Takaya and Nezu arrived at Katou Shrine, located within the Kumamoto Castle
site, after shaking off their pursuers. Breathless, Takaya sat down on a bench, while Nezu gloomily undid the hook of his collar.
“Damn you, Ootomo. You show your true colors at last. You dare eradicate all my men...!”
“Nezu,” Takaya said, inhaling, “—or should I call you by your true name, Katou Kiyomasa?”
“...” Nezu’s dark eyebrows lifted. “So you figured it out?”
“I didn’t think you’d be a senior high school student.” Takaya exhaled deeply. “If the people of this city knew, their jaws would drop. The Lord Seisho-san who built that huge castle attending a home-town high school?”
“I didn’t build it—a great number of laborers did.”
“You know that’s not what I meant...”
Kiyomasa had gotten his breath back, and he suddenly glared fiercely at Takaya. “I warned you to leave Kumamoto, Uesugi. Why are you still here? If you intend to remain, I shall be forced to act; I will kill you, make no doubt of that.”
“Neither of us have the time or energy to waste on that,” Takaya sharply returned Kiyomasa’s glare. “Ordinary students are being harmed. Or do they not matter to you?” Kiyomasa growled indignantly and fell silent. Takaya leaned toward him. “What is Mikuriya’s lot doing to the students? That tape earlier was a type of suggestion, wasn’t it?”
“...I only realized it today.” Kiyomasa bit his nails in frustration. “That music. It plays every day at lunch. I couldn’t tell before because its message was so faint. It’s been brainwashing the students.”
Beneath the singing of that Gregorian chant they’d been listening to every day, beneath the audible level, was a recorded suggestion tailored with spiritual power to land in the ultrasonic range. There was no defense against it. It was intended to go into one ear and out the other while steadily imprinting its suggestion on the students.
“That tune playing earlier was different from the usual— probably a special suggestion made to reach only certain individuals. A suggestion that designated us to be wounded or killed.”
(It certainly was pretty intense.)
Powerful enough to sentence them to death.
Nezu’s followers—the possessor spirits rather than the students themselves—had taken the damage squarely. They had self-destructed as a result.
It had been a lethal suggestion.
Could it be...
(That a suggestion also killed the teachers?)
“Cursed Mikuriya. They intend to turn the students into Ootomo soldiers.”
“Ootomo soldiers?”
“Yes.” Kiyomasa crossed his arms, looking out over Katou Shrine, in which he himself was enshrined. “Enemy «nue» can’t infiltrate Kumamoto right now. Due to the ongoing hunt for possessor spirits, spirit troops can’t be used—only kanshousha can get in. Therefore Mikuriya must source her soldiers locally. She has turned the school into a training ground for Ootomo soldiers via brainwashing. What a cunning vixen she is to do so under my nose.”
“A training ground...”
“Yes. You can tell that every student is haunted by various spirits, no? They’re being drawn in by the demon serpent’s egg buried within each of them, which are acting as magnets.”
Takaya grimaced. “Demon serpent’s...egg?”
“Yeah.” Kiyomasa looked as if he were losing his patience. “It’s a magical egg laid by a venomous snake spirit. Mikuriya has been implanting these demon serpent’s eggs one by one into the students, and they become parasites within their hosts. They’re still growing, but they’re going to start incubating soon.”
“Ah!” Takaya exclaimed as he remembered. So that was it, that thing wriggling like an earthworm inside the fallen student’s carotid artery.
(That was a demon serpent hatchling...?)
“The Gregorian chant serves to train the demon serpent antenatally—to train them to function as Ootomo soldiers. Anyone possessed by one of these parasites is also more susceptible to Mikuriya’s suggestions. When I performed kanshou on this body, it had already been implanted with an egg. I noticed it immediately and burned it away. ...That woman is a snake charmer.”
“Snake charmer...?”
“Yes. She can communicate her will to snakes and control them; it’s a peculiar power.”
“What happens when an egg hatches?”
“An Ootomo soldier is completed. In the same way that snake spirits do Mikuriya’s bidding, all the students will become her faithful servants.”
(All the students...)
A shiver ran through Takaya as he imagined it.
There were 1,200 to 1,300 of them—and they would all become soldiers in the «Yami-Sengoku»?
“! ...So does that mean the patrollers earlier were able to use «power» because—”
“Indeed. Demon serpents have already hatched within them.”
