Mirage of Blaze volume 17: Kingdom of the Fire Wheel 3 | Chapter 23: Heroes Eat the Sun

By Kuwabara Mizuna (author), Hamada Shouko (illustrator)
Translated by asphodel

Meanwhile, Kadowaki Ayako was at Katou Kiyomasa’s family temple, Honmyou Templeview map location.

It was located northeast of Kumamoto Castleview map location1, in an area called Hanazono [Flower Garden]. On the grounds was a long, long flight of stairs, the ‘Precipitous Path’ [Munetsuki Gangi], which ascended to the Pure Pond Mausoleum [Jouchi-byou]: Katou Kiyomasa’s resting place. It was said to be the exact same height as the tower of Kumamoto Castle, and offered, like the tower, an unbroken view of the town. It was also said Kiyomasa’s body lay beneath the Pure Pond Mausoleum in full armor and helmet in a sarcophagus covered with cinnabar to prevent decomposition, and that even now, nearly four hundred years later, his form remained unchanged.

After his resurrection, Kiyomasa had made this place the center of his barrier, and his own body the cornerstone which maintained the integrity of the whole.

In accordance with Kaizaki’s instructions, Ayako had come to protect the barrier.

(It really has gotten quite weak.)

Kiyomasa had erected the barrier to defend against incursion from enemy spirits. But the «Golden Serpent Head» had gained in power within his barrier, its influence galvanizing earth-bound spirits whose swelling spiritual energy now threatened the barrier with collapse.

Shimazu’s troops were near at hand. If they were allowed to penetrate the barrier, the city would become a battlefield. She wanted to avoid a repeat of MatsumotoMatsumoto City (松本市)

The largest city in Nagano Prefecture, Matsumoto is surrounded by mountains and is acclaimed for its beautiful views.
view map location
by any means necessary.

(I have to preserve the barrier at least until Kagetora returns.)

Shimazu Iehisa was the problem. If he figured out the barrier’s mechanism, he would attack immediately. To remove the barrier, he would have to destroy Kiyomasa’s body.

Ayako swung into action. First she trapped the perimeter by burying many wood tags in land-mine fashion. They were rather heavy-handed; anyone who tread on them would receive an electric shock and be stuck in place. As an additional defense, she hastily performed the rituals of the Flame Vajravajra

Also known as: kongou-sho (金剛杵)

A mystical indestructible weapon in Buddhism and Hinduism which destroys ignorance. In Hindu mythology, this weapon was made out of the spine of the sage Dadhichi, who sacrificed himself so that this weapon could be created to kill Vitrasur, who had conquered heaven and terrorized gods.

In tantric rituals, the vajra, held in the right hand, symbolizes the male principle while the bell, held in the left hand, symbolizes the female principle; their interaction leads to enlightenment.
and the Web Vajra to protect the barrier.

But these were emergency measures. How long would they hold?

Ayako anxiously prepared to meet the enemy’s attack.


Ayako hadn’t heard from him or Kaizaki and was at a fever pitch of impatience. She wanted to tell him about Naoe as soon as possible. She wasn’t clear on his reason for becoming Kaizaki, but if she was correct, Takaya had had good reason to be agitated on E Islandview map location. Takaya had probably felt guilty about projecting Naoe onto a stranger, but in reality the exact opposite was true. He had unconsciously perceived the real thing.

(Naoe is still here, Kagetora,) Ayako thought toward Aso. (Even if you return to reality you won’t be overwhelmed by despair!)

She clutched her fists at a rush of impatience.


Her sixth sense prickled at an unnatural shift. Her traps were popping off. In some places, her mines were losing their power. Something was happening, she thought, rushing to the gate. Then she skidded to a stop.

Several men were climbing the stone steps. Each carried a long sword on his back. Their faces were familiar.

“We meet again, woman.”

(Shimazu Iehisa...)

They appeared to have discovered her traps. Ayako concentrated her power at a point beneath her navel to ready her will and glared right into her enemies’ faces. They had discovered the barrier point, it seemed.

“Here we thought we had finally finished off Kiyomasa’s «nuenue (鵺)

In Japanese mythology, the nue is a chimera formed from the head of a monkey, the body of a tanuki, the legs of a tiger, and a snake-tail. The nue can transform into a black cloud and brings illness and misfortune.

In Mirage of Blaze: The troops of the various clans, lumped-together masses of onryou, are called the «nue». Mori Ranmaru commands the Nue-shuu of the Oda, who are onryou with strong powers.
»—now we find someone reinforcing the gap in his barrier. What a nuisance.”

“I knew you’d show up here sooner or later. I’ve been waiting, swordsmen.”

“You seem eager to fall prey to our swords. Choose. Step aside, and you will be spared. Otherwise you will die.”

The Shimazu swordsmen slowly but steadily advanced on her position. Ayako unsheathed her sword and assumed a ready stance. She had experience with the sword. In the Bakumatsu period, despite being a woman, she had learned the North Star Blade style [Hokushin Ittou Ryuu]. She knew how to counter the Taisha style—or at least the Revealed Reality style [Jigen Ryuu]. The first stroke: if she could evade that, she had a chance of victory.

“Interesting. A fight with real swords, eh?” Iehisa’s eyes assumed the look of a swordsman. He shuffled forward on tip-toe, his blue-glowing sword raised. The point of his sword flashed. “In that case, hold nothing back!”

Howled war-cries came at her from three directions. Pressed, Ayako’s initial charge came a second too late. Her three opponents attacked her like a strong gale. They were too fast...!

A heavy wind howled at her ears. She evaded one blade, but not the second—not completely. Sword edge clashed against sword edge with a clang, scattering sparks as Ayako caught the blow with her own sword. But the terrific force of the Taisha style snapped Ayako’s sword right in half.


For an instant three sword-points flashed in front of her eyes. What was this monstrous speed...!


Ayako’s hurled will struck her opponents’ swords head-on. Two of them were sent flying with a sound like a rock cracking apart. Iehisa slashed at Ayako as she rolled.


Ayako immediate shot her will at him. As soon as he flinched, she produced a tiny ocarina with lightning speed. She drew in a breath and blew with all her might. A fierce wind rose to the piping reverberation and pressed against Iehisa’s chest.


