The sun began to sink towards the west.
A flurry of activity had descended on Kyougamine, the burial place of the Date family. The vassals and stewards of the clan moved back and forth in front of the Zuihouden
, finishing construction of the goma platforms in preparation for the ceremony.
“Huh, so they’re using a triangular ritual platform,” Chiaki remarked, looking at the two platforms being readied in front of him. “The ‘fire-wheel platform’ of exorcism rituals. The same ‘exorcism’, but on a major scale, huh? —Though it originally meant something a bit different,” Chiaki muttered, and turned to Takaya. “Kagetora. I think it’s about time we got ready, too. You okay?”
Takaya was seated, re-wrapping the bandage around his right hand. He seemed quite calm.
“I’m asking if you can use your «power».”
“...Yeah,” he responded, rising. “Well, guess we won’t know until the time comes, but I somehow feel like I’m taking back my body.”
“You’re pretty calm.”
The corners of Takaya’s mouth turned up in a smile.
“Is that how I look?”
Naoe came towards them, accompanied by Masamune. Two monks followed behind them.
“Kagetora-sama. Here are the honorable priests who will be conducting the ceremonies.”
Masamune followed with an introduction: “This is Choukai-dono, a Shugen Houin priest from Mount Haguro; likewise Keishun-dono. They both have ties to the Date.”
After exchanging greetings, Takaya asked, “I‘ve heard that ’Rendan-hou’ means performing two rituals at the same time, but can it really get rid of the curse on Sendai?”
The middle-aged monk, Choukai, answered Takaya’s question. “‘Tis quite true that ’Daiitoku’ and ‘Gouzanze’ will effectively combat the curses of Dakiniten. But in the end, it hath much to do with the potency of the caster’s spell. Though we will certainly give all that we can—”
There was no guarantee of success. If Mogami Yoshiyasu’s spells were stronger, then they would not be able to break the ‘kinrin no hou’.
“But we won’t necessarily come out on the losing end, either?”
“Quite right,” said the somewhat younger Shugen Houin gravely. Ayako and Yuzuru joined them from the opposite side.
“Kagetora!” Ayako stopped next to Takaya and reported, “Ashina Moriuji is maneuvering in Tokyo. He’s presented the ‘Transfer of the Capital Plan’ to the broad of directors of the party to start the debate. And it looks like acceptance of the plan here in Sendai City will be a sure thing. They’re seriously starting to move.”
“Do you know what Mogami...what Diet Representative Ueshima is up to?”
“He’s apparently been in Sendai since yesterday. He visited the prefectural office to meet with the governor in the morning, and is supposed to make an appearance at the special general meeting of the finance association tomorrow, so he’s probably still here.”
The corners of Takaya’s mouth tightened slightly as he returned Naoe’s gaze.
“It’s a good bet, then? This is probably a good chance for us, huh?”
“The Date are hardening their defense on the barrier points, so I think we can seal Mogami Yoshiyasu’s movements.”
Yuzuru said beside him, “But Mogami’s armored warriors will be making an appearance, so be careful.”
“Got it. ...?”
Suddenly noticing the change in expression on the faces of Masamune and company, Takaya asked doubtfully, “What’s wrong?”
“Uesugi-dono. This is...?”
“He’ friend, Narita Yuzuru.”
“Narita? He is not one of the Yasha-shuu? I had heard that there were five...”
“I guess it may look that way, but he doesn’t have anything to do with either the Uesugi or the «Yami-Sengoku». He has strong spiritual senses, so he’s been helping me out.”
“He hath no connection to you? Yet—”
For a moment Naoe and Chiaki tensed. Masamune’s sharp, perplexed single eye seemed to look through Yuzuru for an instant, but—
“...No, ’twas my imagination. Pardon me; ’tis naught of import,” he said, and turned his head. As Takaya was about to poke his nose in further, Keishun, who also seemed to have sensed something from Yuzuru, interrupted him.
“Uesugi-dono. Might we not be allowed to take charge of him?”
“This young sir. Judging by his appearance, he is no ordinary person, and indeed doth carry a great power concealed within him. With his aid, we may perhaps completely break through the ‘Dakiniten-hou’. Uesugi-dono, wilt thou not lend us this person’s strength? We must borrow his power!”