Takaya paled. “Which means all of Old Castle High School’s students will be able to use «power»...”
“Exactly.” Kiyomasa’s sharply-defined lips pressed together, and he glared up at his own castle’s Udo turret. “They’re soldiers capable of using «power». Ootomo is going to use them to man the castle. Their aim is to obtain a certain object buried within the school—within the old castle’s grounds. In order to prevent us from interfering with the excavation, they’re going to post the students as its garrison.”
“A certain object?”
“A treasure buried by the previous lord of the castle, Sassa Narimasa-dono.”
That startled Takaya. He hadn’t been prepared to hear that name. Sassa Narimasa. Lord of the old castle, Kumamoto Castle’s previous incarnation.
“A treasure Narimasa buried... Could it be Narimasa’s ‘head of the serpent’?”
“! ...How did you know?”
“Ah...I just—...” he mumbled. He couldn’t exactly say ‘Kaizaki Makoto told me about it’. He settled on “—found out during my investigation.”
Kiyomasa still looked somewhat dubious, but he continued, “It’s formally called the «Golden Serpent Head», said to be the skull of a gigantic snake.”
“Yes. A monster whose body was said to be the size of a river. It was originally kept as a precious offering at Aso Shrine, Higo’s most important shrine.”
Aso Shrine was Higo’s representative shrine, located in Aso Miyaji. On taking up his new post in Kumamoto at Taikou Hideyoshi’s command, Narimasa endeavored to win over the hearts of the people. In reverence to Aso Shrine, he invited brothers Koremitsu and Koreyoshi of the Aso Clan, high priest and general, to a cordial reception at the castle. It was on this occasion that the Aso Clan presented the «Golden Serpent Head» to Narimasa, which pleased him highly. He thought of it as ‘the castle’s guardian deity’ and enshrined it in a corner of the old castle—where the gym stood today.
(Aso Shrine...)
There was a thought stuck in Takaya’s head. He remembered hearing something about Aso Shrine just recently.
Kiyomasa continued without regard for his private musings, “The «Golden Serpent Head» is said to be the skull of a gigantic serpent who lived under Aso in ancient times. Aso is a volcano, and this giant serpent would cause it to erupt—magma was itself deified. Another story goes that the «Golden Serpent Head» comes from a snake eradicated by Aso Shrine’s third deity Kusakabe Yoshimi, also known as Kunitatsu myoujin.” He looked directly at Takaya. “It’s also said the skull comes from one of the heads of the eight-headed, eight-tailed serpent of Japanese mythology.”
Takaya’s eyes opened wide. “Eight-headed...serpent...?”
At that moment a female student passed in front of the shrine on her bicycle. She was wearing an Old Castle High School uniform.
It was Inaba Akemi.
She had left school early for a dentist appointment, but had left her homework handouts in class. She was on her way back to retrieve them.
She unthinkingly came to a stop when she saw two familiar faces within the grounds.
(Oh, it’s Nezu-kun and Ougi-kun.)
What were they doing? she wondered, getting off her bike. She’d left before the lunchtime uproar. It was the middle of fifth period. She tilted her head and was about to call out to them, but hesitated—they looked very serious.
(Speaking of which...)
She recalled what had happened after school the other day. Nezu had stopped Takaya and said some stuff she didn’t understand at all. He‘d called Takaya ’Uesugi’ or something and told him he had to get out or else.
He’d been strange recently.
Without quite knowing why she did it, Akemi hid herself and peeped out at the two. They were quite far away, but she could hear pieces of their conversation. Something about Kiyomasa and Mikuriya.
(What is going on with those two...?)
“Excuse me, young lady.”
Akemi jumped at the voice that suddenly addressed her from behind.
She turned and was surprised to see a strange middle-age man in a suit standing there. He looked amiable. Was he a tourist? But that didn’t appear to be the case.
“Judging by your uniform, you’re a student of Old Castle High School, yes?”
“Yes, ...that’s ri...ught!”
Her voice ended on a strange groan: the man had driven his fist into her solar plexus. With that small sound she collapsed in place.
“Put her in the car, Shichiri.”
The command came from behind him. “Aye,” the man in the suit answered, lifting Akemi. He was about to carry her to the car parked next to them when—
Feeling the suspicious aura, Takaya looked in his direction.
“What’s wrong, Uesugi-dono?”