Fuuten’s seed syllable ‘ (baabaa (バー)

The seed syllable of Fuuten.
’ flew out of the spirit-flute like scales and sent Iehisa and his men arcing through the sky. One tumbled down the stone stairs. Another slammed into the temple bell and crumbled to the ground. But Iehisa turned a magnificent somersault and on landing immediately resumed his fighting stance.

“...Curse you!”


A vacuum whirlwindKamaitachi (窮奇/鎌鼬/かまいたち)

Also known as: cutting whirlwind, razor whirlwind, vacuum whirlwind

A wind demon commonly depicted in Japanese folklore as a trio of weasels with sharp claws, riding on a gust of wind to cut into the skin of their victims at lightning speed.
tore into Ayako. Iehisa unleashed his attacks in succession as pain dazzled Ayako’s eyes. Though she protected herself, her hair and cheeks sustained numerous cuts.

“How...dare you!”


Iehisa leapt high into the air and swung his sword downward. Ayako tried to call wind to send Iehisa flying, but he flicked the flute out of her hands with his will. His shadow filled her entire field of vision.

His sword-edge descended toward her forehead...!

Ayako managed to block the blow with a «goshinhagoshinha (護身波)

Lit. "wave of self-protection"; the goshinha is a protective mesh spun from fine strands of spiritual energy which surrounds the caster and protects from an opponent's spiritual as well as physical attacks. The mesh gains strength and stability when it is multi-layered and becomes the goshinheki. The goshinha is Naoe's forte.
» by a hair’s breath. But then the completely unexpected: a high-voltage electrical current struck her. She screamed shrilly and fell unconscious.

Iehisa had struck her with a simultaneous lightning blast.

“All bark and no bite.” Iehisa snorted a laugh and stood. His subordinates belatedly joined him. He approached the Pure Pond Mausoleum. Kiyomasa’s body, the barrier’s support, was buried in the ground underneath this mausoleum. To his spirit-sight the mausoleum blazed gold as sun-fire, proof that the corpse possessed power even to this day.

“Hmm... I’ll cut it in two with this sword, just like this mausoleum.”

Iehisa took a deep, slow, modulated breath and shifted to hold his sword straight out at eye level. Bluish-white flames ignited along its length as he concentrated and gathered his power. The flames quickly lengthened like a pillar as an accumulation of terrible destructive power transformed the sword. From time to time lightning-like electric currents twined around the blade like living snakes.


The sword flashed upward into the sky. He would cleave both the body and the mausoleum in two...!


At that instant, something strange happened. Flames suddenly billowed from the Pure Pond Mausoleum and swallowed Iehisa’s sword.

“What...! Graah!” Flames engulfed Iehisa. He writhed in agony.

“Iehisa-sama! ...Waugh!”

His retainers stiffened. A high school student wearing his school uniform was standing in front of the gate, gazing at them with arms folded. His head and chest were bandaged.

“You need another ten thousand years on you if you want to think about laying a finger on my corpse.”

“Damn you, you must be...!”


A tall man appeared behind the student. He had distinctly chiseled features and radiant tan skin. The man came to stand in front of the student, his back very straight, and laughed boldly.

“For you see, this man is offensively obstinate by nature. If you destroy his body, he will curse you for fifty thousand years.”


Groaning, Ayako lifted her upper body. The student who spoke of his corpse—was that...!

“Cursed Kiyomasa! Have you come to die too?!”

“I have come to make certain of a death: yours.”


“Enough already, Kiyomasa. This chatter is a waste of time,” said the man in the jeans. He held a can of Coke in one hand, and at intervals drank from it in loud gulps.

Iehisa could not believe his ears. Who in the world was this man who treated Kiyomasa like a subordinate?

“Now that we’re in Kumamoto, I was hoping for a warm-up. I have so looked forward to finally wielding my power. Give me this kill,” he said, swinging his arm as if he were really performing warm-up exercises. He then took another drink from his cola, roughly wiped his arm across his mouth, and smiled a smile etched with cruelty. Everyone shivered. His gaze alone was enough to overpower all who were present. This was no ordinary man. How was it possible for him to exude such force with his eyes alone...?!

“Could he be...! That man, could he be—!”

“Now then, you are my tiny quarry. Fight me with everything you have!”

A magnificent golden flame blazed from the man. Iehisa’s men pointed their swords at him in their terror. There was nowhere for them to run.

“Damn you...! Damn you damn you damn yooooou!” They leapt, shouting like madmen. But the man only smirked.

There was the heavy sound of a crash.

The two retainers were smashed to the ground. Ayako gasped. Their hearts had already stopped. The smiling man had killed them alone and unaided.

“Asao! ...Miyauchiii!!”

Iehisa glared at his opponent with naked fury. He had already guessed the man’s true identity. There was no other person on earth like him; there was only one man in the «Yami-SengokuYami Sengoku (闇戦国)

Lit.: "Dark Sengoku", the civil war still being fought by the spirits of the warlords of the Sengoku period in modern-day Japan.
» who could be Kiyomasa’s master!

“So you’ve finally come to Kumamoto , Oda NobunagaOda Nobunaga (織田信長) 1534 - 1582

Also called: Oda Kippoushi
Title: Kazusa no Suke, Owari no Kami

Historically: The first of the "Three Unifiers"; born in Owari to a samurai, his unbridled, ruthless ambitious and military tactical genius enabled him to gain control of the imperial court in 1573 after having driven the shogun out of Kyoto. His seal read "the realm subjected to military power". Murdered at the age of forty-nine by his vassal Akechi Mitsuhide in the Honnou-ji in Kyoto.
!” Iehisa yelled like a wild beast bellowing. “But the likes of you won’t take KyuushuuKyuushuu (九州)

Also known as: Kyuukoku (九国: “nine states”), Chinzei (鎮西: “west of the pacified area”), Tsukushi-shima (筑紫島: “island of Tsukushi”), Saikaidou (西海道: “West Sea Route”).

Lit.: "Nine Provinces", the third-largest and most southerly and westerly island of Japan. Its name comes from the former provinces of Japan situated on the island: Chikuzen, Chikugo, Hizen, Higo, Buzen, Bungo, Hyuuga, Osumi, and Satsuma. It is now comprised of the prefectures of Fukuoka, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Nagasaki, Ooita, Saga, and Okinawa.
! We warriors of Satsuma defend this land with our lives!”