Takaya looked at Yuzuru, pressed by the force of Keishun’s appeal. Yuzuru only looked mystified.
“—so you say, but, Yuzuru.”
Yuzuru turned to Chiaki, then Naoe for their opinion with the air of someone quite at sea. —But both remained silent, looking grim. Yuzuru thought it over for a moment, then replied, “If I can be of help, then I’ll work with you. No, please let me help.”
Both priests assured him that they were much heartened, their expressions instantly brightening. Takaya, looking worried, asked, “Yuzuru, will you be all right?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t want to sit around doing nothing and end up being a bother to Naoe-san and everyone else.”
Takaya had to nod at that, but—did this mean that they had to use anyone with even a hint of power? He agreed reluctantly.
“Then we will begin the ceremony at sunset as we planned. Narita-dono will lend us his aid, and we will leave the tranquilization of the earth to ye.”
“All right. Sunset it is.”
“We will belike be entering battle from this point.” Masamune’s eye glinted solemnly. “Uesugi-dono, be thou prepared.”
“Yeah,” Takaya replied. Masamune nodded firmly at him. The three of them moved away towards the goma platform.
The goal of the Yasha-shuu would be to conduct the ceremony of earth-tranquilization at the five barrier points where the invocations of the dead had been performed. The ‘kinrin no hou’ fed upon the «power» of the spirits gathered by the invocations. So if they could cut off its energy source, its effect would drop drastically, thereby making the neutralization that much easier. They would use earth-tranquilization to neutralize the invocations of the dead and the power of Chiten to destroy the spell platform and purify the curse.
Naoe laid out their plan for confirmation:
“The earth-tranquilization will be accompanied by «choubuku», so we’ll move in two groups of two. Nagahide and Haruie will take the three points in the Miya and Teppou
neighborhoods as well as Komegabukuro
. Kagetora-sama and I will take Touhoku University
and Aobayama Tunnel
. Upon completion, return to Kyougamine and remain on standby; there will likely be an increase in activity from the Mogami onshou, so we will need to continue performing «choubuku» here. All right?”
Ayako complained, “Fine, but why do I have to go with Nagahide?”
“It’s a question of distribution of power. You’ll work most efficiently teamed with Nagahide.”
“Wh-why?! With this guy!”
“Well, my deepest apologies for being this guy,” Chiaki said with a straight face. He looked over at Takaya, who wore a rather fixed expression, probably from the tension. Chiaki slapped his cheek lightly with the back of his hand to call Takaya back to himself.
“We have great expectations of you, General-dono.”
“Humph.” Surprising calm, defiance gleamed in Takaya’s eyes. “You don’t have to tell me that.”
Chiaki was going to be taking his Leopard to the sites. He handed Naoe a tiny Japanese wooden doll from the driver’s seat.
“This is?”
“I’m giving this to you just to be sure. It calls Shoumen Kongou. It can’t do «choubuku», but can at least hold off malicious spirits. If Kagetora can’t use his «power», use this.”
Naoe closed his hand over the koppashin and nodded. “...Right.”
“But is it really all right to leave Narita here? Wouldn’t it be better to have him on hand?”
“No. We’ll doubtlessly be under intense attack while we’re performing the earth-tranquilization rituals, and quite honestly we won’t have the leisure to protect Yuzuru-san. Though he may have the bracelet, it’s better not to exposed him to more danger. Kyougamine is sacred ground, and we can trust the strength of the Date. If his power can be useful to them, it won’t be wasted.”
“... What burdensome baggage.”
“Rather late to be saying that. I don’t know how the curse neutralization’s going to go, so don’t let your guard down.”
“All right already.”
Ayako descended the stone stairs. She hurriedly got into the car and said to Naoe, “Preparations for the ritual are complete. They said that they’ll begin soon.”
“All right. We’ll be heading out as well. Where is Kagetora-sama?”
“With Lord Masamune. I think he’ll be here soon.”
A bonfire blazed in front of the Zuihouden. The Date’s commanders, wearing uniforms whose crest matched the one on the mausoleum, were stretched out along its perimeter. The goma platforms had already been prepared, and the ceremony could be started at any moment. Their master Masamune, seated at their center, told Takaya, “Now then. We shall leave the rest to ye.”