“I hear a voice just now...”
“Voice? ...Oi, Uesugi-dono!”
Takaya took off running toward the sound. A dark figure sprang out of concealment to block his path.
A handsome well-built man in a dark brown coat stood in his way. A hat half-concealed his face. Takaya skidded to a halt.
Takaya made a exclamation of surprise and caught his breath in the next instant. The young man took off his hat to reveal his face. He glared straight at Takaya.
“This is our first meeting since Itsuku Island, Kagetora.”
Takaya’s breath stopped at the sight of that face.
It had a somewhat bony structure. The right half, burnt and scarred by sutures, was painful to look upon. Yet his eyes glittered like those of a hungry beast.
Takaya muttered his name in a rasp: “Shimozuma...Rairyuu...!”
Standing before Takaya was the younger brother of Hongan Temple head monk Shimozuma Rairen, celebrated as the strongest man of the Ikkou Sect: Shimozuma Rairyuu They’d had no news of him since Itsuku Island, and his whereabouts had been a mystery. The right half of his face was horribly scarred—obviously a testament to his battle injuries at Hagi Castle
Takaya heard Kiyomasa immediately behind him and looked past Rairyuu. The middle-aged suit was about to place Akemi in the car.
She was unconscious.
“You...!” Takaya sprang forward, but sharp plasma streaked in front of him, blocking his way. “Guh!”
Takaya was blasted backwards off his feet. Kiyomasa caught him from behind. He glared sharply and yelled, “What are you doing to that girl?!”
“It is none of your concern.” Rairyuu stepped up to them, smiling boldly. “It’s been a while, Kagetora. I have looked forward to this day. We finally meet again.”
Takaya pressed a hand against his dazzled eyes for a moment and groaned, “—Shimozuma...Rairyuu...why are you...”
“What?!” Kiyomasa was flabbergasted. “Shimozuma. You’re from the Ikkou Sect? You’re Shimozuma of the Ikkou Sect?!” His animosity instantly overtook Takaya’s. The Ikkou Sect could be called Oda’s greatest enemy, so the change in Kiyomasa’s eyes wasn’t exactly unexpected. “Curse you...what are you doing here in Kumamoto?!”
“Don’t move! If you do, I will kill this girl.” Both of them glared at Rairyuu. Akemi had already been placed in the car. Rairyuu purred a laugh. “Truly, it has not diminished at all, Kagetora—that beast-like lust for battle of yours. You are not human, but a monster. Heheh, my obsession with bringing you down has astonished even me. When I see your face, it seems impossible that two years have passed.”
“What are your intentions here?! What do you plan to do with Inaba?!”
“Heh! There is no need for you to know. Oh, but she may even be of use in killing you, Kagetora.”
“Rairyuu...” Takaya gritted his teeth painfully, groaning, “I can’t believe you’re still alive.”
“Hmph. I cannot die. I have not yet expressed my gratitude to you for Hagi and Itsuku Island!” Rairyuu pushed his hair back to show Takaya the horrible scar. “Look upon this wound! I had it from you in Hagi, from the blaze created by your monstrous power! I’ve not performed kanshou on another body because I wished to recall this pain, this bitterness!”
Takaya paled, alarmed. He could not comprehend Rairyuu’s words. Monstrous power? A blaze he had created? “What are you...talking about...?”
Rairyuu’s temples throbbed. “Damn you, you dare claim you don’t remember?”
Takaya truly didn’t know. He had almost no memory of his fight with Rairyuu. Takaya’s incomprehension, borne out in sober earnest by his expression, grated against Rairyuu’s nerves.
“You dare take your mockery so far when you humiliated me so deeply...?! As I thought, I have no choice but to beat you to a pulp!” Rairyuu’s aura flared explosively.
Shichiri Yorichika hastened to interject, “! ...Rairyuu-dono! Killing is not...!”
“I care not, Shichiri! I live only for this moment! Kennyo-sama’s command must allow this exception! Cursed Kagetora, you will die by my hand!”
It felt as if the ground were sinking. It was hard to breathe. Rairyuu’s «combativeness» pressed against Takaya. The pressure felt as if it would crush his lungs...!
“Well?! The blame lies entirely with you, Kagetora! Be sorry you ever met me! You should have meekly withdrawn to the Kantou when you had the chance!”
Kiyomasa sprang into action in place of the rigid Takaya.