“Ah! Lay as much of your life on the line as you like! Be certain you won’t regret it!”

Iehisa’s fighting spirit surged. Overflowing with all the power he could hold, he attacked. Yet Nobunaga caught the stroke containing his entire heart and soul in the palm of his hand.



A terrible energy shot out of that palm!

The flash hit Iehisa flat-out and head-on. His body arced through the air, and that was it. He hit the ground and didn’t move again.

Nobunaga casually looked him over and took a large gulp from his Coke.


Ayako was so terrified she couldn’t speak. She’d seen just now the instant of a soul’s shattering. It really had been smashed to pieces like glass. This was not just death. This was the crushing of a soul. This was annihilation.

...This was the «hakonhahakonha (破魂波)

The "soul-ripping wave" with which Oda Nobunaga defeated Kagetora, said to be capable of destroying the soul itself, removing it from the wheel of reincarnation.

Nobunaga glanced at Ayako, shocked into muteness. The man who had wielded such terrible power acted as if nothing had happened. Metal crunched as Nobunaga crushed the can in his grip. Ayako came back to herself at the sound and realized that Nobunaga’s gaze was directed straight at her. She was paralyzed. It was nothing so simple as feeling like frog being watched by a snake.

“Ho, here’s something interesting.”


“A servant of that annoying tiger. What was her name?”

Ayako felt a quiver start from her very marrow. No matter how much she tried to suppress it, her teeth chattered, and her eyes blurred with tears. Taking in her terror, Nobunaga smiled pleasantly. He was a man who reveled in his quarry’s fear. A man who habitually declared he felt no greater pleasure than when he looked into terrified eyes. He suddenly stretched out a finger and lifted Ayako’s chin.

“A pretty woman. I’ll make a fine pet out of you.”

He called his subordinates and ordered them to take Ayako with them. Ayako was carried off without being able to offer much resistance.

“Tono, do you know that woman?”

“She’s one of the Uesugi Yasha-shuuYasha-shuu (夜叉衆)

The five kanshousha at the head of the Meikai Uesugi Army ordered by Uesugi Kenshin to hunt for the onshou who are disrupting the peace of modern-era Japan in a battle which has lasted four hundred years. Led by Uesugi Kagetora, with Naoe Nobutsuna, Kakizaki Haruie, Yasuda Nagahide, and Irobe Katsunaga. The name "Yasha" refers to soldiers in the army of Bishamonten, called "Yaksha".
. Kakizaki HaruieKakizaki Haruie (柿崎晴家) ? - 1578?

Titles: Izumi no Kami

Historically: the son of Kakizaki Kageie. He was sent to Odawara Castle in Sagami when the Kenshin and the Houjou clans struck a peace treaty in an exchange of hostages with Houjou Saburou (Uesugi Kagetora). The fate of Kakizaki Haruie was unknown when his father was accused of treason. There are theories that he either died in 1575 along with his father, or that he was murdered by Uesugi Kagekatsu's faction in 1578 during the Otate no Ran.

In Mirage of Blaze: He was one of Uesugi Kagetora's most loyal followers as well as the leader of his faction in the Otate no Ran, and was killed by Uesugi Kagekatsu's followers. He is now one of the Yasha-shuu under Kagetora's command. Haruie possesses female bodies (the only member of the Yasha-shuu to do so) in search of a lover who died two hundred years ago.

Of the Yasha-shuu, he is the one who excels most at the spiritual sensing ability called reisa.
is her name.”

“Uesugi... Then she’s one of Kagetora-dono’s followers.”

“You were with Kagetora, I believe.” Kiyomasa’s shoulders jerked. There was nothing for him to feel guilty about, but Nobunaga’s cross-examination felt as if he were inspecting each of Kiyomasa’s thoughts. “Why did you not kill him? Did you not at least read his mind? With your abilities, I’m sure you could manage it easily.”

“That is...he is a guarded man.”

“Hmm, I suppose that is so. He must be. I know of his odd talent for making others disdain him; I know not how many painful experiences my vassals have undergone due to his cunning.”

Nobunaga folded his arms and looked in the direction of Aso.

“Heh! That dear old stage is near at hand, and all the actors have been assembled. That Kagetora has also come must be the so-called hand of fate. I suppose we’ll reenact that old battle,” Nobunaga said, eyes half-lidded. “Naturally, the script calls for his death this time.”


In the next instant, Nobunaga suddenly exploded with laughter. “Ha—! Hahahah! Things have gotten interesting! Kenshin, come to join the battle? ’Tis so funny I’m about to fart! That senile man who was so crazy about righteousness has now come to make a show of being equal to the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven. I am truly amused. ’Tis hilarious, Kiyomasa!”

Nobunaga had already heard the entire truth about the «Golden Serpent Head» from Kiyomasa.

“The Kihachi Tribe, eh? How thrilling that a single skull is stuffed with the onryouonryou (怨霊)

Lit.: "vengeful ghost"; the spirits of those who died in the Sengoku period who are still so filled with rage and hatred that they continue to exist in the world as vengeful spirits instead of being purified and reborn.
of the ancient people of Hyuuga. A tin can of onryou, when all is said and done. ’Tis said a wraith’s power grows in proportion to its years. Quite a pool must now be accumulated. The Ootomo don’t even know that much; the eight-headed, eight-tailed serpent? Laughable.”

“The Shimazu army is approaching Kumamoto. The barrier must be strengthened immediately.”

“There is no need, Kiyomasa,” Nobunaga snapped. “The barrier is superfluous.”

“Superfluous...? Are you saying I should remove it?”

“Let Shimazu enter Kumamoto. My army need not be involved.”

“You intend to have them join battle with Ootomo?”

“Oh aye. Let those who wish to fight do so; let them expend their strength on each other. I will look on from afar. I will send out my spies. We will watch until they have lost their momentum and exhausted themselves.”

Kiyomasa was astonished. Nobunaga was serious. He really intended to invite Shimazu in.

“But Kumamoto will become a battlefield.”