“Yeah. And we’ll leave things here to you.”
He looked at Yuzuru next to him. There was worry on his face. Takaya smiled comfortingly.
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry ’bout me.”
“Be careful. And don’t do anything rash.”
“Yeah. —Lord Masamune, please look after Yuzuru.”
“Aye, of course.”
Takaya turned on his heels. Naoe was waiting for him at the bottom of the flight of stone stairs.
The sun sank below the horizon.
Masamune watched Takaya as he disappeared down the path into the cedar grove, then proclaimed loudly, “We now commence the ceremony for neutralization of the ‘kinrin no hou’! Let us defend the Kyougamine barrier! Everyone, stand thy guard!”
“So the sun is fallen,” a young man standing in a veranda which opened into a rock garden with a small pond murmured slowly. Another young man within paused and turned at the sound of his voice. He was sitting in front of a Buddhist dais with a string of prayer beads in his hand in what appeared to be a small temple. The young man, who looked only twenty-five or twenty-six, was clad in the robes of a Buddhist priest and had a thick-browed, fearless face.
“Wouldst thou barter for more to the day?”
The young man in the veranda turned. It was Kousaka Danjou. “No. And you seem to like sitting in front of the Buddha, Yoshiyasu-dono.”
“In my previous life, I set mine eyes on the path of a servant of the Buddha. But in the end I was not suited.”
Kousaka looked at Yoshiyasu in his new vestments-clad spiritual vessel maliciously. Yoshiyasu didn’t bother to conceal his impatience at the inference from Date and Uesugi preventing him from completing the remaining barrier points. Though he had for the time being returned to this temple in the Aoba Ward , which served as his base.
“Cunning Date. If you have not had enough, then I shall give you another taste of the reach of Dakini’s koko.”
“Hoh, so you have some power remaining?”
“Thou—” Yoshiyasu flared up with unconcealed annoyance, “Thou hast not dealt with Uesugi’s Yasha-shuu at all! I gave thee information on Oda, did I not? Yet it seemeth to me that thou hast done nothing to them!”
Kousaka looked outside, feigning ignorance. “I came to your aid, did I not?”
“Dost thou truly plan to move against Uesugi? Or dost thou simply intend to break thy promise?”
“Put your mind at ease. I too lived in the Sengoku. I shall not break a promise once made.”
“Dost thou speak true? Dost thou truly intend to destroy the Uesugi?”
“You’re exceedingly repetitive, Yoshiyasu,” Kousaka retorted sharply, crossing his arms and looking up at the sky. The western sky burned red. —The day had ended.
At that moment.
Yoshiyasu’s sixth sense abruptly felt the ‘aura’ of Sendai City waver.
Accompanying the violent vacillation was a strong wave whose wavelengths resonated on a bizarre frequency. It roused a terrible feeling in Yoshiyasu.
“Wh...what was...” Yoshiyasu groaned, and Kousaka turned to him. Yoshiyasu was shaking in agitation, a hand pressed against his head. “ this...? What...what in the this?!”
Kousaka’s eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze directed suspiciously towards faraway Kyougamine.
(Looks like it’s started.)
The corners of his lips turned up in a small smile.
(Now. Show me your conquest of the foxes, Date Masamune.)
‘Gouzanze Myouou-hou’ and ‘Daiitoku Myouou-hou’ had begun at Kyougamine.
In the city of Sendai, a spell-battle of terrible proportions had commenced.
Chiaki’s Leopard arrived at the first barrier point, the collapse site in Miya Town . Ayako climbed out and murmured, looking up at the south-western sky, “So the Rendan-hou’s begun.”
“Would be nice if it went well, hmm? Anyway, let’s get going here, too.”
A gigantic pillar of light rose from the cave-in where the invocation of the dead had been performed as if to pierce the sky. It could not be seen by ordinary people. It was a pillar made of the enormous number of spirits drawn here.
“Hmm, looks like this is gonna be a challenge.”
They stepped within the roped-off area.
“OK. I’ll leave the «choubuku» to you, Nagahide.”
“Yeah, yeah. All you ghostly gents, this is nothing personal.”
A quiet shimmer rose from Chiaki’s body.
As they gathered their «power», the air around them shivered, warped by their aura. Ayako knelt on the ground. Chiaki formed the mudra of Bishamonten in front of his chest.