Rairyuu jerked his chin. At once Kiyomasa flew backward and crashed into the bench easily ten meters (~33 feet) away. Tourists screamed. The bench was pulverized.
“Damn you!”
He released the will gathered in his fist. Takaya reflexively shielded himself with a «goshinha». The opposing forces shook the area around them. Fierce plasma rent the air between them.
“That is not enough to shield you!” Rairyuu indiscriminately shot his will outward in all directions.
“Waah!” people screamed. The roof of the shrine collapsed with a thunderous roar. Cars exploded, trees toppled.
Everyone ran about in a panic trying to escape.
“You...!” Kiyomasa rose and released his will! Rairyuu easily rebuffed it. Then he reached into his pocket and extracted a large quantity of pebbles in an eagle grip. They were stone figurines.
“Kannon, retainer of Amida! Smite these demons!”
Kannon had been summoned into the pebbles. Rairyuu threw them with all his might.
There was a succession of flashes, and a multitude of Kannons appeared before Takaya and Kiyomasa.
“It’s Kannon-sama!”
“What is that?! There are a lot of Kannon-samas!”
This was one of the Ikkou Sect’s favorite techniques. Buddhas could not be «exorcised». What a difficult situation. The Kannons attacked Takaya simultaneously.
“Uesugi-dono!” Kiyomasa yelled, summoning the flaming spear from the palm of his hand. As he charged it with his will, its ‘Glory to the Lotus Sutra’ glowed a brilliant gold. “Cursed Ikkou Sect, your power of Buddhism is no match for me!”
He hurled the spear into the midst of the Kannons. It stabbed into the ground and emitted a golden light. The wind rose, and there was the sound of a large quantity of sand dancing in the air. The figures of Kannon were blotted out.
Takaya’s eyes widened as he shielded himself.
(That was...!)
“Damn you...! You would deliberately stand in my way?!”
“Glory to the Lotus Sutra!” Kiyomasa took a rectangular wooden rod out of his uniform pocket—a wooden sword carried by devotees of the Nichiren Sect as a ritual implement of prayer. He held it along with his prayer beads, striking one against the other to generate an exquisitely musical sound. “Disperse the enemies of dharma!”
Kiyomasa struck the wooden sword relentlessly. Clang clang clang—the air jolted as if the echoing sound were ripping it apart.
“What?!” The Kannons disappeared. Kiyomasa’s power had won out. Rairyuu bared his teeth like a dog. “You impudent...!”
“! ...Kiyomasa, watch out!”
Rumble...! Something beneath the earth’s surface growled.
“What!” Kiyomasa’s feet stood over nothing. He had abruptly lost his footing. He was going to sink! “Wh...!”
A circular area around Kiyomasa caved in. He was going to be carried down into earth and sand...!
“Kiyomasa! Shit!”
Takaya attacked Rairyuu with all his will. Rairyuu caught it in a single hand.
“How strange! Your will is so diluted, why do you hesitate?!” The palm of Rairyuu’s hand began to burn red as molten iron. That was how much of his own will he had gathered. “It has neither its weight nor its incisiveness of old! What have you been doing for the past two years?!”
“You have not fought any decent opponents, have you! Do not disappoint me, Kagetora!”
“To hell with yoooou—!” He wrung all the power from his body as he roared the war-cry.
And shot it at Rairyuu.
The two powers collided between them.
A razor-edged shock wave pulverized the ground. A tornado raged with ferocity enough to tear trees from the ground. Takaya shielded himself from an onslaught of such terrifying power that it might tear him limb from limb.
“This is the end, Uesugi!”
Rairyuu released his will from within the shock wave. A flash of light seared into Takaya’s pupils.
Psychic power like chunks of iron scored direct hits all over his body, such that he thought his bones were doing to tear away.
He fell to his back on the ground, seeing nothing. His nerves would no longer pass his brain’s commands to his arms and legs. His fingers spasmed. The taste of blood filled his mouth.
“Shall I extinguish your life?”
Rairyuu’s voice came from above him. Takaya was limp and unmoving. His body would not obey his commands. A large bony hand grasped his throat and squeezed. His trachea was going to be crushed. He couldn’t breathe. His consciousness felt drugged, and his lips trembled, wet with blood. The large sinewy hand tightened, hardened... He remembered this sensation, a hand like this one.