“Does that displease you, Kiyomasa?” Kiyomasa’s face stiffened. Nobunaga looked down on him intimidatingly. “You are a Nobunaga retainer. In other words, Kumamoto belongs to Nobunaga. Do you have any objections?” Kiyomasa couldn’t answer. Nobunaga smiled with satisfaction. “You said Kihachi’s head is at the old castle.”

“Aye. I know it must be destroyed without a moment’s delay, but the old castle is currently under Ootomo occupation. It seems to me taking it will be next to impossible.”

“Not at all.” Nobunaga smirked as he looked toward Kumamoto Castle. “My other self has even now penetrated into Old Castle High SchoolOld Castle High School (古城高校)

Old Castle (Kojou) High School is a fictional school set at the site of the castle which was torn down to make way for Katou Kiyomasa's Kumamoto Castle (also named Kumamoto but using different characters—隈本城 instead of 熊本城). It's likely where real-life Kumamoto Prefectural Daiichi (First) High School stands.

It was originally built as a Western school by foreigners during the Meiji Period (Daiichi was built in 1903 as an all-girls school but later become co-ed). The current school was built around 20 years ago (1970s) and is composed of two three-story buildings to north and south connected by a series of hallways with air-conditioned rooms. It also has a sports oval, a prefabricated club storehouse, and a gym under construction. Kumamoto Castle Park is quite close.
view map location
. ...Heheh. Well, we shall see. It will be such an unexpected twist.”


Kiyomasa once again doubted his ears. Had he said an unexpected twist?

“Whaaat. We need not take a single step. It will fall into our laps without the least toil on our parts. I shall test whether this Kihachi’s head can truly sink Kyuushuu beneath the waves.”

(What a man...!)

Kiyomasa was dumbfounded. Nobunaga had made up his mind as soon as he’d heard Kiyomasa’s tale. Rather than destroying Kihachi’s head, he would make it his.

“Please don’t! ’Tis...’tis too perilous!”


“Takeda, Kikkawa, and Ootomo do not know its true terror! It cannot be a weapon! If the onryou, once released, truly sink Kyuushuu beneath the waves... ”

“Intriguing. You do not wish to see it sunk?”


“Would not the sinking of this enormous island be a rare sight? If it can be done, would you not wish to see it? ’Twould be the event of the century. What would become of Japan, I wonder?”

Kiyomasa was extremely rattled. He could not tell what this man was thinking. He couldn’t be serious, could he? Did he mean it?

“If Kyuushuu sinks, a great number of people will die, and their onryou will be mine to control. Kenshin, Shingen, and the other «Yami-Sengoku» onshouonshou (怨将)

Lit.: "vengeful general": the spirits of the warlords of the Sengoku period, who continue their battles even in modern-age Japan.
—none will be worth mentioning next to my power. I will make them surrender to me; all will become my slaves! Then we will take over the world!”

Nobunaga laughed loudly. This was paranoia 2. Though all were angry and resentful wraiths at their core, no onshou had ever contemplated such ghastly stratagems.

(Wh...what in the world is he...!)

“Only one with the courage to be supreme ruler can manage a runaway horse. I will ride the Himuka onryou and establish the power to transform this country root and branch thereby. Kiyomasa, follow me and I will show you an incredible vista.”

Profound astonishment held Kiyomasa mute. Nobunaga surveyed the castle town of Kumamoto with the eyes of a military man.

“O warriors of Satsuma, show me how the ‘strongest of the Kyuushuu’ do battle. I will observe from this spot.”


Aso’s Kokuzou Shrineview map location was partly thrown into a state of disarray by the succession of reports that came pouring in.

Among them, news of a KagaKaga-no-kuni (加賀国,)

A province of ancient Japan that is today a part of southern Ishikawa Prefecture which once bordered on the provinces of Echizen, Ecchuu, Hida, and Noto. The priest Rennyo of Hongan Temple arrived in the 15th century to preach the tenets of True Pure Land Buddhism, which spread rapidly among the samurai and peasants of the region. They banded together into the Ikkou Sect to create a "Peasant's Kingdom", which lasted for a hundred years until Sakuma Morimasa overthrew it by order of Oda Nobunaga in 1580.

Three years later, Maeda Toshiie invaded the province and took it for Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The Maeda Clan ruled it thereafter, focusing on culture and art instead of military and warfare, and developed the province into the richest domain outside of Tokugawa Shogunate. Kaga was famous for its gold-leaf, inlaid work, and calligraphy, promoted by its Maeda lords.
uprising dropped like a bomb blast.

It astonished even Mitsuhide. The Ikkou Sect territory had fallen into civil war. Their followers, who were thought to surpass all others in solidarity, had given rise to revolt-inciting traitors. Their uprising had surprising momentum. Reports speculating that it had been incited by Kenshin flew in, immediately raising tensions. KennyoKennyo (顕如) Feb. 1543 - Dec. 27, 1592

Also known as: Hongan-ji Kennyo, Hongan-ji Kousa

Chief Abbot of Ishiyama Hongan Temple, fortress of the Ikkou-ikki, Kennyo became the 11th head of the Hongan Temple in Kyoto upon his father Shounyo's death in 1554, when he was 12. Kennyo was renowned as a strategist who engineered many alliances in the Sengoku Era and made Ishiyama Hongan Temple virtually unbreachable. His wife was the third daughter of Sanjou Kinyori (sister to Takeda Shingen's wife, Sanjou-no-kata), and they got along very well.

Kennyo aided Shingen by persuading the Ikkou sectarians in Kaga Province to rise up against Uesugi Kenshin. He allied himself with Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki and created an anti-Oda alliance with the Takeda, Asakura, Azai, and Mouri clans. The alliance failed upon Takeda Shingen's death in 1573.

In 1570, Oda Nobunaga laid siege to Ishiyama Hongan Temple, a siege that would last 10 years, the longest in Japan's history. Kennyo left the temple to attempt to raise reinforcements, and his son surrendered to Nobunaga by request of the Emperor.

Kennyo later enlisted the help of Ikkou sectarians for Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who granted Kennyo a new Hongan Temple (now known as Nishi-Hongan Temple) in 1589.
hurriedly appointed Rairen commanding officer of Kaga, to be recalled from Aso as soon as possible.