“All right! Here we go, Haruie!”
Two goma fires burned brightly within the Kyougamine grove. Choukai and Keishun each stood at a platform, and around them some thirty monks were gathered. Choukai would conduct the ‘Gouzanze Myouou-hou’, Keishun the ‘Daiitoku Myouou-hou’.
“On sonbanisonba un bazara un hatta on sonbanisonba un bazara un hatta—...”
“On shuchiri kyaro roha un kan sowaka on shuchiri kyaro roha un kan sowaka—...”
The monks chanted the two mantras in unison. Masamune and the other Date stood watching over them motionlessly. Nearby, Yuzuru silently looked on.
“On sonbanisonba un bazara un hatta—...”
“On shuchiri kyaro roha un kan sowaka—...”
A fathomless tension wove through the grove as the voices of the monks resounded in the darkness. The two oddly wavering fires danced in the air.
“Narita-dono...” Masamune called to Yuzuru, who stood frozen in place. Yuzuru’s forehead was damp with sweat. His face, illuminated by the blazes, looked terribly pale.
“Narita-dono. How dost thou?”
“...Ah...” Yuzuru turned as he returned to himself. He answered, flustered, “Ah... No, I’m sorry...I...”
Masamune stared at him fixedly, his single eye wide. Within Yuzuru’s body, a delicate change was taking place.
(What is...this?)
It was hard to breathe. His body was pulsating. Why? Was it because of the tension? No, this was something else.
The goma fires flickered. Purple flames.
“On sonbanisonba un bazara un hatta—...”
“On shuchiri kyaro roha un kan sowaka—...”
His throat was dry. Cold sweat gushed out of him.
(What’s happening...?)
Woosh—his field of vision suddenly contracted. The twin fires burned painfully into his eyes. Flickering flames. The mantras swirled and coiled within his mind. Then—
His body froze, seized by paralysis.
“Narita-dono?” Masamune asked, noticing.
He lost his balance, and his body crumbled heavily from his chair.
“! Narita-dono!”
Surprised, Masamune and the others held Yuzuru up. The pulsations were growing wilder and wilder. But Yuzuru could not move his numb body. His breaths came in painful gasps. Something was happening. The two mantras were wrecking havoc on Yuzuru’s body: that was certain. But this was...!
“Narita-dono. Please hold on, Narita-dono!”
Yuzuru’s body, hot as burning steel in his arms, startled Masamune. The two mantras appeared to be shaking to the surface something immense from the depths of his being.
(This is...!)
“It looks like the ceremonies at Kyougamine have begun.”
Takaya and Naoe had arrived at their site. This was where Takaya and that woman who manipulated the foxes—Yoshiyasu—had tangled a few days ago. It now looked completely different. Like the other barrier points, the spirits gathered by the invocation of the dead had created a gigantic pillar of light here.
“Is that thing all spirits? Pretty amazing, huh?”
“It is the might of the invocation of the dead. Our opponent is master of extremely strong spiritual powers.”
Takaya closed his mouth abruptly. Naoe said inquiringly, “Kagetora-sama?”
“Naoe. You met Kousaka, didn’t you?”
Takaya hesitated for a moment before continuing, “You said that Kousaka agreed to deal with us in exchange for information on Oda. Is that true? If it is, then...!”
Naoe wordlessly met Takaya’s gaze as Takaya turned. There was no need for him to speak. His eyes did not deny it.
“... I see,” Takaya said, biting his lip lightly. That night, the one who had attacked him—the one who had injured Kokuryou and caused the death of his wife was...
(That man—...)
Naoe looked at Takaya’s fists closing tightly on his hatred. Then he turned towards the pillar of spirits towering from the ‘platform’, the sternness returning to his face.
“Let’s begin. We don’t have the leisure to stand around.”
Naoe caught sight of Takaya’s eyes as he looked up—and gasped. Those eyes, sharp with resolve and authority— This was not the usual Takaya standing in front of him. His spoilt anger, the defiance that came from his immaturity, were nowhere in evidence. The will to fight, controlled by cool reason— This was without question an expression that could belong only to a valiant general of the Sengoku.