He muttered muzzily inside his heart, (—Nao...e...?)
In the next instant he would lose consciousness.
“!” Rairyuu sensed a killing intent at his back and at once leapt aside. At the same time the ground popped as if raked with machine gun fire. Rairyuu spun sharply. “What?!”
Several glowing objects descended from the dark stagnant sky. They had the sun at their back and were not readily observable. They seemed to have the shapes of human beings. ...But they were—!
“Grah!” Invisible arrow-like things rained down incessantly. He shielded himself with a «goshinha» but they pierced right into him! “Waugh!”
As his felt himself enveloped, a flaring pain burst over his entire body. “Uuuugh!”
Rairyuu writhed in pain. His body burned and burned, as if he had been plunged into a fire. He didn’t know what had happened, and he was mired in confusion.
“Wa...water!” he yelled, diving toward the water basin. But the arrows attacked him relentlessly. Even under shelter he continued to be pierced. It was unbearable...!
“Curse you! ...Curse yoooooou!”
Rairyuu writhed in agony. Shooting his will with reckless abandon, he made a scurrying escape and jumped into Shichiri’s waiting car, which immediately dashed away.
Kiyomasa crawled up out of the cave-in and rushed over to Takaya. Takaya didn’t even twitch. He had sustained considerable damage. As Kiyomasa raised him, he coughed up dark clots of blood.
(What in the world...)
Had happened? Kiyomasa looked uneasily up at the sky.
“Ah!” he exclaimed, but cut himself off. Takaya’s eyes flickered to the sky in faint reaction, the only part of him that moved. His vision was as dim as if a black net had been flung over it...but Takaya saw them.
People were falling out of the sky.
They were people. Human beings, without a doubt.
(Are they...human...?)
The crowd around him gasped and murmured. Their astonishment was so great that none of them cried out.
The scene was too sublime, too unbelievable.
A ray of light shot through a gap in the dark lowering clouds and illuminated Kumamoto Castle behind them. With black clouds at their back, people slowly descended from the sky.
Were they angels?
If they’d had wings at their back, everyone would have believed it.
But they had none. Neither were they clad in holy garments. No one could believe their eyes.
All of the descending figures were ordinary people. Five, six of them... Young men and women in suits, jeans, uniforms...just the same clothes as the young people around them wore. They were average, ordinary people. Their very mundaneness was so out of place that it gave the scene an even more solemn air.
They descended from the sky in the same stance as those standing on the ground.
They examined Takaya.
In Kiyomasa’s arms, breathing as thinly as an insect, Takaya muttered, (Im...possible...)
With the black cloud cover at their back, the wingless angels descended.
The car arrived in front of the hotel entrance.
A doorman opened the rear door, and Tachibana Dousetsu and Takahashi Jouun climbed out.
They were guided toward a presidential suite 1 charged to Kaizaki, who would be an observer in these proceedings.
The alliance negotiations would be held in Kaizaki’s room from this day forth. Dousetsu and Jouun had come as their master Ootomo Sourin’s proxies, and he had entrusted them with his full authority.
Dousetsu had already met Kaizaki. To the Ootomo, Kaizaki was a Satomi refugee. In exchange for information on Oda and Takeda, he had requested asylum with Ootomo, and they had granted it. He was a brilliant man, and Dousetsu had an exceptional amount of confidence in him. Kaizaki, who had achieved such popularity in such a short time, was a man of considerable depths.
Kaizaki was the one who had proposed this alliance. Dousetsu had been unsure of the other party at first. But after listening and conducting his own investigation, he was inclined to view this alliance positively, even if it meant resigning themselves to a certain degree of risk. And Sourin, too, had finally come around.
With the bellboy leading the way, they ascended in the elevator.
The other party was already here and waiting.
“Dousetsu-sama,” Jouun said anxiously to the other man’s back as he got off the elevator, “is this alliance really to Ootomo’s benefit?”
Dousetsu was extremely calm. “Are you afraid, Jouun?”
“No, not afraid. But they are no ordinary onshou. They worked until very recently to drive all onshou such as ourselves to the other world. Should we be joining hands with them so readily?”
“True,” Dousetsu answered Jouun in a low, quiet, resonant voice. “That is why we can’t afford to make them our enemies. Don’t you think?”
Jouun’s head jerked up as the realization came to him. He had been so wrapped up in Ootomo’s immediate dangers that he’d failed to look ahead.