“I must depart for Kaga immediately. Akechi-dono, I leave the rest to you,” Rairen said, before rushing off toward Kumamoto airport.

But that was not the end of it. Similar seeds of revolt had been planted everywhere.

Date’s Northeast, Takeda’s KaiKai-no-Kuni (甲斐国)

Also known as: 甲州 (Koushuu)

An ancient province in central Japan which was ruled by Takeda Shingen during the Sengoku Period. Now known as Yamanashi Prefecture.
, Chousokabe’s Shikoku, Mouri’s territory in northern Kyuushuu—there were incidents of local ghosts acting violently in all these places. These attacks in their unguarded moment shook the commanders of various territories, and they hastened to dispatch their soldiers.

“It appears to be the Uesugi Ladies in White who are inciting insurrection.”

“So it is Kenshin...!”

“Toyama and Niigata appear to have already fallen.”

“It is said their integrated fighting strength is several times that of Oda.”

Mitsuhide’s vassals excitedly exchanged rumors. Kagetora was also on the premises. Of course, these reports were fed into his ears in minute detail.

The news effected no change in Takaya expression.

It was almost sunset before Mitsuhide could put down his work and visit him in his room.

The first words out of Mitsuhide’s mouth were a question. “You didn’t order the Ladies in White to incite insurrection, did you?”

Takaya looked at Mitsuhide quietly. He had not.

Mitsuhide knew that, but had wanted to make certain.

“What do you think of the New Uesugi?”

“...What should I think?”

“You remain unconvinced by Takemata’s testimony?”

Takaya was silent.

He slowly shook his head. “I have not confirmed it with my own eyes.”

“You’ll be satisfied if you do?”

Takaya was again silent.

Gazing at the expressionless Takaya, a little of the tension left Mitsuhide’s shoulders.

“If you want to confirm the reports yourself, do so to your heart’s content. Your confirmation would become ours as well. There is a question I want to ask you. If you withdraw from the Uesugi, will your powers be revoked? What of your «choubukuryokuchoubuku (調伏)

Also known as: choubukuryoku (調伏力)

The special power given to the Yasha-shuu to banish onryou to the Underworld using the dharani of Uesugi Kenshin's guardian deity, Bishamonten. The types of choubuku include "kouhou-choubuku", "ressa-choubuku", "kekkai-choubuku", etc. Each choubuku is begun with the incantation "bai" and the ritual hand gesture of Bishamonten's symbol.

Choubuku does not work against kanshousha, who have bodies of their own.

“Probably...not, I think,” Takaya answered flatly. “They were offered to me by Lord Kenshin, but granted by BishamontenBishamonten (毘沙門天)

Also know as: Bishamon, Tamonten, Vaiśravaṇa, Kubera

Bishamonten is one of the 12 Deva Guardians, the protector of the North and the most powerful of the Four Heavenly Kings. He is the god of warfare and warriors, sometimes called the "black warrior"; black is his symbolic color, and winter is the season over which he presides. He is often depicted as warrior with a crown on his head, a pagoda in one hand and a trident in the other. He punishes those who do evil and is also the guardian of the places where Buddha preaches. He is one who is all-knowing, who hears everything, who is always listening, and is completely versed in Buddha's teachings. He is one of Japan's Seven Deities of Fortune. The soldiers of his army are the powerful earth deities called Yaksha.

Bishamonten is also called "Tobatsu Bishamonten" (刀八毘沙門天), or "Eight-Sword Bishamonten", because of an error in translation passed down through the centuries. The original name, "Bishamonten of Tobatsu", pointed to a manifestation of Bishamonten which appeared in the Central Asian kingdom of Tou-po or Tobatsu (兜跋) to protect the capital city against invaders. Bishamonten in this form is depicted with a diadem on his head, four hands holding a key, a gem, a pagoda, and a halbert before him and eight arms holding eight swords around him.
. So long as my beliefs remain firm, I don’t think even Lord Kenshin will be able to revoke them.”

“So they cannot be used as corroboration. What about the Sword of BishamontenBishamonten-tou (毘沙門天刀)

The Sword of Bishmonten is an incarnation of Bishamonten, a physical blade which can be summoned only by the general of the Meikai Uesugi Army. It contains the power of «choubuku», and any spirit cut by it is exorcised; however, none-spiritual objects are not harmed by its blade.

Its summoning calls upon Namu Tobatsu Bishamonten with the incantation "on beishiramandaya sowaka". Its dismissal uses the incantation of unsummoning, "on basara bokisha boku."
?” Mitsuhide knew of the sword. “I have heard it is a spirit-sword carried only by the supreme commander. If you were removed from that post, you will no longer be able to wield the Sword of Bishamonten—is that not so?”

“I don’t think it would constitute proof.”

The sword was the incarnation of Bishamonten’s energy—«choubukuryoku». Once someone learned how to manifest it, it could not be taken from them. So long as Takaya did not lose his «powers» completely.

“In other words, even if someone is no longer a Yasha-shuu, they would still be able to wield «choubukuroyku». No one would make a more dangerous enemy.”

Takaya nodded.

And how much more so for the former general...

“What do you intend to do?”


After a long silence, Takaya quietly lifted his eyes. “There is a simple way to prove I am no longer Uesugi’s general. What will Uesugi’s followers do if gave an order directly contradicting that of the new general’s? It will lay everything plain.”

“You’ll call for destruction of Naoe and his followers?”

“Such a careless declaration of war...would be suicide.”

Mitsuhide was surprised. “Is that not a faint-hearted view? You must know there is no fearful gap in battle strength between you.”

“You don’t know Uesugi’s true strength. A switch in generalship means a transfer of authority to set the Meikai Uesugi ArmyMeikai Uesugi Gun (冥界上杉軍)

Lit. "Underworld Uesugi Army"; the army formed by Uesugi Kenshin to hunt down the onryou so that the peace of modern-day Japan is not threatened by centuries-old conflicts. It is composed of all the spirits who have some connection to the Uesugi and who were called upon by Kenshin. The Yasha-shuu could be called its commanders, though Uesugi Kagetora is the only person with the authority to lead it.
into motion.”

