Miyabuchi, Matsumoto.

Gion (祇園)

Gion is a major Kyoto tourist hub and popular nightlife district among locals. Originally developed in the Middle Ages to accommodate the needs of travelers and visitors to Yasaka (Gion) Shrine, it became one of the most exclusive and well-known geisha districts in Japan.

Traditional establishments with geisha in full regalia entertaining guests now dwell alongside restaurants, bars, clubs, pachinko, off-track betting, and places geared toward tourists.

Gisela von Kleist (フォンクライスト卿ギーゼラ)

Title: Lady
Race: Mazoku

Go-Daigo-tennou (後醍醐天皇)
1288 - 1339

The 96th emperor of Japan, whose reign from 1318 to 1339 was a rocky one; he became emperor at the age of 29, tried to overthrow the Kamakura Shogunate, was exiled, became emperor again after capturing the Kamakura Shogunate with the support of Ashikaga Takauji (destroying the Houjou Clan in the process), began a restoration aimed at making him the most powerful ruler in the East, was chased out of Kyoto by Ashikaga Takauji, and established the Southern Court in Yoshino in 1336 in opposition to the Northern Court established by Ashikaga in Kyoto. He died of illness in 1339.

Godai Myouou (五大明王)

Also know as: godaison (五大尊)

Lit.: "Five Great Kings of Wisdom"; the five kings are fierce/wrathful deities who correspond to the five directions: Fudou Myouou is in the center, Gouzanze Myouou in the east, Gundari Myouou in the south, Daiitoku Myouou in the west, and Kongouyasha Myouou in the north. Their wisdom is contained in dharani and mantras.

The Five Wisdom Kings live in the Diamond Realm.

Gohou Douji (護法童子)

Also known as: Gohou Douji of the Swords

Lit.: "Dharma-protecting boy"; a variety of demon-deity in the service of Bishamonten who can be summoned by a high priest with mikkyou to do his bidding. They look like boys of 9 or 10 with red hair and golden skin who wear a thousand swords and ride on top of a magic wheel (Cakraratna). Their power and skills are varied and depend on the power of their summoners.

In Mirage of Blaze, Takaya summons the Gohou Douji by writing Bishamonten's mantra on a piece of paper in Sanskrit and wrapping it around a dagger while chanting On beishiramandaya sowaka, then drawing Bishamonten’s seed syllable in the air above the blade before placing the fore- and middle fingers of his right hand against his forehead. He then touches the sword to his fingers, whereupon the paper ignites, and the Gohou Douji appears from the fire.

Gohou Maou-zun (護法魔王尊)

The Guardian Demon King, or Defender Lord of Kurama Temple is identified with Sanat Kumara and is said to be a bodhisattva who came to Earth from the planet Venus 6.5 million years ago. His appearance is that of a sixteen-year-old boy.

gojou-kesa (五条袈裟)

Lit. "five-stripe robe", a simple ceremonial mantle worn by Buddhist priests over their monk's robes, it is traditionally made by sewing together five pieces of rectangular cloth and represents Shakyamuni Buddha's original robe.

goma-dan (護摩壇)

Lit.: "Rite of Buddhist cedar-stick burning platform"; enormous pyres used in Esoteric Buddhism for public prayer, made up of thousands of cedar wooden sticks with inscriptions of people's prayers. These rites originated in India as a way of making offerings to the gods.

There are various types of goma rituals, including those used for prayers for good health, fortune, and peace, as well as those used for exorcisms and summoning the protection of the gods.

goshinha (護身波)

Lit. "wave of self-protection"; the goshinha is a protective mesh spun from fine strands of spiritual energy which surrounds the caster and protects from an opponent's spiritual as well as physical attacks. The mesh gains strength and stability when it is multi-layered and becomes the goshinheki. The goshinha is Naoe's forte.

goshinheki (護身壁)

Lit.: "wall of self-protection"; the goshinheki is a barrier constructed for an instant using spiritual energy. The goshinha is effective when maintained, but the goshinheki takes shape in the instant the caster is attacked and is a basic method of self-protection. However, its weakness is that it cannot protect the caster against 100% of the damage caused by the attack.

goshinkou (護身光)

Lit. "light of self-protection"; a protective barrier along the lines of the goshinha which looks like a cloak of gold light, used by the Gohou Douji.

gotoobi (五十日)

Lit.: "fifth/tenth day"

A day of the month that is divisible by 5 (5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th). In Japan, paydays and settlement of accounts are customarily done on one of these days, leading to busy teller windows and traffic congestion.