It was precisely because they were a threat that they should not be made an enemy.
Considerations of the far future had entered into Dousetsu’s assessment. Yes, his mind-set resembled that of his past life when they had faced Taikou Hideyoshi.
“Ambition has sprouted in those who must remain ambitionless—that is the long and short of it. Their power is a threat to the «Yami-Sengoku». Their position gives them the nearest approach to subjugation of the entire country with lightning speed.” Dousetsu glared grimly straight ahead as he walked down the corridor. “Uesugi Kenshin—”
“Perhaps the incarnation of Bishamonten—has revealed his true character at last. But perhaps all of this has been their plan. Perhaps his aim was always to take the country while working in the name of the god of war who crushes evil and spreads the truth. Perhaps they have been awaiting this opportunity,” Dousetsu speculated. All of it seemed a setup. Had Kenshin really been as righteous as everyone claimed? as devoid of ambition? Or had it all been no more than a mask to deceive others?
Dousetsu had thought upon Kenshin’s true motives for a long time.
In any case, it was certain this event would fall upon the «Yami-Sengoku» like a storm.
“Once this becomes known to the whole country, all the onshou will be shaking in their boots.”
“The Tiger of Echigo has joined battle in the «Yami-Sengoku» at last.” Dousetsu’s gaze sharpened as they arrived in front of the suite. “A new supreme commander has risen.”
Within the room, Kaizaki Makoto of Satomi and Uesugi’s emissary awaited. Standing in front of the door, Dousetsu took a deep breath.
“A storm is coming, Jouun.”
“The «Yami-Sengoku» power structure is about to be completely upended. Pay careful attention to the gravity of what we are about to embark on and the weighty significance of what we are about to see. Let us bear witness before any other onshou, Jouun.”
“The new Meikai Uesugi Army, the roster of the so-called New Uesugi and their new supreme commander. Someone whose face we’ve never even seen... The caliber of this man whom Kenshin has chosen, forsaking Kagetora.” Dousetsu said over his shoulder, “Shall we examine him for ourselves?”
“The man chosen by a god of war who has thrown himself into his ambitions. His true strength. We the Ootomo shall be the first to judge.”
Jouun nodded, face tense. Tachibana Dousetsu slowly nodded back and signaled to the bellboy.
The doorbell rang.
As they waited for Kaizaki to answer the door, Dousetsu took another deep breath. He lightly adjusted his tie, straightened his spine, and smiled faintly.
He murmured, “Supreme commander of the New Meikai Uesugi Army, Naoe Nobutsuna. What will his generalship be like? I look forward to seeing it for myself.”
There is no way Kagetora will
There is no way Kagetora will be able to handle Naoe "stealing" his position. Especially after he thought Naoe was dead. Excited for the next chapter!
The thing is...
The thing is, anyone would be justified in throwing a fit to be treated the way Kagetora is treated by Kenshin.
You've been an employee of your company for 20 years. You've never had negative feedback from your manager, so you think everything is fine. You've been having some problems at home, but you've worked hard not to let it affect your work. One day you go into the office to find a pink slip in your mailbox, your desk cleaned out, and another colleague whom you formerly supervised promoted into your position. Your manager's door is shut, nobody will talk to you, and security escorts you out.
...That sounds like the intro to a news article about a mass-shooting event, sheesh.
Except in Kagetora's case it's even worse. I actually don't think it would be a bad thing for him to take a break from his position, but the way Kenshin does it, he seems intent on destroying Kagetora mind and soul.
The next chapter is here, lol!
I definitely get it. Kagetora
I definitely get it. Kagetora should let up on the reins/responsibility a bit since he was traumatized by the incident with Naoe and Kenshin doing as he likes without coming to Kagetora, personally face to face to explain his plan does not help. I really hope we get:
-Naoe's POV on why he took the position like this
-Did Naoe take the position b/c he wants to be on equal terms with Kagetora (knowing this will anger him)
-What happened to that talk of Kagekatsu coming back and taking over the meikai army?
-What happened to Yuzuru after that concert?
There will certainly be more Naoe POVs!
Some of these questions will be answered within the arc, others may be answered later...
I don't think Naoe has an obligation to limit his ambitions according to what Kagetora wants, though. A relationship in which there is an assumption one partner will confine themselves according to limits drawn by the other partner is doomed to fail.