“Set in motion?The Meikai...what is that?”

“Uesugi’s hosts sleep in the realm of the dead.”

Mitsuhide’s mouth dropped open in astonishment. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“Uesugi’s soldiers in this world constitute less than half of its full strength. They are the dead with a connection to EchigoEchigo-no-kuni (越国)

An ancient province in north-central Japan which was ruled by Uesugi Kenshin during the Sengoku Period. Now a part of Niigata Prefecture.
who were put to sleep in the underworld when we underwent our first kanshoukanshou (換生)

To possess another's body, driving out their soul, so as to be reborn with memories intact. Only Naoe of all the kanshousha has the power to perform kanshou on another soul.

“By the realm of the dead, you don’t mean the other world?”

“No. It’s neither the other world nor this one. It’s a dimension in the boundary between the two worlds. The sleepers there are not purified. Time does not exist. Thus they are not really sleeping.”

Kagetora and the others called existence in that realm ‘sleeping’. Only one person could summon them from that underworld: the supreme commander of the Meikai Uesugi Army.

Naturally, this was the first time Mitsuhide had heard of the existence of such an Uesugi force. If Uesugi had troops that were not in the world, how large was its actual army?

(Easily several times ours...)

“If I have been removed from my position, I have also been stripped of my authority to command them. Therefore, if I can no longer summon them, it would be proof that I have lost my authority over them,” Takaya said emotionlessly.

Mitsuhide gazed at him, wondering about his state of mind.

Takaya didn’t know why he had been tossed aside. A loss of someone of Uesugi KagetoraUesugi Kagetora (上杉景虎) 1552? 1554? - Apr. 19, 1579

Also known as: possibly Houjou Ujihide (北条氏秀), Houjou Saburou (北条三郎), Saburou Kagetora (三郎景虎)

Historically: Uesugi Kagetora was the seventh son (sixth to survive to adulthood) of Houjou Ujiyasu, younger brother of Houjou Ujimasa, Houjou Ujiteru, Houjou Ujikuni, Houjou Ujinori, Houjou Ujitada, and older brother of Houjou Ujimitsu. His mother was the sister-in-law of Tooyama Yasumitsu, a vassal of the Houjou Clan (other sources say Zuikeiin, Ujiyasu's principle wife). It's likely that he and Houjou Ujihide were two different people and that Ujihide was the son of Houjou Tsunashige and living in Edo while Saburou was living in Echigo, so most historians refer to him as Houjou Saburou when describing his early life.

As a child, he was sent into the priesthood at Souun Temple in Hakone, then sent as hostage to Takeda Shingen of the Takeda Clan in the three-way alliance between Houjou, Takeda, and Imagawa formed in 1554 (though this last point is now in dispute, as it is told only in the Records of Ancient Battles of the Eight Kanto Provinces and recorded in none of the Takeda Clan records.)

He was adopted by his uncle Houjou Genan in 1569 and married Genan's daughter.

When the Houjou and Uesugi clans formed an alliance in 1569, Saburou was sent to Uesugi Kenshin in an exchange of hostages with Kakizaki Haruie. (At first, the hostage was set to be Houjou Ujimasa's third son Kunimasumaru, but Ujimasa could not bring himself to send off his son, who was then still a baby.) Saburou was sent to the Uesugi clan in early 1570. Kenshin, who never married, developed a liking for the handsome and intelligent Saburou. He married his niece Seienin, the daughter of Nagao Masakage and older sister of Nagao Akikage (Uesugi Kagekatsu) to Saburou, gave him the name Kagetora (a name that had once belonged to Kenshin himself), and adopted him into the Uesugi Clan.

When Kenshin died suddenly in 1578 without naming an heir, Kagetora and Kagekatsu, similarly adopted by Kenshin, fought for succession to the position of clan head (the Otate no Ran). Though Kagetora held the early advantage with the backing of Uesugi vassals such as Uesugi Kagenobu, Honjou Hidetsuna, Kitajou Takahiro, and the Houjou Clan, the tide of the battle turned with Takeda Katsuyori's betrayal to Kagekatsu's side.

When the Otate fell in 1579, Kagetora attempted to escape to Odawara Castle, but was betrayed at Samegao Castle by Horie Munechika and committed suicide. His wife committed suicide along with him (though there are also accounts that she remained behind at the Otate and committed suicide there when her brother Kagekatsu refused Kagetora's surrender.) His oldest son Doumanmaru died at the hands of Kagekatsu's troops along with Uesugi Norimasa, and the rest of his children were believed to have died along with their parents.

In Mirage of Blaze: He was born to Houjou Ujiyasu and Zuikeiin as their eighth (seventh to survive to adulthood) and youngest son. After his death in the Otate no Ran, he was charged by Uesugi Kenshin to become kanshousha in order to ensure that the peace of Japan is not disrupted by the onshou as the leader of the Yasha-shuu and the commander of the Meikai Uesugi Army.
’s fighting power had to count as a minus; why, then, did he have to be discarded?

“New Uesugi has said they will eliminate you, I believe. I heard you were told as much by Takemata. What will you do? Will you fight?”

“... I have to at least protect myself,” Takaya said, standing so abruptly that he startled Mitsuhide.

“Where are you going?”

“I thank you for looking after me. But I have no intention of siding with you. For now on, I will side with no one.”

“Do you intend to return to your comrades?”

“Comrades? What comrades?”

He couldn’t trust either Nagahide or Haruie. They were probably in communication with Kenshin. He could do nothing but hide, perhaps.

“Wait, Kagetora-dono,” Mitsuhide called out sharply. “Won’t you lend me your strength?”

Takaya stopped.

“We need power to defeat Oda. Won’t you lend us yours?”


“If you will cooperate with us, we have arrangements in place for sheltering you from Uesugi. Having you would give us heart. No, that’s not it.” Mitsuhide stated emphatically with grim determination: “I want you to become our leader.”


That surprised him, naturally. An expedient lie, he thought, but Mitsuhide looked serious.

“If I could, I would end this «Yami-Sengoku» as quickly as possible. I created the anti-Oda Alliance, but reconciling all the various commanders’ expectations is all but impossible. But if we do not consolidate our forces, we cannot match our adversary. I need a unifying force. Something that can weave together the hearts of these onshou.”