Gotou Haruo (後藤晴雄)

A Fujisawa City councilor who opposed Keibu Real Estate's plans to buy all the properties on E Island with the ostensible intention of renovating them.

He was cursed to death by the Satomi. Sakaki and Reiko visit his widow, Madam Mayumi, during their investigation into his death.

Sakaki mentions that he is former Minister of Justice Sata's nephew and comes from a family with a long political lineage.

Gotou-shi (五島市)

A city located in Nagasaki which comprises the south-west half of the Gotou-Retto Islands in the South China Sea.

Gouzanze Myouou (降三世明王)

Also known as: Trailokyavijaya Vidya-raja, Conqueror of the Three Worlds

One of the Five Great Kings of Wisdom, whose direction is the east, his name signifies victory over enemies of the three worlds of the manifested universe, which are the celestial, earthly, and infernal realms. He is a wrathful god whose color is blue. He is generally depicted with three faces, eight arms, and two of his hands crossed at his breast in the mudra known as vajrahumkara (dairikikei 大力契, or "vow of immense strength" in Japanese).

His wisdom is the adarsa-jnana (大円鏡智), or "great perfect mirror wisdom", which is the wisdom to clearly elucidate all things.

Gouzanze Myouou-hou (降三世明王法)

The ritual of Gouzanze Myouou, the King of Wisdom of the East, used to neutralize the kinrin no hou of Dakiniten-hou.

Grantz (グランツ地方)

Grantz is located on the northern tip of Shinma Kingdom and is the birthplace of Adalbert von Grantz.

Great Kantou Triangle (関東大三角)

A metaphysical formation created by High Priest Tenkai as the foundation for his spell effecting eternal peace and security for the Tokugawa Shogunate. The Houjou planned to exploit it as a power-focus in their quest to conquer the country. The three points of the right triangle are: Mt. Nikkou (north), Sunosaki Shrine (south), and the Toushou Shrine at Mt. Kunou (west).

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Grillet Josak (グリエ・ヨザック)

Also known as: Josa
Race: half Human (mother), half Mazoku (father)

Josak is Conrad's childhood friend and comrade-in-arms. He has blue eyes, orange hair, and a muscular upper body that Yuuri describes as being perfect for a baseball outfielder. He has a husky, jazzy voice and dresses up as a woman when required by his duties. He can be ruthless when the situation demands it. His weapon is the axe.

Grisela Trintignant Yaft (グリーセラ・トランティニアン・ヤッフト)

Title: Maou
Also called: The Beheader
Race: Mazoku

The 15th Maou of the Mazoku.

Gundari Myouou (軍荼利明王)

Also known as: Kundali

One of the Five Great Kings of Wisdom, whose direction is the south.

His wisdom is the samata-jnana (平等性智), or "wisdom of equality".

Gunma-ken (群馬県)

The northern-most prefecture of the Kanto region of Japan's main island of Honshuu.

Gunman-ken (群馬県)

A prefecture of Japan located in the northwest corner of the Kantou region on Honshuu island. Its capital is Maebashi.

Günter von Kleist (フォンクライスト卿ギュンター)

Titles: Lord, Excellency
Race: Mazoku

Adviser/tutor to the king (and entirely devoted to Yuuri), an outstanding swordsman as well as sorcerer. Conrad's teacher. Günter is descended from the Lake Shore People, from whom he gets his lilac-colored eyes. He has long, thick gray hair and looks around 30 (150 Mazoku years). Scion of one of the Ten Aristocratic Houses.

Gwendal von Voltaire (フォンヴォルテール卿グウェンダル)

Also called: Gwen
Titles: Lord, Excellency, Highness (former)
Race: Mazoku

Eldest son of Cäcilie von Spitzweg, the former Maou. Cäcilie fell in love with and married Gwendal's father, an older man, when she could still be called a girl.

Gwendal has longish dark gray hair, blue eyes, and generally has a dour expression on his face. Yuuri decides on the Godfather Love Song as his theme song.

According to Conrad, he loves Shinma Kingdom more than anyone, but he does so to the exclusion of (and sometimes at the expense of) everything else.

gyoza (ギョーザ)

The Japanese version of Chinese dumplings, typically consisting of minced pork, cabbage, Chinese chives, sesame oil, and garlic/ginger in a thin dough wrapping and boiled or pan-fried.

gyuudon (牛丼)

Lit.: "beef bowl": a Japanese dish consisting of rice covered with beef and onion simmered in a mildly sweet sauce flavored with soy sauce and mirin. It's a very popular dish in Japan, where it can be found in many restaurants and fast food chains.