Long-unfelt intoxication surged through him. Oh yes. This was Kagetora. This was not the rebellious, immature youngster that he had to protect; this was the one whose leadership they followed, on whom they gambled their lives: their only master, Sengoku general Uesugi Kagetora.
Takaya, too, could feel the immense «power» swelling inside him. He, not Kagetora, felt it. This «power» that he had unconsciously demonstrated in the battle with Shingen, with Ranmaru, without even knowing to whom it belonged—he no longer doubted belonged to himself. Not to ‘Uesugi Kagetora’—him. Ougi Takaya no longer doubted.
This is ‘my’ power!
The power surged within him. The sense of completion filled every nook and cranny of his body. He understood. This was not the property of some fathomless stranger named Kagetora, but his. It was he, Ougi Takaya, who felt it now.
(I can do this!)
He would not cast away Ougi Takaya. As Ougi Takaya—he could fight with this incredible «power» as Ougi Takaya.
The surface of the pillar of light rippled slightly as if considering their auras. Naoe dropped to one knee and pushed his left hand against the ground. Takaya held out his right hand towards the pillar.
A flame-like aura surrounded both of them.
“Let’s do it, Naoe!”
“At your command!”
As he spoke, Takaya gathered «nenpa» into the palm of his hand and shot it towards the pillar—the opening strike of the battle!
A portion of the pillar was blown away by Takaya’s «nenpa». The pillar flew apart in all directions, and the spirits scattered into the air. They attacked Takaya and Naoe with immediate hostility. Naoe’s «goshinha» stretched like a net over the two of them.
“Kagetora-sama, now!”
“On beishiramandaya sowaka, on beishiramandaya sowaka!” Takaya’s eyes snapped wide. “Namu Tobatsu Bishamonten! For this demon subjugation, confer thy demon-vanquishing sword upon me!”
A violent plasmatic light blazed through the air. Those spirits touched by the shock were sent flying, trailing screams. The light enveloped Takaya with a terrible thunderous roar.
Light flashed from Takaya’s fists, and a vast power settled into his arms. A mass of heated light took shape within Takaya’s hands, still joined in the ritual gesture of Bishamonten. It stabilized in the blink of an eye and gained physical form.
The form was that of a sword: a genuine, superbly-forged katana whose cold blade released pale tendrils of light. Takaya understood. This object in his hand—yes. It was something that he alone could use. This sword was conferred only upon the general of the Meikai Uesugi Army. He had without a doubt been given Bishamonten’s own power of «choubuku».
(The Sword of Bishamonten...!) Naoe stared with widened eyes. Takaya’s «power» had now been completely resurrected.
“Here I come, onryou!” Takaya shouted, brandishing the sword. Fussing over names was pure pretentiousness now. Whether Takaya had made himself ‘Kagetora’ or Kagetora had made himself ‘Takaya’—in that instant.
The onryou attacked en-mass. Takaya swung the sword savagely. Ghosts disappeared wherever the sword touched, swallowed up by its blade. The Sword of Bishamonten was a sword of exorcism; any spirit it cut into was sent to the next world.
“What are you doing, Naoe! Hurry up and start!” Takaya yelled. In response Naoe gathered ‘energy’ into his left hand and began the earth tranquilization.
“On sarabatataagyata hanna mannanau kyaromi—...”
What he now used was the original earth-tranquilization method created by the Uesugi based on the mantras of secret Buddhist teachings. He chanted each mantra in succession; his true objective of summoning Chiten took some time and considerable concentration. Consequently, the devotee was (essentially) helpless against the physical world, and needed a master of defense who could watch his back.
The countless number of ghosts who had formed the pillar attacked simultaneously, giving Takaya no time for breath as he cut them down with the Sword. An extremely intense battle.
Takaya surrounded Naoe with a protective «goshinha» while slashing the accursed ghosts apart. The ghosts disappeared wherever the Sword tore into them, but more ghostly soldiers stood behind him as he turned!
“ (bai)!” he shouted, forming the ritual gesture with his left hand. The air rent apart and sucked the spirit soldiers inside.
(Dual wielding...?!)
In the next moment, the rubble under his feet exploded, blasted apart by the onryou’s «nenpa».
The onryou dancing in the air launched their «nenpa» at Takaya.
Takaya dashed away, pulling the attacks with him. He blocked the «nenpa» coming at him with a «goshinha», and the next volley and the next shattered with violent blasts of plasmatic light on his shield.