“...They have you.”

“I have not the disposition. It is a role for which I am unfit,” Mitsuhide said with clear-eyed rationality. His wise eyes regarded Takaya. “You have the qualities I lack. Your abilities are equal to a war with Lord Oda Nobunaga. And you are the former supreme commander of the Uesugi. You have ample reason to fight Kenshin; you have the necessary conviction. This alliance needs one who can transcend the interests of each separate army. We lack a force which will restrain and unite all the onshou of the alliance. They can trust you, for you are not swayed by self-interest. I wish you to be the standard-bearer of the anti-Oda Alliance, Kagetora-dono, and think with me on the source of the «Yami-Sengoku».”


“Kagetora-dono...” Mitsuhide paused to sort out his thoughts before continuing. “Have you never wondered why the onshou have gone berserk now, after four hundred years? Why the «Yami-Sengoku» erupted so recently? I wish to show you its source, Kagetora-dono.”

Takaya’s brow creased as he listened.

“I’ve wondered if the «Yami-Sengoku» was not roused by artificial means.”


“Yes. My tentative guess is that the responsible party is either Uesugi KenshinUesugi Kenshin (上杉謙信) Feb. 18, 1530 - Apr. 19, 1578

Also called: Nagao Kagetora (長尾景虎), Uesugi Masatora (上杉政虎), Uesugi Terutora (上杉輝虎)
Title: Kantou Kanrei (関東管領)

Historically: Fourth son of the noted warrior Nagao Tamekage, Kenshin wrested control of the Nagao clan from his brother Nagao Harukage and fought for control of Echigo Province. He accepted the name Uesugi Masatora when he gave refuge to his nominal lord, Uesugi Norimasa, and at his urging campaigned to push the Houjou out of the Kantou Region.

He adopted the name "Kenshin" when he became a Buddhist monk and a devotee of Bishamonten. The standard his army carried onto the battlefield bore the character 毘 ("bi") for Eight-Sword Bishamonten. He battled Takeda Shingen five times at Kawanakajima, as well as the Houjou and Ashina clans and Oda Nobunaga, whom he defeated despited being outnumbered. However, Kenshin died soon after the battle. He named his two adopted sons, Uesugi Kagetora and Uesugi Kagekatsu, his heirs, hoping that they would divide the Uesugi lands peacefully between them after his death.

In Mirage of Blaze: He became a god of war after his death, ascending from Nin Dou to Ten Dou, and established the Meikai Uesugi Army to ensure that the peace of Japan is not disrupted by the onshou. He named Kagetora as its commander.
or Oda Nobunaga.”

Takaya was shocked. He’d never even thought of such a thing before, and now it was thrust in his face.

“There’s no way...”

“I have felt for a long time that someone or something devised this battle. People who have been beneath the earth for four hundred years all roused to war. That in itself is an unnatural situation. There must be a starting impetus. What great power triggered the awakening?”

“You’re saying that...someone set up the «Yami-Sengoku» with some sort of purpose in mind?”

“I have no conclusive evidence.” Mitsuhide elucidated. “But if someone did do such a thing, I can think of no candidates other than Uesugi Kenshin and Oda Nobunaga. I don’t know the purpose. I do know that a situation in which so many spirits are used in futile battles cannot be ignored. It must be ended. I desire a like-minded comrade who is willing to search for a solution with me.”

“That’s the anti-Oda Alliance?”

“I have not spoken of this to them. You are the first,” Mitsuhide told him emphatically. “We also became the anti-Kenshin Alliance the instant he entered the war. I had only one reason for establishing this alliance: to find the source of the «Yami-Sengoku» and destroy that person. I believe that is the shortest path to ending the «Yami-Sengoku». I need a power which will bring this alliance together. I want you to be that power. What do you think, Kagetora-dono?” Mitsuhide asked.

His tone held no trace of childish eagerness; it was rational from beginning to end.

Takaya was silent as he carefully examined Mitsuhide.

The silence, which seemed like it might go on forever, was finally broken by Takaya. “Do I really seem such an optimist that I would simply go along with it?”


“I already told you I won’t enter into any alliance. I haven’t changed my mind.”

“You feel a sense of duty toward Kenshin? Loyalty carried too far makes one a fool.”

“That’s not why,” Takaya responded clearly. “The instant I ceased to be supreme commander, my bonds to both the Uesugi and the «Yami-Sengoku» were severed. So I will return to an ordinary life. I wish to return to Ougi Takaya’s life.”

“If you do, Naoe will hunt you down. As long as you are Uesugi Kagetora, the circumstances won’t allow you to sever your bonds—however much you want to. Therefore, Kagetora-dono, should you not engage your powers to end the «Yami-Sengoku»?”

“You overestimate me,” Takaya smiled darkly. “Try someone else. Uesugi Kagetora does not have the kind of power you hope for.”


“Otherwise I would not have been cast away,” Takaya said, and started to walk out of the room. Mitsuhide stopped him sharply.

“Then you’ll leave Kumamoto to its fate? You don’t care if many civilians die for the Ootomo and Uesugi?”

Takaya stopped.

“We also have a hostage. I suppose you don’t care about that either?”


“She’s a girl wearing a uniform very similar to Kagetora-dono’s; it has that exact same badge. If you leave, she will be killed. But you don’t care about that either, I suppose.”

Takaya’s eyes sharpened. Affixed to his standing collar was his school insignia and grade level. If she wore the same, then she was a junior at Old Castle High School.

Apparently feeling that he had scored a hit as he studied Takaya’s reaction, Mitsuhide added a little more calmly, “You can meet her if you want to confirm for yourself. Are you still prepared to leave?”

Takaya slowly turned and looked Mitsuhide in the face. Apparently not.

“Let me see her, then.”


It was fully dark when they went outside. Mitsuhide led Takaya to the stone burial chamber where Inaba Akemi was confined.

Takaya was surprised by the sight of Inaba Akemi sleeping within the sarcophagus. The colcothar from burning the yellow ocher of Aso kept Akemi sleeping soundly.

“Why did you take her?”

“To set the Miike family in motion,” Mitsuhide explained. "The Miike family has Asara-hime. Asara-hime can communicate intentions to Kihachi. She is also the only one who can suppress the unleashing of the Kihachi tribe’s onryou. Kihachi’s head is the «Yami-Sengoku» nuclear weapon. Even possessing it will strike fear into one’s enemy and serve to deter enemy attack. In this instance, its use is secondary. But to use it requires the controller: Asara. Without her there is no point. We know that Asara is a daughter of the
Miike family. Her older brother goes to Old Castle High School."

“Miike... Miike Tetsuya?!”

“You know him?”

Takaya was flabbergasted. Miike Tetsuya, the only ordinary student who was not haunted. He’d never have expected him to have this sort of connection to the «Yami-Sengoku».

“Kihachi’s head is apparently in the ruins of Sassa NarimasaSassa Narimasa (佐々成政) Feb. 2, 1536 - July 7, 1588

Also known as: Kuranosuke—nickname (内蔵助)
Titles: Mutsu no Kami, Ecchuu no Kami, Chamberlain

A daimyo of the Sengoku, born in Owari. His father was Sassa Morimasa. His two older brothers, Sassa Masatsugu and Sassa Magosuke, died in battle, so Narimasa became head of the clan and master of Hira Castle in 1560. He distinguished himself in the loyal service of Oda Nobunaga and fought in many of Nobunaga's battles. His name was first on a list for the Kurohoro-gumi, an elite group of Nobunaga's bodyguards.

In 1580, he backed Jinbou Nagazumi against both the Uesugi Clan and the Ikkou-ikki in Ecchuu, and was given half the province. The following year, he was named governor (Kami) of the entire province when Jinbou Nagazumi lost his standing. He made Toyama Castle his main castle and performed extensive repairs and renovations on it.

After Nobunaga's death in 1582, Narimasa continued to engage in fierce battles with Uesugi Kagekatsu. He took the side of Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobukatsu against Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but later surrendered to him in 1585 when Hideyoshi laid siege to Toyama Castle with 10,000 troops. He lost Ecchuu, but was given a fief in Higo in 1587 for merits in the suppression of Kyuushuu, along with instructions on refraining from hasty reforms. Ignoring those instructions because of illness or perhaps misunderstanding, Narimasa immediately set out on Hideyoshi's nationwide land survey, resulting in rebellion of the province. He was charged with misgovernment and committed ritual suicide.

He wrote the following as his death-poem: "The shell of my begging bowl in which I have placed the evil delusions of these recent days now breaks" (この頃の 厄妄想を 入れ置きし 鉄鉢袋 今破るなり).

Narimasa is said to have brutally killed his concubine, Sayuri, along with her family for a rumor of infidelity. The legend goes that Sayuri cursed him before she died, and the curse was responsible for his death at the hand of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

In Mirage of Blaze: He is kanshousha who has entered the «Yami-Sengoku» as one of the Oda's commanders, described as a tanned, fearless-looking young man, a "mountain cat in human skin." He and Mori Ranmaru don't appear to be on the best of terms. He later seeks his death at Sayuri's hands in remorse for the way he brutally tortured and killed her in their previous lives.
’s castle.” Takaya’s shoulders rocked slightly. “Old Castle High School, in other words. Did you and Kiyomasa know that?”

“I know of an object called the «Golden Serpent Head».”

“«Golden Serpent Head»...”

“It’s said to be the head of the eight-headed, eight-tailed serpent. Ootomo is trying to exhume it.”

“So it’s true. Ootomo has zeroed in on it as well.”

“But I don’t know if they know about Kihachi. They never regarded Miike Tetsuya as anything more than a problem child.”

“Careless fools. Be that as it may, there is danger in their obtaining it. Have you heard of their occupation of Old Castle High School?”

“Occupation? By the Ootomo?”

“They’ve packed it with the students, whom they have trained as the castle garrison. They appear to be brainwashed, but we couldn’t tell by what method.”

Demonic serpent, Takaya thought. The demonic serpents Mikuriya had implanted in the students had hatched. It had given them «power», transforming them into combatants and even a castle garrison.

“We must proceed to Kumamoto and recover it. I do not think the Shimazu army alone will be enough. If they receive assistance from the New Uesugi, it will present a problem. Kagetora-dono,” Mitsuhide said in a low voice, “I want you to come. To counter «choubukuryoku» with «choubukuryoku». No, you must come. If you do not want the hostage to lose her life.”

“Weren’t you going to exchange her for Asara?”

“The hostage won’t be exchanged—not until you promise to cooperate with us.” Takaya was silent. Though the words were threatening, there was no trace of coercion in Mitsuhide’s profile. “Think about it.”

Mitsuhide left him and walked out of the stone burial chamber. The glow of the light bulb went out. Takaya gazed at Inaba Akemi in the shaft of moonlight that pierced the chamber in its stead.

What should he do? He had to think.

(I have no choice...do I?)

He could only obey, he concluded, and was about to leave Inaba’s side when he saw out of the corners of his eyes the spot at the nape of her neck undulate—though she lay as still as death. Something was wriggling beneath her skin.

At he stared at it, it happened a second time, then a third.


He looked at it over his shoulder for a moment before finally turning on his heels and leaving the stone burial chamber.

A familiar man was waiting for him as he descended the incline outside: Kikkawa Motoharu. Takaya stopped and returned his gaze with lightly narrowed eyes.

“I am leaving for Kokura,” Motoharu said. “There’s been an uprising there. I do not think I should leave, but...it cannot be helped.”


Takaya was about to slip silently past when Motoharu said to him, “Naoe died at Hagi.” Takaya stopped dead. “The shock was so great that you placed an auto-suggestion on yourself.”


“Last night you were about to remember. You recognized the auto-suggestion. I hope you will reexamine those memories.”

Takaya didn’t turn toward him. He listened with his back turned. Motoharu said forcefully, “A miracle has happened.”

Takaya didn’t move.

“...” After a moment of silence, Takaya said in a low voice, “Thank you...”

He walked away.

Motoharu couldn’t see his reaction.

He remained silent. There was nothing more he could do.


  1. Um, actually, Honmyou Temple is northwest of Kumamoto Castle.
  2. “paranoia” is written here in katakana, but Sensei probably meant something else. Mania?