“This how you wanna play?”
The air at Takaya’s feet warped and rumbled. Countless pieces of rubble, large and small, rose into the air.
“Take this!”
The rubble shot towards the onryou, eliciting countless hoarse screams. Takaya strengthened the «goshinha» around Naoe as they flinched away. Then he cut down the spirits pressing up against his back with the Sword of Bishamonten and scattered the spirits attacking Naoe with his «nenpa».
Naoe continued to chant intently as his poured his «power» into the ground.
“Noumakusamanda bodanan harachibiei sowaka, noumakusamanda bodanan harachibiei sowaka—...”
He could feel power like an electric current flowing through his left hand where it pressed against the ground. The protector-deity of the earth was quickening. Chiten was awakening.
The onryou poured their «nenpa» upon Takaya with still more ferocity. The rubble attacked him. A wild squall blew up a cloud of sand that stole away his field of vision. Takaya blasted his «nenpa» into it blindly.
(I can’t see a goddamned thing in this!)
The onryou took advantage of the chinks in his defense. Raging spirits grazed against his shoulder, and something blade-like sliced down his flank.
A sharp pain ran down his side as his clothes tore. Gritting his teeth against it, Takaya raised dagger-edged eyes.
“Don’t fucking screw around with me!” he spat, and swung the Sword of Bishamonten. The onryou shot towards him like arrows.
With an electric sizzle, the Sword of Bishamonten lengthened like a laser sword to mow down the onryou. But it was totally impossible for one person to end this!
“How much longer, Naoe!” Takaya shouted urgently after casting «ressa-choubuku» on the spirits. Naoe continued to chant with his eyes closed. Chiten’s power boiled up from the earth.
“Noumaku samanda bodanan harachibiei sowaka. Noumaku samanda bodanan harachibiei sowaka...”
Naoe’s eyes snapped open.
The ground began to rumble. Chiten had awakened. The rumbling of the earth was evidence of Chiten beginning to break apart the spell’s ‘platform’. A refreshing ‘energy’ swelled up from beneath and enveloped Naoe and Takaya. Chiten had begun to cleanse the earth sullied by the curse with her purifying powers. This was Chiten’s curse-suppressing ritual.
Chiten began to disperse the invocation of the dead.
“All right! That’s two problems solved in one stroke!”
Takaya thrust the Sword of Bishamonten into the ground. The powers of Chiten and Bishamonten fused. The sword glowed with an intense light. The countless onryou darted about, trying to escape. Naoe and Takaya formed the mudra of Bishamonten simultaneously.
“ (bai)!”
The air around them froze. Several thousand spirits had been temporarily «bound»; they chanted in unison, “Noumakusamanda bodanan baishiramandaya sowaka!”
Walls enclosed the spirits in all directions. The energy gathered in their fists swelled into a sphere of light in an instant.
“Namu Tobatsu Bishamonten! For this demon subjugation, lend us thy power!”
Plasmatic light shot out from their hands as their «power» reached its peak.
They cried out at the same time, “«Choubuku»!”
In the next instant—
A flash of light swallowed everything!
Naoe stood as quiet returned to the ruins once more and turned to Takaya.
“That’s one down.”
The invocation of the dead had been dissolved. Takaya pulled the Sword of Bishamonten from the ground and shouldered it. The spirits, exorcised in one fell swoop, perhaps, had all disappeared with the «choubuku» light.
“Huh, that wasn’t bad. It didn’t take that much out of me.”
“I shouldn’t have asked Haruie and Nagahide to do three sites, then. Your way is probably more efficient.”
Takaya eyed the brightly-flashing Sword of Bishamonten.
“But why doesn’t this thing have a scabbard? Won’t we get arrested by the police for walking around with a naked sword?”
“I did not think that you would have awakened thus far either,” Naoe smiled wryly. “Let’s do some preparation for the next location. But that sword can only cut into spiritual bodies, so we’re quite safe.”
Takaya returned his gaze. “Then let’s hurry and get to the next site. Mogami will be making his moves when he notices us.”
“True enough. Since we don’t want to use «power» at an awkward place. Let’s go.”
They departed.
The rituals at Kyougamine progressed steadily.